11-Dealing with Bella

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"Hey Eddy," Sophia says, sitting down on the couch next to him. Luise was with Jacob, after he had imprinted on her the day before, she had wanted to get to know him.

"How long until Bella arrives?" Sophia asks Edward gently. 

"About 20 minutes," Alice answers dreamily, Jasper placing a hand around his mate's waist. 

"Soph," Rosalie screams, attacking her in a hug, Sophia giggling at her. 

"Hey Soph," Emmett greets, also pulling her into a hug. 

"Emmett, I can't breath," she puffs, Emmett letting go immediately. The next 15 minutes or so go extremely slow for them all, wondering how Bella is going to react. 

"I can smell her," Rosalie grimaces, wrinkling her nose. Sure enough, there is soon a pounding at the door, and Esme goes to greet the young girl.

"Bella," she greets coldly, hearing about all the nasty things she had said to Sophia. Bella was taken aback, where was her warm greeting? Where was the asking if she wanted any food?

"Is Edward in?" Bella says sweetly, trying to give off the most innocent impression possible. Esme obviously saw right through her act. Bella didn't wait for an answer as she stepped into the house. 

"So where is Edward?"

"In the living room," Esme pointed Bella in, who almost ran to Edward. 

"Edward," she yells, running to him and kissing him sloppily on the lips. 

"Isabella, can we talk?" he asks her, trying not to wipe any essence of the girl of his body. The rest of the Cullen's and Sophia were trying not to laugh at Edwards facial expressions. 

"Sure Eddy," Bella said, ignoring everyone else's presence in the room. Edward proceeded to tell her what Rosalie told Sophia, hoping Bella understood what he was on about. 

"Do you understand?" he asked her, looking at Bella's grinning face.

"Yes, I do, I am the coven mate and your true mate. Which means I can officially kick Sophia out of the town and you can threaten to kill her if she doesn't do it." Bella said confidently, looking at the Cullen's with a grinning face, and shooting Sophia a glare. 

"Umm, no Bella. Sophia is the coven mate," Edward said awkwardly, refusing to meet Bella's eyes.

"WHAT?!" she shrieks, the Cullen's having to cover their ears due to sensitive hearing. 

"Yeah, I'm so sorry, I didn't, I thought you were my mate but you were only my blood singer, Bella, you have to leave, I'm sorry." Bella sinks to the floor and pulls her knees up to her chest. Sophia heart gives a jolt as she realises Bella is crying. 

"You promised, I dropped everything for you. I stopped speaking to Jacob, kept secrets from my dad. You promised you'd always be there," Bella sobs, her mascara running down her face. 

"Bella, I know, I know, I'm so sorry but you have to understand. You're blood appealed to me, I thought you were my mate. Please," Edward begs, kneeling down next to Bella. 

"Why did you summon me here then?" Bella cries, "To kill me? Break my heart even more?" Edward looks heart-broken as he begins to explain to Bella what they had to do to her. 

"Bella, we have to take your memories of us and the shifters. We can't have you going round telling everyone what we are. It's not fair. I promise it will be painless, and we'll put you in your bed straight afterwards." Bella lets out another sob and her body shivers. 

"Please don't," she pleads, grabbing onto Edward's shirt, "Let me keep the memories, I won't tell anyone. Please, I just need to know you did exist, that I didn't waste my teenage years. Edward please, this is the one thing I ask of you." Edward looks around to his family helplessly. Bella's face is red and blotchy, her skin pale. 

"Let her keep them," Alice whispers, "It's only fair to grant her one thing she wants in life." Sophia doesn't voice her agreement like the rest of the Cullens, it isn't her place to say, she's not a vampire yet. 

"But if we get wind you've told anyone," Rosalie snarls, "We'll kill them  and then you, painfully." Bella gulps and nods, before giving one last hug to Edward and coming over to Sophia. 

"I still hate you," she whispers softly, before she departs the house, her head held high. She would be okay. 

"I love you too," Sophia whispers back, even though she knows Bella can't hear her.

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