8-The Cullen's

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Sophia woke up the next morning with a light headache and a million missed calls from Luise. Well, not a million, but enough to make one person go crazy. She groggily got up out of bed and padded down to the kitchen.

Once eating her poached eggs, she set off to school, ringing Luise on her walk.

"Hey Luise, how are you?"

"I'm good, I'm coming to see you, I sent you a voicemail all about it, I'm about to get on my flight. You'll have to introduce me to everyone, and are there any hot guys, I bet they are. I trust you to find a lot of hotties."

Sophia let out a loud laugh at that, happiness bubbling up inside of her. Luise was coming. Her Luise was coming here.

"I am going to love that! How's Daniel, what is he doing?" Daniel was Sophia's partner in swimming, they worked well as a team.

"Also on vacation, he's visiting his family in Munich."

"Send my wishes to him, I'm arriving at school now," Sophia tells her.

"I will, see you soon sweetheart."

"Bye Luise!"

Sophia places her phone in her bag as she enters the school. People were still looking at her in awe, but knew to keep their distance if they wanted to talk to her. She got a few friendly waves, which she returned with a smile.

"Hey Bella," Sophia sighs, sliding into the seat next to her sister.

"Oh, hey Sophia," Bella says, fidgeting with the end of her sleeve.

"What's wrong Bells?"

"It's Bella not Bells," Bella snapped harshly, "And I was wondering if you could sit somewhere else and not with me and my boyfriend? It's just, you can't rely on my friends all the time, and the only reason they talk to you is because I go out with Edward."

Bella carries on rambling as Sophia turns away. Just when she thought she had made some new friends, they turn their back on her. It seemed they never liked her, and were only friends with her because of Bella. Unless Bella was talking bull again.


"Yes Sophia?"

"I'm sitting with them at lunch, their my friends too."


"Hey Rosie," Sophia greets, sliding into their table at lunch. She desperately tries to ignore the glare Bella is sending her, focusing on the conversation going on at the table.

"Hello Sophia, how are you?" Edwards voice carries across to her, making Sophia jump in surprise. She hadn't expected him to talk to her.

"I'm fine thank you Edward," Sophia smiles at him, "How are you?"

"Yes, I'm good."

Alice and Rosalie were having an intense conversation about fashion, and Sophia couldn't understand how two people could talk for that long about clothes. It was ridiculous. Alice was going on about some new dresses, and Rosalie was going on about some hair product, Sophia forgot the name.

"Sophia, what is your favourite type of food? Italian, Chinese?" Edwards voice is quiet yet Sophia still hears, and turns herself to answer him immediately. Anything to get away from Alice and Rosalie's talk. Even if it meant talking to Bella's boyfriend.

"I quite like Indian, what about you?" The table goes silent, Bella sniggering from her seat.

"What?" Sophia questions, laughing nervously, "Is there some kind of inside joke, do you guys not eat or something?"

"No, no, nothing like that," Edward says, "In fact, my favourite food is Italian, I quite like pizza." Sophia can see Bella laughing silently, but chooses to ignore her as she continues her conversation.

"I prefer pasta, I think years of swimming has made me accustomed to eating it," Sophia chuckles, sharing a smile with Edward.

"Edward, I need to see Mr Cray, will you come?" Bella asks, shooting Sophia a firm look.

"Of course,"Edward says, and with one last glance towards Sophia, he is gone out of the canteen towards Bella.

"Hey Sophia, do you want to come to our house, our mum would love to meet you?"

"I would absolutely love that! Thank you so much, shall I meet you outside school by my car?" The Cullen's faces light up as they share a look with each other.

"Yeah, we'll see you then!"


Sophia sees Edward and Bella drive off as she reached her car where Rosalie was stood. They had agreed earlier in the day Sophia would drive. 

"Hey, is Edward ok?" Sophia asks Rosalie as they drive out of the school parking and onto the road. 

"Yeah, he's fine, he just needed to do something with Bella."

The two girls make light talk as they drive, until Sophia reaches what looks like a mansion. The white walls on the outside repel light, and Sophia is astonished. It is beautiful. It is tall and magnificent, with gorgeous windows and so many plants arounf the outside. Ivy twists round the walls, the wind blowing the leaves gently. 

"I love it," Sophia breathes out as Rosalie leads her up the stairs. 

"I'm glad."

The minute the two enter the house, they are met with a woman that must Rosalie's mum. 

"You must be Sophia, how are you? Do you want a drink?"

"Nice to meet you, I'm good thank you," Sophia loves the motherly energy coming off this woman.

"Come on Soph, I need to tell you something," Rosalie says, giving her mum a look before dragging Sophia through the doors to a lounge. It has three black leather sofas, one of which Sophia flops on. Everyone else, Emmett, Jasper, Alice and somehow Edward were there. Sophia had thought Edward was with Bella, but Sophia didn't question. 

"So what did you need to tell me?" she sighs, closing her eyes. 

"You must promise to hear us out all the way," Edward says, the seriousness in his voice making Sophia sit up, worry etched on her face. 

"I promise, I swear, guys what's wrong? What happened?" Sophia frets. 

"Nothing's wrong as such, more, well, I don't know how to say this," Alice gushes, Rosalie rolling her eyes at her sister. 

"What's wrong then?" Sophia says, a frown on her face. Alice mumbles something under her breathe, but Rosalie elbows her sharply and turns to face Sophia. 

"Soph, we're vampires."

Hey guys! Sorry, it seems like ages since I updated this. I lost motivation and then had a bunch of other important things to do, like exams and keeping myself fit! I do hope you enjoy this next chapter and thank you for staying with me!!!

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