10. The Morning After

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My head is pounding and my throat is dry when I wake up. How much did I even drink last night? I'm about to get out of bed when I realise I'm completely naked. "Shit." I mutter under my breath as I remember what happened last night. Why are my clothes so far away?! I was about to sneak out of bed when Jake stirs next to me and pulls me against him. "Where are you going?"
I turn to face him and frown a little. "To get ready for work."
"Let's just call in sick."
"That wouldn't look suspicious would it?"
"Are you mad at me or something?"
I sigh. "No, but my head hurts and we agreed we wasn't going to have sex on the first date."
"But you have to admit it was really good." He smirks a little.
I tilt my head to the side. "Yes, but-"
"No buts. Title of your sex tape!" He gasps. "Title of our sex tape!"
I laugh and get out of bed, grab some clothes and go take a shower.

When I get to the kitchen, Jake has made coffee and a fry up. I sit at the table.
"Thanks, you didn't have to cook, you know." I smile.
"It'll help with your hangover. So will these." He passes me some painkillers and a glass of water. I take the painkillers and eat breakfast. Then I wash up while Jake showers and gets ready for work. I go to the bedroom and apply a small amount of eye makeup so I look a little less hungover. I go into the living room and sit on the sofa while I wait for Jake.

A little while later, Jake and I are sitting at our desks. I'm checking through my paperwork but Jake has been distracted by his conversation with Charles. Charles suddenly looks excited. "Did you go on a date last night Jake?"
"No, why?" He lies.
"Something just seems different about you today... Don't you think, Y/N?"
I stifle a laugh and shake my head. "Seems the same to me."

While Jake and Charles continue to argue over Jake's plans last night, I go to the evidence room to check a few things for my paperwork. I'm almost finished when someone grabs my shoulders from behind. "Hey!" I yell as I turn around and grab Jake's arm and twist it behind his back.
Jake looks shocked. "Ooh, do it harder."
I laugh and let go of his arm. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that, you know! What brings you here anyway?"
"I think Charles is onto us. I know you wanted to keep our relationship out of the workplace but I don't see it being a problem."
"I know but we set rules."
"And we've already broken one." He smirks triumphantly. "What harm could a few more do?"
"A few?"
He pulls me towards him and kisses me forcefully. He wraps his arms around my back as I cup his face.

I jump as the door opens and shove Jake away from me. "Captain Holt! Wassup?" He frowns at me. "You are acting... Weird, Y/N. What is going on?"
"Aha! I found it!" Jake shouts as he picks up a random piece of evidence.
"Yes. All the way over there, far away from me." I pick up my paperwork.
Captain Holt looks unimpressed. "I see what is happening here."
"Well, I must be off!" I rush out of the evidence room and Jake follows me.

"Jake! What were you thinking?!"
He laughs as we get back to our desks. "Relax, Holt won't say anything and no one else is going to find out."
I sigh. "I guess you're right."
Holt comes back in a rush, he looks worried. "Attention everyone. Two pounds of cocaine have gone missing from the evidence room!"
Rosa looks angry. "What?! That could ruin months of work I've been doing!"
Holt nods. "Diaz and Boyle, you should check the CCTV.
I look at Jake. "We can do it!"
Holt shakes his head. "With all due respect detectives, you two are the only people who have been in there today."
Jake looks a little hurt. "Captain, you wouldn't accuse us of stealing would you?"
"Of course not, it's just better if someone else checks it, you know that."

Rosa and Charles go off to look at the CCTV. I look at Jake. "Say goodbye to any privacy."
He laughs. "I don't think they'll make that big a deal of it."
"Really? This is Charles we're talking about!" I bang my head onto the desk. "Ohhh... That was a terrible idea." I look up to see Jake frowning at me. "What?"
"You're saying all this like you're ashamed to be with me!" He storms off onto the roof but I follow and grab his hand.
"Jake..." He pulls his hand away. "Jake please don't be like this, I'm not ashamed okay!"
"Then what?"
"I'm just, not used to anything like this okay? I don't want to mess everything up and look like an idiot." I look down as I wipe a tear off my cheek.
"Hey, you're not going to mess anything up. Come here." He pulls my into a hug and I rest my head on his chest.

We go back inside and sit at our desks. Charles comes running over whilst Rosa goes to Holt's office. "You guys! How could you not tell me?!"
Jake grimaces. "I'm sorry Charles, we just wanted to keep things private for a while."
Charles nods. "Well, it doesn't matter. I always knew you guys would get together! When's the wedding?!"
I can't help but laugh. "Strangely, one hasn't been arranged yet."
"But you guys are meant to be together!"
"Charles get back to work." Holt says as he comes over.
I look up at Holt as Charles goes back to his desk. "There was no evidence missing. I hope you have both learned your lesson."
"What?" I frown.
"I have no problem with you two dating as long as you do not let it interfere with work. You two make a great team, do not let this spoil it."
"Yes sir." Jake and I say in unison.

"I can't believe he did that to us!" I say once Holt is back in his office.
"Maybe he's done us a favour."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it saves us having to tell anyone. And we have his blessing."
I nod, the captain's approval was very important to me. "True."
"We can still keep it casual if you want."
"Ah, what the heck. We're both adults, we like each other and we already live together." I smile and Jake grins back.

Falling For My Mentor Jake Peralta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now