5-A new friend

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Rosalie doesn't say anything, staring at Sophia in shock. 

"You're her younger sister," Rosalie repeats slowly. Sophia nods, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Rosalie was best friends with Bella, surely she wouldn't want to hang around Sophia. 

"You're joking right. You can't be sisters with Bella," Rosalie says, shaking her head in denial. 

"I am," Sophia sighs, refusing to meet Rosalie's eyes. 

"Friends?" Rosalie questions the young girl. Sophia looks up in shock, Rosalie wanted to be friends with her. She hadn't had a real friend, unless you counted Luise, since she was 11. Everyone who claimed to be her friend just wanted her money.

"Friends," Sophia confirmed. The biggest grin covers Rosalie's face, as she happily chats to Sophia on their way to the last lesson of the day. 


"Thanks for today Rosalie, I'll see you tomorrow?" Sophia asks her shyly. 

"Of course you will," Rosalie hugs Sophia before going over to her family, all of whom are shocked. Was Rosalie Hale actually being nice to someone? 

Sophia jumps in her car and drives away, waving to Rosalie on her way. Once she gets back home, she flops on the couch and grabs her phone, ringing Bella.

"Hey Bells, is dad home?" Sophia asks her.

"How many times, it's Bella, and no he's at work and I'm with MY boyfriend, so you're slutty ass can leave me alone and do something else." Bella declares before hanging up. Sophia looks at the wall in shock. Yes, she has had worse from Bella, but never in front of people. She probably just had a bad day, Sophia decided before going and pulling on her costume and jumping in the pool.


"It was my ex-best friend," Bella told Edward, she didn't need everyone leaving her for her sister. She had been lucky enough to not have Sophia ruining her life already, and it needed to stay that way. It seemed Bella had forgotten Edward could hear her from miles away. Edward hums as they pull up to the Cullen's house, both entering calmly. 

"Bella, how are you? Can I get you anything to eat?" Esme asks the young girl. Bella smirks, this was the attention she craved, with Sophia in the town she wasn't getting any attention. 

"No, I'm fine," Bella tells Esme as Edward drags her to the room with her siblings, in which Rosalie seems to be telling them something important.

"Bella, hey," Alice says happily to the young girl, Bella resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

"Hello Alice, what were you all talking about?" Bella asks innocently, she needed to know everything she possibly could if she was to be immortal.

"Oh nothing, just how Sophia is your sister," Rosalie waves her off. Bella freezes in her tracks. That bitch. How dare she tell!

"How did you know?" Bella glares at Rosalie, all signs of innocence gone. Rosalie glares back twice as hard before removing her phone from her pocket and ringing someone. 

"Hey Sophia," Rosalie says, Bella becoming angrier and angrier by the minute.

"Do you want to come round?" Rosalie asks her happily, yet still managing to glare at Bella. At hearing what Bella assumed was Sophia's answer, her scowl grew and she muttered a bye before hanging up. 

"Do you know what she said?" Rosalie asks Bella innocently, Emmett having to restrain her from pouncing on Bella.

"Probably hung up running or whatever she does," Bella responds snarkily, "Or talking to that weirdo Lucy, or whatever her name is." If looks could kill, Bella would be six feet under with the glare Rosalie was giving her.

"She said no, because Bella was probably over here and Bella has had a bad day. Bella needs some time without family so Sophia will stay home," Rosalie says to her, Bella smirking at her. 

"Come on Edward, let's leave Rosalie to calm down," Bella says to her supposed 'mate'. Edward was torn, he felt a need to pound Bella's head in to protect his mate, but he eventually let himself be pulled away from his family. 

"Stupid girl," Bella mutters as she passes Esme and Carlise, before reaching Edwards room. Nothing was going to stop Bella reaching immortality, not even Sophia.

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