4-Forks high school

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Sophia woke up the next day, worried about why her alarm hadn't gone off. That was before she realised she didn't need an alarm anymore, as she was in Forks and didn't need to do morning practice. She still climbed out of bed and pulled on her costume, just a simple tyr black one. She headed downstairs with her towel, cap and goggles. She grabbed a tea, something she had grown to love while she had visited England, and headed out to the pool. By the time she finished her practice, it was half past six in the morning. She pulled on her clothes for the day, and did her hair and make-up. She usually hated breakfast, but today she felt in the mood for some poached eggs. She did them perfect like usual, in Germany she had learnt how to do everything by herself by an early age. Once she had finished getting ready, she sent a quick text to her mum and headed off to school.

It was a rather small school, but then again, Forks was a small town. Sophia climbed out of her car, and pulled down her hat. She didn't want attention brought to her, yet she knew being the new girl would always come with unwanted attention. Unbeknowst to her, accross the parking lot, 5 pairs off eyes were watching her every move.

"That's her," Alice told them excitedly, "I told you she was coming to Forks." Even Rosalie had a small smile on her face at seeing their coven mate, she was gorgeous. Her ginger locks tumbled down her back, and her green eyes stood out, matching perfectly with her outfit.

"What are you on about Alice?" Edward asked her, yet he couldn't deny the strange pull he felt towards this stranger. The rest of the family froze, they had purposely kept this stranger out of their mind, so Edward wouldn't find out she was his true mate.

"She's my mate," Edward almost yelled, luckily the school morning rush covered his voice. Edward couldn't deny she was pretty, she was gorgeous, but he was mated to Bella. Speaking of, Bella made her way to him at that moment. To him, Bella was now rather plain. Still pretty, but plain compared to this girl who was apparently their coven mate.

"Hey Edward, are you coming?" Bella says, twirling a piece of her hair around her finger. Edward had the strange desire to say no, no it wasn't strange, he knew it was because his mate was walking into the building, yet Edward agreed to Bella and both of them made their way to their first leson.

"She's going to get what's coming for her," Rosalie growls, and for once, everyone else couldn't help but agree.

Sophia had just got in the school when a girl came running up to her with a camera.

"Can I take your picture, it's for the school article?" she asks, pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Of course," Sophia says, and the girl snaps a shot.

"OMG! You're the sporting legend Sophia Swan, aren't you?" the girl says and before Sophia knows it, she is swarmed by half the school. 

"Can I get your autograph? "

"What are you doing in Forks?"

"Can I get a free pass to the next Olympics, I'm your biggest fan?" These were just some of the cries Sophia could her. She ignored most of them and made her way to the office, by that point people had realised they needed to befriend her to talk to her and were leaving her alone. Getting her timetable was simple enough, and she made her way to her first lesson. History. She entered the small classroom, and everyone immediately sat up straighter, hoping to be sat next to Sophia. The teacher rolled her eyes at their antics before addressing Sophia.

"Sophia, why don't you go sit next to Mr Newton?" Sophia hastily agreed before taking a seat. The boy sat next to her had bleach blonde hair, and baby blue eyes.

"I'm Mike," he said quickly, extending his hand.

"Sophia," she greeted. The lesson went smoothly, well with the constant stares and chatter from Mike, Sophia had a small headache by lunch. She entered the cafetteria and sat down next to Mike and the girl that took her picture, who she learned was called Angela. She took out her salad, she was on a strict diet, and picked up the incoming phone call from Luise.

"Hey Luise," she greeted the bubbly woman.

"Sophia, I just rang to say your next competition is next December, so you have 10 months rest, before you must come back and train," Luise chirped down the phone.

"That's perfect Luise, thank you very much Luise," Sophia called. Luise hummed before hanging up.

"So you're the sport legend," a girl with frizzy hair said, "I'm Jessica and this is Lauren," she pointed to a girl with straight blonde hair. They told her pretty much everything, who to sit with, who not to sit with, what the teachers are like.

"And those are the Cullen's. There's Rosalie, the blonde one, and her boyfriend Emmett, the big bulky guy. The pixie is Alice, she's with Jasper, the one who looks like he's in pain. But the weird thing is, they're all related," Jessica finsihed.

"They're not actually related Jessica. They're adopted," Angela laughs. Sophia nods.

"Who's the boy with Bella?" Sophia questions.

"Oh, you already know Bella. She's with Edward. Stay away from her, she was best friends with us and then ditched us for Edward and the Cullen's," Lauren said, before flouncing over to the cheerleaders. Sophia was fuming. 

"Bella ditched you for them," she seethes. How dare she! She always complains that Sophia ditched her for Germany, yet here she was doing the exact same thing. She stood up angrily and made her way over to Bella.

"A word please Bella," she asks her older sister. By now, everyone in the hall is looking at her. 

"Whatever you want to say, say it to all of us," Bella says to her. By now, Sophia almost has smoke coming out of her ears. 

"Bella," she growls.

"Later Sophia," she waves her off, "I'm with my boyfriend." Sophia takes a moment to get herself together before grabbing her bag and walking out of the speechless hall. Everyone was shocked, why would Bella talk like that to a sporting legend? 

Sophia is walking down the hall to the toilets when she feels a hand on her arm. She turns suddenly to find Rosalie stood there.

"What Bella did to you was wrong, I'm sorry," Rosalie apologizes, "I'm Rosalie Hale." She offers a hand, and Sophia shakes it, ignoring the coldness that comes off it. 

"Sophia Swan," she smiles at Rosalie. 

"Are you related to Bella by any chance?" Rosalie aks her. Sophia sighs, she really didn't want everyone to find out.

"Yeah, I'm her younger sister."

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