10-The pack and Luise

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"What are you on about? Sophia we can't tell them, telling you is bad enough!" Edward says angrily, although knowing they already know of his kind.

"I'm sure they'll listen Edward," Sophia exclaims back, fire burning brightly in her eyes. 

"No, absolutely not," Edward narrows his eyes at her, Sophia becomming more agitated by the minute.

"Fine then, I'll just tell them myself, I'll go now," Sophia whispers, and Edward knew if he wasn't dead his heart would have stopped beating at this threat. 

"Fine," he says, throwing his hands in the air, "I'll ask Carlisle to arrange a meeting with them or something." Sophia grins brightly before thanking him.

"I'm not happy about it," Edward grumbles as they walk down the stairs. 

"Oh, be quiet Eddy, you know you love them really," Sophia sings. Edward just rolls his eyes before saying goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Sophia yells as she drives away, waving the family bye. 

Once Sophia arrives home, she rings her mum before getting some comfier clothes on and heading over to her dad's. 

"Hey Bella, is dad in?" Sophia greets her sister, who has a murderous look in her eyes. She looked almost as bad as Edward, pale skin and bags under her eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy, as if she had been crying for hours. 

"No, and you caused this bitch, so go crawling back to your stinky hole," Bella yells, before slamming the door in Sophia's face. Sophia almost starts crying but instead just climbs into her car and drives back home. She doesn't need to eat, Esme dinner was lovely, so she just goes to bed, wishing this was all a bad dream. Except it wasn't. 

Sophia wakes the next day and drags herself to school. She had gotten a text from Luise saying she was going to arrive tomorrow, and with everything going on she was starting to regret ever coming to Forks. 

"Hello Phia," Edward says coming over to the small girl and offering out a hand. Sophia takes it, smiling slightly and Edward, who has a bright grin on his face.

"Carlisle scheduled a meeting with Sam and Jacob, and a few of their friends for after school," Edward tells Sophia. 

"That's great, I wish I could say I'm looking forward to it but I'm not," Sophia laughs, not noticing Bella storming over to the pair. 

"Hey Eddy," Bella says, attempting to be flirtatious, but it just comes off as creepy, "What are you doing with her? I'M your girlfriend!" Edward snorts at her words before answering. 

"Well not anymore, I broke up with you remember?" he says.

"No you didn't! You came over last night, and it was magical," Bella says dreamly, while glaring at Sophia all the while. 

"Oh you're right," Edward says, a plan up his sleeve, "We should do it again sometime, meet me tomorrow night and my house?" He wiggles his eyebrows and Bella looks estatic. 

"Of course," she grins, and with one last glare at Sophia she flounces away.

"What was that Edward?" Sophia hisses, dropping his hand. She is about to storm away when Edward stops her. 

"Look it's going to help us, but please just trust me," he begs her. 

"No, I want to know what's going on," she says, crossing her hands in front of her chest. Edward blinks at her. Bella would always say yes, but then again, Sophia wasn't Bella. 

"It's an old ritual us vampires can do," Edward starts honestly, "We can change peoples memories so they have no idea we exist. We are going to do this to Bella, so no harm can come to her, she won't remember our kind and will just believe me and her dated and then broke up." 

"Ok, come on, we have English first," Sophia said, pulling Edward into school. 


The rest of the day runs smoothly, though Bella still has to sit with them for lunch.  Sophia has a quick word with Jess and Angela before waving them bye and walking towards their meeting point in the woods. 

"Edward," Sophia says, "I'm scared." Edward begins rubbing small circles on her back, 

"It'll be alright, I promise," he tells her.

"Cullen's, to what do we owe this visit," Sam says, taking a protective stance in front of the rest of the pack. 

"We mean no harm, we have come to discuss Sophia," Carlisle starts smoothly, watching their reactions, "She is Edward's mate." This sentence cause stir among the pack until Jacob spots Sophia. 

"Sophie," he whispers to the small girl, who is confused about what everyone is talking about. She thought they were telling them what they are. 

"Jakey," she whispers back, running into his arms. The Cullen's have a look of hurt on their face, but they know how close the two are. 

"You already know don't you. You already know," she sobs, Jake rubbing her back smoothly, which emits a growl from Edward. 

"I already know what sweetie?" Jake asks her. 

"You already know they are vampires," she cries. Jake freezes before turning to address the Cullen's. 

"You have already intwined your way into Bella Swan's life, there is no way you are going to turn my Sophie," he says firmly.

"Jacob, what your tone, we are not here for a fight." Sam says sharply, glancing over to the rest of the Cullens.

"Our intention is not to turn Sophia, we can assure you," Carlisle starts, "As she is our coven mate, there is no intention  to turn her, she will age backwards once she dies to the age she met us, which is her age now. We are going to perform a small ritual on Bella, to make her forget about our kind, we can also make her forget about your kind, if you want?"

"That would be most helpful," Sam says back, bowing his head in respect.

"And Sophie would still be able to visit me?" Jake demands, scouring the Cullens.

"Of course, it is her normal life until she dies, then she will be a vampire," Esme tells the pack quietly. 

"Very well. Thank you Cullen's," Sam nods at them, before signalling to his pack to return. Jake presses a small kiss to the top of Sophia's head before following them.

"That went well," Sophia laughs before turning to Edward, a grin flashing across her face.

"Yes it did," Edward laughs back. 

"Edward? How did they know of your kind?" Sophia questions him. 

"Ummm, you see, wemaybeenemiesinlegendsbutwewillgetonnowipromise," he says very quickly in one breath. Somehow, Sophia understands it all and just rolls her eyes and laughs.


"Luise!" Sophia yells, engulfing her in a hug. 

"Soph!" She yells back, hugging her back just as hard. The two women chatter as Luise gets settled in, demanding to see all of Sophia's friends. 

"Ok, ok, I'll take you to see Jacob," Sophia finally gives in, before pulling the bubbly women from the house and into the car. 

"So Sophia, any boy you're into?" Luise says, wiggling her eyebrows at the young girl. 

"Oh shut it you," Sophia laughs back, pulling into the reservation. Jacob immediately spots them, running over with the rest of the pack to say hello. 

"Luise this is Jacob, Embry, Quil, Paul, Jared, Sam, Leah and Seth," Sophia says, each boy waving back in return. Though Jacob just stares, unmoving, looking directly at Luise. 

"Oh shit," Sophia murmurs. 

A/N- Two updates in one day, I'm on a roll!!!

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