6-A visit to an old friend

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Sophia wakes up on the weekend with a puropse. She takes her usual morning swim, before having a bit of toast and sprinting out of the door. She drives a similar route down to La Push, aiming to find some old friends. She was worried, there was no doubt about that, what is they didn't like her anymore, what if they hated her? She pulled onto a familiar drive and jumped out of her car. She made her way to the front door before freezing. She felt bile rise in her throat before finally tapping on the door with a soft knock. A young girl opened the door, peering down at Sophia. She was very pretty, despite the three scars stretching down her face. Sophia knew it was rude to stare, so turned her attention to the question on the tip of her tounge.

"Hello, my name is Sophia, I was wondering if Sam Uley was in?" Sophia whispers, now wishing she hadn't come at all.

"No, but he should be back any minute," the kind girl said, "Do you want to wait for him?" Sophia nodded and tentiavley stepped into the house. It was very beautiful, much prettier than Sophia's house. 

"Emily Young," the girl introduced herself, "Cookie?" Sophia nodded excitedly and gulped them down. 

"Sophia," Sophia said, "These cookies are amazing by the way!" Emily smiled at Sophia just as a group of about 8 boys stumbled through the door. The one at the front came up to Emily, peppering kisses all over her face, before finishing on her lips. 

"Good to see you too Sam, this is Sophia, she came to see you," Emily giggled. Sam turned to face Sophia and his face twisted into one of confusion, the other boys looking on at the display. 

"Do I know you?" Sam asked Sophia, and Sophia's heart broke. Sam had been her very best friend before she left for Germany, they did everything together. People used to mistake them for brother and sister, which in a way they were. Despite the few year age gap, they had the strongest bond Sophia had ever known her to have to someone. Seeing Sam just forget her as quick as that, made Sophia almost cry. But it also made her want to rip him into little pieces.

"'Do I know you?' Gee I wonder if you know me," Sophia spits out, rage evident on her face, "It's not like we did everything together. It was you and me. But of course you don't remember that. It was you that helped me when mum and dad divorced. It was you who helped me when mum and Bella moved to Pheonix. It was you who helped me when I was torn between staying with mum, and living here with dad. It was you who helped me when Bella turned away, saying I hated my mum. It was you who didn't respond to my letters, even though I sent them every week. It was you who didn't care when I visited, I passed you once and you gave me a strained smile. It was you who didn't listen when I left, saying you hated that I was going. So, I can't believe you have the nerve to forget me, when in reality I should be the one forgetting you!"

The boys had retreated into a corner during her speech, but Sam stood his ground, glaring at her. 

"If you really had done all that, I would remember you," he ground out, Emily placing a hand on his shoulder, looking at the exchange worriedly. 

"I did all that Sam, and more. It was you who didn't do a thing, I admit, I should have visited more, but I couldn't, the routine was hard and tiring," Sophia yelled, fury blazing in her eyes. Sam at least had the decency to look ashamed, lowering his gaze to the floor. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "But I really don't remember you." Sophia nods in defeat, collapsing on the chair. 

'It was worth a go,' she thought bitterly. She is so lost in thought she doesn't notice Jacob stroll into the room, freezing in his tracks when he spots her. 

"Sophie," he calls out, his voice trembling. Sophia turns sharply, her hand flying to her mouth when she spots Jacob. They hadn't been as close as Sam, but close enough to be best friends.

"Jakey," she replies, running into his arms, some of the boys sniggering.

"I missed you," Jacob whispers. 

"Me too," Sophia says back. They stand in silence for a minute, until Sophia turns to the other boys.

"When did you all become shifters?" 

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