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An eight- nine year old Sophia stumbles to her bed, clutching her cane in support. She can feel her time is coming. The Cullen's feel it too, she smells like death. Sophia sinks onto her bed, and she knows what the newspapers are going to say tomorrow.

Sophia Swan, sporting legend dead.

Sophia sighs softly, reliving her family. Her dad had died 20 years ago, and Bella had died 10 years ago, both sisters civil to each other. Jacob and Luise had children now, who adored Sophia to their hearts content. Edward comes over to her and helps her sit down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 

"Don't be sad Edward, I'll see you soon," Sophia sighs, relaxing into the bed. 

"Of course love," Edward says. 

"Are you positive I can't see Jacob and Luise?" Sophia begs.

"It's not safe, you can't. We can't risk anyone seeing you, who is supposed to be dead. We have to go into hiding for at least 10 years, I'm sorry." Sophia just nods, a few tears staining her cheeks. 

"Well, you can tell them right?" Sophia says, "Tell Jacob and Luise I'll miss them, and that I love them, please."

The Cullens watch as Sophia takes her last breathe, and the light leaves her eyes. They watch in anticipation as a red cloud of smoke appears over Sophia, and her 17 year old self rises out. Her eyes are a blood red, skin pale and sparkling. Her body is still on the bed, at least Jacob and Luise will have something to bury. They both knew what was going to happen, but it was better this way. To let Sophia have a proper sending off, 'live a normal life'. That was what the Cullen's had said all them years ago, and death was part of normal life. 

"Edward," Sophia says softly, taking in her soon to be husband. They hadn't wanted to get married because society would judge them when Sophia turned 40 and Edward still looked 17.

"Phia," Edward says, and they smash their lips onto each other, craving touch like Jacob craved his food. In that moment, no one else mattered, it was just two lovers, falling in love all over again. 

In that moment, everything seemed right.

A.N- I can't believe I finally finished it! It hadn't ended the exact way I wanted, but it all seemed to fit together. I want to thank everyone reading this story, it really has meant a lot. Thanks for all your support!

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