~Chapter 6~

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Present time ~ Betty's POV ~ 8 February 2019 ~ 11 am

After entering the Southside and reaching Jughead and his fathers trailer in waited a little in front of the door.

I lifted my arm, made my hand a fist and held it against the door. I took a few deep breaths and then knocked.

Voices were audible on the inside, it made me even more nervous then I already was.

Not long after I knocked the door opened. It revealed Jughead, his eyes widened and he almost choked in his breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked after he stopped coughing.

"Always", he smiled. "Betty..wha..what are you doing here?"

"I'm back", I smiled.

"Can I hug you?" He then asked, opening his arms.

"Always", I answer and wrapped my arms around him.

"I missed this...", I whispered.

"I missed you", he whispered back.

Then I heard footsteps coming closer in our direction. Both Jughead and I pulled out the embrace at the same time as we heard someone say, "Who are you talking to boy?"

"Hi Mr. Jones", I smiled lightly.

"Betty hey, didn't expect to see you today. How are you?" He looked surprised, which was normal in this case.

"I'm good", I answered.

I saw Jughead looking at the plastic bag I had in my hand. "Umh I had breakfast at pops so I brought you guys some burgers", I told them while handing Jughead the bag. "I hope you haven't eat yet", I added.

"I didn't and as you know I'm always craving pops burgers", he laughed.

I guess I had missed his laugh the most, I couldn't imagine not hearing that for three year. But it happened though.

FP put on his leather jacket, "I'm heading to the Wyrm, nice to see you Betty. Jughead you come later right to help me with the gouhlie business?" He asked.

"Yes", Jughead answered.

"Gouhlie business?" I asked confused as Fp had shut the door close.

"It's hard to explain, you just need to know that the serpents are no longer cowards", he replied and looked proud.

Before I left, the serpents were an innocent gang that let woman strip and pool dance on stage on weekend nights. Back then a guy called Chic was the leader, I didn't really knew him but Jughead used to complain about him a lot.

I don't know who the leader was now but I sounds like there was another one. And about those 'Gouhlies', I never heard that word before.

Jughead sat down on the kitchen table and I went to sit across him. "Do you want a burger too?" He asked after he opened the bag.

"No thank you", I smiled.

Then there was a silence, only the sound of Jughead biting his burger was audible. I started fidgeting my fingers since I was super nervous.

"I guess you want answers", I said after a while.

Jughead looked up, "I would like that, yes"

"Okay....Ask me anything you want I'll be honest", I said.

"Why did you leave?" He asked, I know he was gonna ask this but I couldn't tell him yet.

"I can't answer that", I said quietly and looked down at the table.

"You said I could ask you anything"
"Betty look at me", he added as I didn't answered and still looked at the table.

I slowly lifted my head, "Ask me anything...anything but not why. I get that you're mat at me but I need time"

"Where did you go?" He asked, unwrapping another burger.

"New York", I said quick. "I stayed with Katy, she's Veronica's friend", I added as I saw the worried expression on his face.

"Who knows that you're back?"

"Umh my parents, Archie, Veronica and Kevin...oh and all the people who saw me in pops"

"Oh so I'm literally the last person you tell?!"

"I only came back yesterday, I...I wasn't ready and I didn't want to make you mad"

"I'm sorry for raising my voice like that", he apologized. Then he stood up and threw the pops bag in the trash.

I stood up too and walked towards the door. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I probably should go home, I mean I thought you needed to go to the White Wyrm", I said.

"That's right but I have another twenty minutes", Jughead told me and walked into the small living room. He sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him.

I sat next to him, not knowing what do to or say next. "What about us? I mean I get it if you want to hold some distance between us", he said looking at me but I looked forward.

"I still love you Jug but I wasn't sure if you felt the same way because it's been three years...."

"I never stopped loving you", he whispered.

I turned my face and my eyes immediately met his, "I know Veronica told me you didn't moved on and you had faith in me, faith that I would come back"

"So we're still Bughead?" Jughead asked, bringing his face closer to mine.

I nodded, he was now so close our foreheads almost touched each other.

"If I'd be honest, sometimes I wasn't sure if I still could call you mine", he whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, I also moved my head farther away.

"Three years is enough time to find yourself a new boyfriend", he explained.

I cupped his face with me hands and smiled at him. "I never stopped loving you too, I mean it I didn't cheat"

"And you're not leaving anytime soon right?" Jughead then asked.

"I'm not leaving anytime soon", I confirmed.

He finally leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I was a little shocked since I wasn't sure if he was more happy that I was back or more mad.

But once his lips met mine I knew the answer on that question and kissed him back. It wasn't a long kiss but it was enough to start our relationship with again.

"I want to do something fun together", he said.

"I am free tomorrow", I suggested.

"Tomorrow it's Monday we have school remember that starts on Mondays", he joked.

I sighed and pointed at him, "Unfortunately only you have school, I'm not coming back"

I really wanted to finish school and graduate with all my friends but I don't have time, I had a daughter who needed all of my attention.

I felt bad that I couldn't tell him the truth. "I don't have time for high school dramas, studying for the SAT's and another things....I need time to figure my life out", I told him.

"Okay, I get that I really do", he replied.

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