Chapter Twenty One: Lisa Talks, Aria's Narrative

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Two days have passed since Grace's burial, and the mansion is eerily quiet once more. A somber atmosphere hangs heavy in the air as we gather to hear the contents of Grace's will. As the testator reveals its contents, we all find ourselves shocked by its revelations. Grace leaves everything to me as her sole heir. This comes as a surprise as we'd has all assumed that Grace would leave her legacy of deceit and manipulation to her ever-loyal accomplice Lisa. Now that she has left it all to me, I am positive I want no parts in it. I want nothing to do with Grace's legacy of lies and death.

As the testator concludes, I can't help but notice Lisa's unsettling demeanor. She's withdrawn, barely uttering a word since the burial, and it's beginning to concern me.

After dinner, Caleb and I bid each other goodnight, agreeing to meet in his room at midnight. But before I retire for the night, I feel compelled to check on Lisa. She's been absent from the mansion since morning, and my repeated knocks on her door yield no response.

Growing anxious, I push open the door and step inside, only to be met with an empty room. It's as if she vanished into thin air. Her belongings are scattered haphazardly and her bed is left unmade. Moments of searching later, I notice on the disheveled sheets, lies a letter addressed to me.

As I read, a cold dread washes over me. The letter holds a chilling truth, crashing down on me like a ton of bricks, leaving me reeling in sorrow and confusion.


Aria and I part ways after dinner, she asks that we meet later at midnight after her nightly self-care ritual. With each passing day, our bond strengthens, and I find myself unable to imagine a life without her by my side.

Being with Aria feels like finding a missing piece of myself, a part of my soul I never knew was incomplete until she came into my life. She's the rhyme to my reason, and her smile lights up even the darkest corners of my mind. Every moment spent with her is a fucking treasure, and I'd be damned if I didn't cherish each one as if it were my last.

Lying in bed, I find myself consumed by a sense of unease, as if the air itself is heavy with secrets waiting to be uncovered. With Grace's passing, our quest for the truth feels like chasing shadows in the dark. She was a master of deception, erasing her tracks so thoroughly that even now, her true nature remains shrouded in mystery.

Desperate to shake off the feeling of helplessness, I decide to take a walk, hoping the cool night air will clear my mind. But with every step, the weight of uncertainty only seems to grow heavier.

I've tried reaching out to the janitor, the one person aside from Lisa who might hold the method to unraveling this fucking web of lies. But she remains elusive, as if she's vanished into thin air. Without her cooperation, our efforts feel futile, like trying to piece together a puzzle with half the pieces missing.

As I wander around the mansion, lost in my thoughts, I notice that I've circled about two-thirds of its size. Suddenly, I spot a flickering blue light just below the library basement. I'd never noticed this part of the basement until now, and curiosity gets the better of me, so I start to explore the area.

It's unusually cold here, making my skin prickle with goosebumps. The chill feels like it's seeping into my bones, but I push forward, drawn by the mystery of the flickering light.

As I move around the space, the cold intensifies, sending shivers down my spine. Despite the eerie atmosphere, I continue on, driven by my curiosity. Little do I know, the answers I seek are more chilling than I ever imagined.

After minutes of searching, I finally spot a small window tucked away in a forgotten corner. With trembling hands, I pry it open, the metal groaning in protest against my efforts. As I peer inside the room, my breath catches in my throat, and chills race down my spine. The sight before me is a nightmare come to life.

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