~Chapter 25~

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Present time ~ Betty's POV ~ 14 March 2019 ~ 5 AM

Jughead asked me about the scar, he suspected that I was keeping something secret. "Come on Betty, the last time I saw your belly was when we had sex three years ago. You didn't had that scar"

He was getting mad so I had to tell him now or I'd loose him. "I have no idea how to explain", I said softly.

"Just start from the very beginning we both couldn't sleep anyway", He said and sat on the edge from her bed.

I sighed and looked down at my hands, they were shaking and sweaty. "This scar is from three years ago from the c-section, it got infected that's why it's still visible", I explained.

"Wait what? You have a c-section when you're preg-..." he tried to say but I cut him off, "I was pregnant", I whispered and turned away from him.

"Betty come on", he said and laughed afterwards.

My eyes became watery and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Betty just tell me the truth"

I turned around and gave him a dead stare, "YOU THINK IM FUCKING LYING?!" I then yelled.

"Wait so it's true?" He asked in complete shock.

"Of course it is, why do you think I'm here right now?" I cried.

"This all has to do with it!?"

"Malachi wants his child back", I said.


"Yes he-..." My arms flew around his neck and I started to cry really loudly on his shoulder. "P..please Jughead be...believe me", I begged.

"Hey hey I do believe you", He whispered and rubbed my back.

I cried for a few more minutes and then when I had calmed down I pulled out of the embrace and started explain.

"Malachi and I had sex", I said as quiet as possible, "I promise you Jug I didn't wanted it, I mean it"

He grabbed both of my hands because they were still shaky. "I believe you...tell me what happened"

"He...he said he needed my help with so...something but once at his house he started to do stuff I didn't liked", I sobbed.

"Oh baby I'm so so sorry", he said.

"Later I found out I was pregnant"

"But why did you left so suddenly?"

"I was to scared to tell anyone and there was no way I was getting an abortion"

"So I'm not a dad?", he asked jokingly.

"Not genetically, but neither is Malachi, I'll try to let him believe that you are the father. Only if you want that ofcourse"

"Betts I need to progress this and then I'll think about it", he replied.

"I understand", I nodded.

"Juggieeee", I whined after wiping away my tears. "Can you please come lay with me?"

"Always you know that"

I moved to the side and lay in his arms, he then pulled up the duvet and I fell asleep not long after.

"Hey love wake up, they brought you some food", Jughead whispered.

I looked at the plate with food and then snuggled closer to Jugheads body. "I'm not hungry", I pouted.

"You have to eat something", he said and got out of bed. He grabbed to plate a put it on my lap.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Just a little bit sore and headache but not as bad as yesterday", I answered.

"That's good to hear"

"When can I go home?"

"I'm not sure I'll ask the nurse", Jughead answered as he jumped into jeans. "I'm going to get myself a croissant or something I'll be right back", he said and left.

We ate our food together in my bed and asked the nurse when I was able to go home, she said if I was doing good I could go home in two days.

"Can we continue our conversation from last night?" Jughead asked. I was sitting straight up in my bed and Jughead sat in the armchair next to it.

"Sure, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a girl", I smiled, I loved talking about my little girl, I missed her a lot but I didn't wanted her to see me in here.

"Little Betty", he said.

"Yea she does look like me a lot, you wanna see a picture?" He nodded his head so I grabbed my phone and showed him a picture.

"Her name's Kaylee", I added.

"Why Kaylee?"

"I'm not sure, when I saw her for the first time it felt like Kaylee was perfect for her"

"Betty she's so beautiful", Jug said and handed me back my phone.

"I'm so glad I finally told you", I told him.

"I'm glad you feel better now, but I really want to meet her", he smiled.

"Really!?" I squealed excited.

"Of course"

"Once I'm allowed to go home you can meet her", I promised him.

The rest of the day was just chilling and doing nothing, though I had to help Jughead with some math exercises.

He normally needed to go to school today and the upcoming days but he told Mr. Honey and he was okay with doing his work in the hospital while he stayed by my side.

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