Chapter Twenty: Grace's Night Light, Aria's Narrative

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It's been two weeks since I was discharged from the hospital and in this monstrous sea, Caleb stands as my unwavering lighthouse, guiding me through the storm of reality. Without him, I fear I could have gone comatose, overwhelmed by the heavy weaves of public scrutiny, Lisa's tide of deceit, and the undertow of Grace's facade.

I'm in my room when Lisa comes barging in "Hey" She greets, her sore eyes highly indicative of her apparent distress "How are you holding up?" she inquires, but her words ring hollow, and I can't help but scoff at her pretense.

"Why ask when your actions speak louder than your words?" I retort, cutting through her charade. "There are no cameras here, Lisa. Drop the act."

"Aria I had to do what I had to do to save face" she defends. Her lies have since painted me as the ungrateful suicidal manic that could care-less for her suffering mother. Because of her, I can't walk two feet out of this mansion without judgmental racist remarks being hurled my way. Just yesterday, Caleb and I stopped at the local pharmacy to pick up my prescription and the cashier wouldn't attend to us. The public, blinded by false narratives, casts Grace as the innocent victim while I drown in the depths of their ignorance.

"You know I've never understood the hold Grace has on you" I remark before continuing "Despite often disagreeing with her crazy antics, you sure do remain fiercely loyal to that witch! Seemingly unable to think for yourself"

"Aria, don't say anything you'll regret" she warns

"Yet, in many ways, you're just as troublesome as her, if not worse, you stood by and watched all this happen, you helped her orchestrate our lives in damning ways" I assert and she stuns at my persistence. I'm afraid behind her friendly demeanor and warm gaze lurks a deceitful soul.

"You don't know anything! Shut up!" She cries out, covering her ears

"No I don't but you know who does? Ms. Connor! Grace's former lapdog whom she sent into hiding for fear of losing her life, sound familiar?" I confess and her eyes widen at my unexpected revelation

"Aria, for your own good, don't go asking questions you don't want answers to" She warns calmly yet sternly with tears now filling her eyes "I came to tell you that Grace is dying, the leukemia caught on and she may not have long left to live" She continues after a minute of silence.

"What does that have to do with me?" I sigh

"She calls for you, maybe you can finally get your answers" she states, yielding in defeat and my heart drops.

Lisa appears defeated, and despite my lingering fondness for her, I can't shake the disappointment. She's played her part in the dark dealings at The Care, and she, more than anyone, had the power to stop it. Instead, she chose to aid and abet Grace's schemes. There must be consequences for her actions.

The drive to the hospital is eerily quiet. Anxiety and anticipation hang heavy, turning the spacious interior of the black Escalade into a suffocating prison, each mile feeling like an eternity. Lisa and I sit in silence, the weight of our unspoken words pressing down on us as Cornelius navigates through the traffic.

My thoughts whirl in the darkness outside, illuminated only by the electric glow of the Phoenix night sky. I hadn't told Caleb about my plan to meet Grace; I knew he would vehemently oppose it. After all, the last time he left me alone with her, it ended in violence. But I desperately need answers. If truly Grace lies on her deathbed, perhaps she'll find it in herself to speak the truth. Just one honest conversation with her could bring an end to our suffering and quell the questions that torment us.

Anticipation claws at my insides, as shadows of uncertainty cloud my thoughts. With my fingers intertwined tightly, I hold onto a precious Polaroid, a relic from a time when innocence shielded me from the world's cruelties. In the faded image, I see eight-year-old me, cradled in my mother's arms, cocooned in love and safety.

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