2-The vision

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There was bang in the Cullen's home, alerting all the vampires to their feet. Jasper rushes into the room, wrapping his mate in a hug. 

"What is it Alice? What's wrong?" he whispers softly. Alice slowly turns to look at them, glee coming to her face. 

"I've seen her. Our mate. She's coming." The rest of the coven brighten up, cheering and they relax, the worry of the Volturi coming now gone. 

"What does she look like?" Emmett asks Alice, he's excited for a new member of the family. 

"I can't see much, being a shared mate she blocks all our gifts, but I can see that she has ginger hair and is coming to Forks!" Alice finishes off with a smile. 

"Who's true mate is she?" Carlisle asks. Everyone becomes tense at his words, what if there supposed 'true mate' turned out to be hers and they were tossed out of the coven. Alice screws up her face in thought before answering. 

"Edwards," she whispers. Everyone freezes. Edward was with Bella at the moment, them two couldn't be seen without each other, especially after the whole Victoria battle. Everyone knew Bella thought Edward was going to ask her to marry him soon, it was only a matter of time. Bella wanted nothing more than to be immortal, and spend the rest of eternity with Edward, both stunningly beautiful.

"So Bella isn't his mate? So, we were put through hell and back for her, and it turns out she wasn't his mate all along?" Rosalie yells, Emmett pulling her into a soft hug. 

"He didn't know Rose," Esme whispers, also feeling annoyed by Edward's antics. The whole coven were in danger now, what if the Volturi found out.  Rosalie storms out of the room, Emmett following her to make sure she doesn't cause any harm or go over the treaty line if she decides to go into the woods.  

"What will we do about Bella?" Jasper asks them all, she hadn't been turned yet still knew about their world. Carlisle and Esme shared a look before answering. 

"If she chooses to cooperate, nothing, there is a small ritual that takes away memories and puts fake ones in place for a situation like this. If she refuses to cooperate, we will have to hand her over to the Volturi, who can turn or kill her at their will." Carlisle tells them firmly. Alice and Jasper look horrified, but understand it must be done to keep their existence secret.

"What if she rejects us?" Alice whispers softly, rejecting a mate in the vampire world doesn't cause death, it causes severe pain until they see their mate again. 

"Then we will perform the ritual on all of us, and Edward and Bella can carry on seeing each other," Carlisle says, yet now the question was on his mind as well. What if she rejects them?

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