Chapter Nineteen: The Lab Results, Aria's Narrative

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As I lace up my brogues, a suffocating sense of dread settles over me like a heavy fog, weighing down my every step.

Suspicion coils in the pit of my stomach, twisting and churning until it forms a bitter knot that threatens to choke me. Anticipation prickles at my skin, electrifying my senses as I prepare to face Grace.

Despite all this, the fear that once gripped me, has now been overshadowed by a slow burning sense anger.

Bitterness simmers within me, fueled by the unanswered questions, the manipulations of Grace and Lisa, the tragic loss of Chloe and their recent attempt to end Caleb. It's this fury that propels me forward, driving me to confront the source of my turmoil head-on.

As I get to the library basement, the haunting strains of a piano greet my ears. Grace sits at the instrument, lost in her music. It's a scene that triggers a sense of déjà vu, transporting me back to the day she first offered me the role of youth envoy, the day I first heard her play. Today, the melody is dark and morose, heavily melancholy. Her hair is let lose around her shoulders, a stark departure from her usual composed appearance. Clad in pajamas, she appears disheveled, a striking contrast to the poised figure I'm accustomed to seeing. Her eyes remain tightly closed as her fingers elegantly dance across the keys with ease. I watch in awe, opting not to interrupt her until, suddenly, the melody comes to an end.

"Aria, do you like hearing me play?" she questions

"Uhm, I didn't want to interrupt you" I state clearing my throat

"Come, come seat next me" She offers, making space for me to seat right next to her on the small stool and I hesitantly oblige

"You know my Dad taught me how to play the piano when I was just five years old" She surprisingly confesses and I still, remembering the revelation that the concierge availed us about her past.

"Would you like to learn?" She offers, and my eyes widen in surprise. "Here, I'll show you," she adds, gently clasping my hand and placing it on the keys. I shudder at her unexpected touch, leaving my skin tingling as though it had just suffered a minor first degree burn.

She gently glides my hands across the keys, playing the melody of silent night before stating "See when you follow instructions, you are successful at anything you touch" Her minty breath vaporing against my facial skin. My face hovers just inches from hers, close enough for me to notice a small birthmark right below her left nostril, a detail I've never observed until this moment.

"Aria, It's important for you to know that rules are never to be defied" She presses, "I hate when you defy me" She adds, abruptly grabbing my palms in hers and squeezing me so tightly and I jerk away

"Did you call me here to scold me?" I firmly state, standing up as I do.

"Not at all daughter, clam down" She stands, towering over me in intimidation before continuing "On quite the contrary, I called you here to render you some advice" She states firmly just inches away from me

"Well I don't need your advice" I spit, turning away but she halts me dead in my tracks, swiftly grabbing me by my sore wrist

"I know what you and Caleb are up to" She confesses, "You can't fool me!" She shouts, pressing her thumb into the small plaster that covers my sore arm and I yell

"Let go of me!"

"Oh shush" She commands

"You're hurting me" I add with tears now forming in my eyes as my blood begins to escape the small bandage at the pressure of her hold

"You hurt yourself, I thought we talked about this, the suicide attempts" She accuses, roughly letting go of my hand before licking my blood off her thumb, immediately sending shivers down my spine.

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