9-I'm your what?

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"Vampires," Sophia repeated, feeling herself go pale, "You're vampires."

"Yes but good ones, we only feed of animals, we promise," Edward said, making a move to hug her. Sophia shrunk back into the couch, ignoring the hurt looks of the Cullen's around her.

"Will you hurt me, are you going to kill me?" she whispered, a tear making it's way down her face. She remembered the last time she had said those words. Jonas had been explaining what they were, and what they did, Sophia was terrified. 

"I don't want to die," she cried, shaking uncontrollably. 

"No, of course not silly, we're going to explain what we are?" Alice told her gently. Edward wrapped an arm around her, and this time Sophia leaned into his touch. Edward had a small smile on his face as he comforted Sophia.

"Right, so we are vampires. I am going to tell you a story, one that should help explain our kind," Rosalie started, choosing her words carefully, "Vampires have always existed, yet we do not tend to reveal ourselves to the world. We would then have hundreds of humans demanding to be changed, and that would cause war. Big wars with lives lost. But we do reveal ourselves to some. Each vampire has a coven, it's family almost. There was one coven that contained three of the kings of this vampire world, Aro, Marcus and Caius. They roamed the streets, and they do eat humans, making their eyes a ruby red. One day, hundreds of years ago, Aro was roaming the streets of Italy when he came across a human, she was no older than 15. He sensed something about this girl, and took her back to the coven. The coven, after hearing many legends, knew this girl was special to them and treated her as one of their own. The girl grew to love the coven, especially Aro, and Aro loved her back. However, when the girl was near 21, or just after she had turned 21, terror struck the coven. The whole coven died, as werewolves attacked, only Aro, Marcus and Caius making it out alive. They formed the volturi, which now rules over the vampire world. Many vampires have died because they have disobeyed the laws us vampires have in place. We like to do things a little differently, as we eat animals, not humans. We call ourselves vegetarians. Their is another coven that are also vegetarians, they live in Alaska. We call them our cousins, very ironic. Obviously me and Jasper aren't twins, we just say that. Oh, and some of us have special abilities. Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future, well she sees visions, things can always change, and Jasper can feel and manipulate emotion, do you have any questions?" Rosalie finished, looking at Sophia, who was staring at the ground. Esme and Carlisle had joined them, and were now sat across from Edward and Sophia.

"That's why you told me, isn't it," Sophia said, the others confused at her words, "Because Bella is special and you needed to tell her family." The others almost laughed at her words, no, Bella wasn't the special one.

"No, no, Bella isn't the special one," Alice laughed, "You are!" Sophia froze at her words, not daring to say a word. She was the special one?

"Me," she said hoarsely, "What does that mean?" The Cullen's were stunned at her words, but answered her question quickly. 

"Well us vampires have mates, the one that keeps us grounded. They are our everything, we would do anything for them. If your mate dies, you avenge the ones that killed them. Aro's mate obviously died that night of the attack, so he created a law to kill all werewolves. But you see, each coven has a mate. A true mate of the coven. One of the coven is their mate, their lover, their protector. The rest are their brothers, sisters and parents. All of whom would do anything to protect them. You are our coven mate Sophia. And Edward's true mate," Carlisle told her, smiling at the young girl, who had gone drastically pale. 

"Why don't you come with me, Phia?" Edward said, proud of the nickname he had created. Sophia could barely nod as Edward pulled her from the living room up to his bedroom. 

"Are you alright, I know it's a lot to take in," Edward sighed, looking at the stunned girl in front of him.

"Yes, I mean, I thought you would be with Bella, you were dating after all," Sophia said slowly. 

"I know, but Bella was just my blood-singer, her blood smelled good. I was stupid enough to think that meant she was my mate. But the minute I saw you, my whole life changed. I felt the world move beneath my feet, and at that moment, I knew I loved you. You don't have to love me back, but please don't reject me. I beg you," Edward pleaded. 

"I won't," Sophia giggled, "But I want to take it slow and I have one compromise."

"Anything," Edward said. 

"We have to tell Jacob and the rest of the pack."

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