3-Back to Forks

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"Miss Swan, are you carrying on swimming? Will you still be competing in competitions?" A news reporter asks Sophia as she walks through the airport, pushing her luggage in front of her. Fans crowd the young swimmer, asking for autographs and reporters trying to get her face on camera.

"Of course," her smooth voice replied, "I am in need of a break from the constant workload though, so I will be going back to my hometown." She bids farewell the reporters and her fans as she settles herself in her firstclass seat. The recent Olympic games had taken a toll on her and she found herself drifting off to sleep, excited to see her father again.

"Can all passangers please exit now, thank you for your flight with us today," the voice drifted through the plane. Sophia wakes with a start and grabs her hand luggage before leaving. She wasn't suprised to see the cold, wet weather outside, she was used to that being the normal weather in Forks. She grabbed her luggage quickly before making her way outside to her car, which had been transported to the airport earlier.

 She grabbed her luggage quickly before making her way outside to her car, which had been transported to the airport earlier

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Sophia jumped in with her luggage before heading onto the familiar streets of Forks. it had been years since she had last been here. The German swim team had recruited her when she was only eleven, and she had been training in a school ever since. Since she also got her education over there, and they provided her with a German citizenship as well as free healthcare, she saw no need to go back to visit her family. She went to visit her dad when she 14, two years before her career kicked off and she became the next sporting legend. She pulled up to her dad's house, and went to knock on the door. Her dad answered with a bored look on his face, as if he expected her to be someone else. 

"Suprise!" Sophia said, before engulfing him in a hug. 

"Soph," he replied, hugging her back just as tightly, "What are you doing here? I thought you would be training for your next competition?" Sophia laughed slightly, before entering the house. 

"I needed a break, I will still have to train though, Luise will kill me if I go back rusty." Sophia laughed, Charlie joining in. 

"How have you been dad? How's Billy and Jake?" Sophia asked, she wanted to know what happened to her best friend. She had encountered some strange things while in Germany.

"I have been doing fine, work getting on top of things as usual. Billy and Jake have been over, they miss you, you know," Charlie says to his youngest daughter. 

"I know, it's just visiting become even more difficult, I can barely get away from Luise, never mind the reporters," Sophia says sadly, she missed her family. 

"Dad, was that Edward?" came the voice of Bella as she walked down the stairs, attempting to fix her hair. 

"No, we have a suprise visiter," Charlie tells her as she walked into the living room. 

"Sophia," Bella says stiffly, freezing at the sight of her younger sister. 

"Hey Bella, and please call me Soph," Sophia says brightly, not noticing the look Bella is giving her. 

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