7-The German shifters

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The boys turned pale, all colour draining from their faces. Even Emily looked like she was about to throw up, and she wasn't even a shifter. 

"What are you on about?" Jacob stuttered, playing dumb.

"I want to know why you are all shifters," Sophia said again, looking at each boy in turn, Leah and Seth had already left for home.

"How do you know what we are?" Jared questioned, narrowing his eyes at the girl in front of him.

"How about you tell me how you're all shifters and I'll tell you how I know?" Sophia glared, the boys agreeing immediately. Sophia takes a swift seat, the boys following her actions. 

"Where do we start?" Jacob asked, fiddling with his hands in his lap, it was a nervous habit of his he did. 

"How about at the beginning?" Sophia prompted, looking at Sam. 

"Very well," Sam said, "I transformed first. Because of that, I was stumbling around for weeks, as there was no other wolf in the mind link. The elders had lost their ability to shapeshift when the reservation no longer needed protecting by them, or when they had gotten too old. Billy was the only one to lose his due to an accident. When Harry Clearwater found me, he helped me shift and took me straight to the elders. They explained that the legends were true, and that I had too break up with Leah, as it was dangerous as I hadn't imprinted on her. I went round to her house and told her it wasn't working out. Her cousin, Emily, was there at the time and dragged me away from Leah, who was now crying. She took me outside and I imprinted on her. She slapped me and I accidentally phased, causing the scratches down her face. I was so scared that I ran off. Emily got treated and the elders explained what happened. I thought she was going to be mad at me but she accepted it and we got together. A few weeks later, Jared phased, and I helped him through the mind link. He imprinted on Kim. Paul phased next, the angry hot-head he is. Rumours went round we were a cult, no thanks to Jacob and Embry. Embry phased next, followed by Jacob and then Quil. They haven't imprinted on anyone yet. Then when Harry was out looking with Chief Swan for us, though Chief Swan thought it was bears, Leah accidentally phased in front of him. We didn't know girls could phase, and it gave Harry a heart attack. This caused Seth to phase and Harry died later that day. Bella knows about us too thanks to Jake, but other than that everything is peachy." By the end of Sam's story Sophia was silent as she processed the information, which made the boys worry. 

"How big are your wolves?" she whispered slowly. Sam seemed taken aback by this question but answered none the less. 

"Bigger than your normal wolf," he said confidently. 

"So little Swan," Paul teased, "How do you know about our kind?" Sophia took a breathe before answering. 

"I found out by accident," Sophia started slowly, "My competition had been cancelled that day, and I was going for a walk in the woods. It had been cancelled because of the snow, so the woods were especially beautiful that day. I was in the middle of the woods when I saw a wolf turn into a man. Obviously I had no clue what was going on so I screamed. After all, it's not everyday you see a wolf man. He saw me and ran over. I was in shock so he took me back to their 'base'. Their was only three of them, but they were all really nice. Jonas, the alpha, explained what they were. Shapeshifters. They had all imprinted, but only Elias had a child. A girl. She had only been born a few days before, and they decided to name her Emmeline. Emily for short. Leon was the final shapeshifter in their group. He was really kind and gentle, and helped explain to me what exactly they did. They protected there area from bad things, or bad people like criminals. Over the next few weeks they taught me all about their kind, how to spot them, and how not to anger them. A few weeks before I came back to Forks however, something attacked them. They were all killed, including their imprints. Young Emily made it out alive but died later in hospital. I was devastated, and that made me worry about Bella and dad, so I came back." Sophia finished her story, and the boys were gaping at her. Sophia chuckled sheepishly and grinned.

"Well, what can I say? I'm a master at finding out secrets."

"That you are," Jacob laughed, "That you are." 

That night, Sophia ate with the pack, liking how they treated her as a normal person. The pack had originally thought she was going to be like Bella, selfish and horrible, but she turned out to be a really nice girl. She bid her farewells before going home. 

What a day.

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