Chapter Five: It's Graduation Day!, Aria's Narrative

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After downing some gourmet cuisine, the extravagant feast comes to an end just in time for the entertainment. We are all then asked to head outside after a series of pitchy opera singers almost belt us into convulsions such that my ears pulse in displeasure.

From the expressions on Grace's face, it's evident she won't hesitate to negotiate her way out of footing the bill for the less-than-pleasing performance we've just endured. And frankly, I can't blame her.

When outside, we are greeted by the beautiful site that is the dawning moon and the glimmers of its adjacent stars gorgeously plastered against the cerulean sky. I don't remember the last time I was outside of my room at this time of dusk since I was brought here. The delicate wind that ripples through the porous material of my cotton jacket and then the cloth of my dress shirt to get to my humming skin, fills me with great euphoria. Bliss at most.

I hum in appreciation as my eyes remain closed and my mind wanders off into the cosmos of infinite stars.

Seconds later, four fire breathing females come belly dancing in front of the crowd and almost immediately, snares and roars burst as everyone catches laugher in amusement. I look around at my fellow graduates and for once there's a small display of joy and excitement in their facials. Something I'm not familiar with.

Oppositely, Grace maintains her intimidating scowl despite being surrounded by her over joyous guests. Even the Mayor seems noticeably pleased, but not her. That's just Grace for you, controlled, composed and condescending. She's puts on the alpha persona in almost every instance and never lets her guard down. I don't think I've ever seen her smile before today during her speech. Ever.

Ten minutes later, the dancer's bow in departure before Lisa informs us of the fireworks display that is to come in the next five minutes so as to allow the intoxicated dignitaries and their company to grab a few more glasses of champagne for the final toast of the night.

I take advantage of the busy staff catering to our guests' every beck and call, and with both Lisa and Grace distracted, I seize the opportunity to slip away from the crowd and into the nearby small greenhouse, not far from the auditorium. Hopefully going unnoticed.

When in the green house, I can't help but get mesmerized by the way the bright yellow lilies glimmer off of the moon light as I sniff my way through them pot by pot. Nature has always been my forte since as long as I can remember. 

I'd always hide out back in our neighbor's greenhouse whilst my parents searched high and low for me in panic only for me to reveal myself hours later in my mud ridden clothes. I never told them where I'd go because I knew if I did, I'd not be allowed to leave the house. They both died never knowing my secret.

Consumed entirely by my nostalgic thoughts, I barely notice that I've sniffed through a whole column of lilies and roses until I am startled back to reality when I notice a dark hooded male figure crawled up in the corner.

"Who's there!" I shout but get no retort.

"Who are you I can see you in corner" I slow. Gradually backing away.

"Aria" the figure finally calls and I fright "It's me Caleb"

"Oh shit you scared me" I say trekking toward him.

In the soft glow of the full moon, I catch a glimpse of him. His jacket is discarded on the floor, revealing his strong, muscular frame. With his shirt unbuttoned, his chest remains exposed. His dark, curly hair falls untamed around his face as he sits curled up in the fetal position. Is it just my imagination, or does my adopted brother look surprisingly handsome in this moment?

"Aren't you supposed to be out there?" he asks as I hesitantly take a seat on the sandy floor next to him.

He's my adopted brother, someone I catch site of everyday yet he feels like a stranger. This feels wrong.

"Aren't you supposed to be out there yourself Mr. detective" I playfully remark

"Enjoying your graduation or should I say business convention" he sarcastically remarks.

It's true. Today felt like more of a business gathering than it did our graduation but he has no business saying it like that with so much animosity. The day hasn't been that bad. If anything I applaud Grace for how successful, the day has been. It must not be easy to cater for a bunch of egocentric people and manage to please them the way she notably has.

"Aside from the horrendous opera moment, I quite am actually " I smile. Returning his sense of mockery and he chuckles

"Yeah that was pretty hard to live through" he snickers "Besides enjoying how noticeably displeased Grace was in that moment, the only other thing I'm happy about is that, in two weeks I'm actually going to get to live my life" he spits spitefully.

Balling his wrists in anger as his elbows rest on his knees in a drastic mood change that's catches me off guard, is he upset or happy?

"Yey!" I sarcastically remark. Dramatically waving my jazz hands.

It's getting a little too tense between him and I right now. I'm not so sure if our views on the events of today are of similar accord.

"I can't stand another second around that witch and her treachery" oh now he has gone way too far.

"That witch as you call her saved you from being out on the street or in some abusive foster care house with her supposed treachery" I defend. I know that Grace has some short comings of her own but who doesn't. The least she deserves is some ungrateful child poisoning her frame.

"Wow I didn't expect that you'd be so brainwashed by her " he spits. Keeping his head down but his speech abrasive.

"Wow I didn't expect that you'd be such a jerk the first time I talked to you!" I scream before getting up and beginning to walk away. I've had enough of his public display of childishness, he could go suck it or shove it where the sun doesn't shine for all I care.

"You don't see it do you?" he screams me dead into my tracks.

No wonder why Grace insists that we stay apart. Caleb is such a jerk and my inner argumentative goddess won't let me walk away from him without a fight.

"Yes! yes! I do see it! I see a really generous woman who chose to use her resources for good! I see a woman who saved your ungrateful ass from being on the streets dealing crack!" I scream turning to face him as he now stands only inches away from me.

With his pale skin flushed, crimson and his eyes widened he says, "Wow! You're even more far up her ass than I thought"

"Bye Caleb!" I angrily dismiss. I refuse to be disrespected like this. I saw my mom get ill-treated by my dad for way too long to allow the same thing to happen to me.

"Don't you see it! don't you see the patterns! Don't you find it weird that she doesn't want us sharing stories, that there's one of us for every month of the year!" he shouts and I ignore him.

Continuing to march towards the door as I actively fight against the urge to burst into tears at the furry that has feverishly risen up my throat and forms a choking ball of bile where it settles because my morality won't let me express it physically.

Just as I approach the exit, I am frozen dead in my tracks by Grace, her scowl even more intimidating than the growl of a hungry lioness gone three days without a meal.

Oh shit!

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