1-A Coven's mate

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Mates. Many believe their soulmates are out there, that with one look they will see their future, they will know they are destined to be with this person forever. Others don't believe in soulmates, that you must love them because of who they are, not because of a 'look'. But when you are a vampire, it's different. You do have a mate. A true mate. This was the case for the Cullen's. Alice had Jasper, Esme had Carlisle, and Rosalie had Emmett. Edward had Bella. But each coven had a shared mate. The true mate of all the coven. One of the coven is their true mate, they are destined to be with them forever, like a soulmate. The rest of the coven are their protectors, their friends, brothers, sisters and parents. The coven's mate is the most important thing in the world to a vampire, and if any other vampire harms them, that vampire will be killed immediately. 

There has only been one coven in the world to ever find their true mate. Aro's coven found their mate in a small human girl, only 15 years old. They took her in of the streets, and helped her back to recovery. The had no intention to turn her, as her blood appealed to none of the coven. It wasn't in her desire to be turned, therefore the coven didn't. Aro was her true mate, and their relationship was the purest of them all. When the young girl, now a young woman, turned 20, she asked to be turned. The coven said no, explaining why there was no need to do it. The woman would age normally, and live a normal life. When she died, she would age backwards to the age she met the coven, or a member of it. In her case, she would be 15. This way she could experience life at the fullest, aging like a normal person would. She accepted this, and carried on with her normal life. However, just before her 21st birthday, werewolves, or children of the moon, attacked the coven. Only three survived, Aro, Marcus and Caius. They had all lost their mate that day, along with their coven mate. They formed the Volturi, which would rule overall vampires, and demanded that all children of the moon to be destroyed. The set the vampire laws in place, along with the law no vampire would harm a coven's true mate, they all knew how much pain it caused. Every vampire obeyed these laws, though no coven has ever found their true mate ever since Aro. It killed the Volturi, who although no longer had their true mate, wanted to see at least one coven happy. For years they waited, but not one coven found true happiness. So they just had to keep on waiting.

A.N- I only own Sophia Swan and Luise, all other characters belong to Stephanie Myers. Enjoy!

I am in the process of editing this story as it is really bad, so please be patient and if things don't work, don't hesitate to tell me! Thank you for all the feedback!

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