28. Remembering Everything

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I've been back at work for a week before something goes wrong. There's an active shooter situation at Brooklyn Heights and somehow Jake has ended up there. Naturally, I wanted to go and help but we have all been ordered to stay here. Not that I would have been allowed to go anyway as I had only recently returned so I was only filling out paperwork or attending to minor cases for the time being.

For most of the morning I had tried to busy myself with paperwork but I was struggling to pay attention. Everytime the phone rang, I worried something had happened to Jake. Eventually I go to captain Holt's office. "Sir?"
"Yes, Y/N?"
"Can I go to Brooklyn Heights?"
"What? No, absolutely not"
I frown. "Why not?"
"We've all been ordered to stay here."
"I know but I can't focus on anything and Jake could be in danger!"
"Please try to calm down. If you cannot focus on the paperwork maybe you should go home?"
I shake my head. "I can't do that, if anything happens I need to be here." I sigh as I go back to my desk.

The thought of Jake being in danger and not being able to help didn't sit right with me, there's no way he'd just sit here if I was in danger. Suddenly I remember the hostage situation at the store. In that moment all my memories return to me. I know I have to go to Brooklyn heights.

Slowly, I get up from my desk and walk to the elevator. Rosa stops me. "Where are you going? You know you can't go to Brooklyn Heights."
I frown. "I have to."
"We've been ordered not to."
"I know... I've remembered everything and there's no way Jake wouldn't go to help any one of us!"
Rosa sighs. "It's great that you've remembered everything but that doesn't change the fact we've been ordered to stay here. I'm sure Jake wouldn't want you going after him and getting hurt."
I look down at my feet. "I guess you're right."
"I am."

I return to my desk hoping Jake will come back soon. Holt burst out of his office, his face grim. "Some officers are down. They don't know who yet but they'll keep us updated." Nobody else speaks. I look down as a few tears roll down my cheeks but luckily nobody notices.

~A few hours later~
My head shoots up as the elevator pings. "JAKE!" I run over to him and fling myself at him. He chuckles as he wraps his arms around me as I bury my face in his shoulder.
"I hope I didn't worry you too much." He murmurs.
"Of course I was worried! But I do have good news..."
"Oh? What's that?"
I smile as I look up at him. "I remember everything. I love you."
He grins. "I love you too."

A/N: Sorry this was short, I just wanted to finish it off. Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, here's to a better 2021!

A/N Jan 2022:
The comment about 2021 aged well didn't it haha. Let's hope this is a better year!
PS. Thanks for all the views on this book, I didn't think so many people would read it!

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