18. Thanksgiving

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Jake and I agreed to host Thanksgiving for my my family and his mum. It was also an excuse to show off our new apartment which we've now finished decorating. I've spent hours cleaning everything to make sure it's ready for when everyone comes over. I still felt the need to show off a little to my parents, even though they've appreciated me more since the incident, though I hadn't been back to their house since. They'd invited us a few times but I'd made excuses. This would also be the first time I was going to meet Jake's mum so I needed everything to be perfect.

I must have been polishing the surfaces for about the third time when Jake stops me. "Are you stress cleaning?"
"What? No. Why would I be doing that? I don't clean when I'm stressed!"
He laughs and puts the cleaning stuff away. "Noooo, I'm not finished!"
"Stress cleaning!"
"I just want everything to look nice. How's the turkey?"
"The place looks amazing and the turkey is fine, stop stressing and just relax for a bit."
"If I try to relax, you know I'll just fidgit."
He laughs. "Are you worried about meeting my mum?"
I nod. "That obvious?"
"Maybe a little. Okay a lot. But you don't need to worry, she can't wait to meet you and I know she'll love you."
I groan. "But the fact that she can't wait to meet me makes it worse! You should have set her expectations low!"
He shakes his head. "Impossible!"
I laugh. "I'm gonna get ready."
"Oh, I thought you already were ready."

I shake my head and go to the bedroom. I had already chosen a dress last night and I refused to change my mind or I'd be here for ages. I get changed and take my time doing my hair and makeup to keep myself distracted.

By the time I've finished, Jake has set the dining table and is now watching TV. I sigh as I sit next to him. "Do you think people will be coming soon?"
Jake opens his mouth to answer but he doesn't need to because there's a knock at the door.

I go to the door thinking my family would have been first, they're usually early to everything. I was shocked to see Jake's mum had got here first. "Hello, Mrs Peralta." I smile.
"Hi, Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you! Please, call me Karen." She smiles.
"It's nice to meet you too." I smile and hold my hand out for her to shake but she hugs me instead. I invite her inside and suddenly a man comes around the corner shouting for Karen to wait up. He stops when he sees me.
"Uh... Hi, Mr...?"
"Peralta. But you can call me Roger. You must be Y/N?"
I nod, not knowing what else to say.
He holds his hand out. "Nice to meet you."
I shake it. "You too. Please, come in." I smile and move out of the way of the doorway.

I close the door behind them and look at Jake. He looks as confused as I feel.
"Dad? How did you even know about today?"
He sits on one of the sofas, next to Karen as she starts speaking. "Actually Jake, we have some news-"
"Your mum and I are back together!" Roger interrupts. I look at Jake. His jaw drops as he pulls me into the kitchen and closes the door.

"How dare he just turn up like this!" Jake fumes.
I sigh. "Jake..."
"No. He abandoned us when I was a child and has barely bothered to come and see me since. Why does he think he can just waltz in here now? And I don't want him back with my mum!"
"I know he hurt you but maybe give him a chance. He might have changed."
He laughs. "Him? Change? Nuh uh. He's gonna hurt her all over again. Once a cheat always a cheat!"
I sigh. "Alright, it's your call."

We go back into the living room just as there's a knock at the door. I answer it and hug my parents and brother in turn. My mum smiles. "It's so nice to see you, it feels like she's since we last saw you!"
"It has been ages. Fun fact, Jake's parents are here too, kinda forgot to tell you..."
They all look shocked but quickly come inside and sit down. They immediately start talking to Jake's parents but they don't look impressed. The conversation was not going well.

I go to the kitchen where Jake is taking the turkey out of the oven. "I can't take this anymore, they need wine."
"Why what's going on?" He looks concerned.
"Forced conversation and our dad's are making a competition out of everything."
I grab a bottle of wine and split it between everyone's glasses.

A little while later, conversation is flowing a lot better. I'm still relieved when the meal is ready though. I can't help but notice that Jake has stayed in the kitchen most of the afternoon. The kitchen is quiet while we eat, I'm almost thankful for it.

After the meal, Jake and I wash up. I close the kitchen door so we can talk in peace. "Are you avoiding everyone?"
He sighs. "I just don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't want my dad here and he's been causing arguments."
I nod. "I get it but it'd hard work having to manage their conversations by myself, they've come here to see you too!"
"You're right. I'm sorry I just left you to it."
"It's okay, the wine is working." Suddenly there's shouting from the living room. "I stand corrected, the wine is not working!"

Jake and I go into the living room. Our dad's are arguing, I have no idea about what. "Can you guys please stop arguing?" I sigh, they don't even listen to me.
Jake looks furious. "Guys, stop arguing!" He shouts. They turn to look. "You've been too busy arguing to notice any of the effort Y/N has gone to."
My dad looks horrified. "You're right. I'm sorry, both of you. And you, Roger."
Roger nods. "I'm sorry too."

Jake and I finish clearing up in the kitchen without any more interruptions. "Why did my dad have to come here and start arguments?" He sighs.
"My dad was probably to blame too, he's very competitive, I probably shouldn't have given them so much wine to be honest."
He laughs. "Maybe we should get them to play a game like charades?"
"A game? With a winner? I don't think that's a good idea."
"Yeah you're right. Small talk and hope they leave soon?"
"Great idea!" I laugh.

Once everyone is settled in the living room, Jake and I try multiple conversation topics but it's clear they'll never get along properly. Eventually Jake and I just end up telling stories from cases we've solved, everyone seems interested in that and my brother and dad tell some stories too.

I sigh in relief once everyone has left. "Well that was a disaster."
Jake hugs me. "It's fine, I'm sure next time they meet it'll be better."
"I hope so. Having people over is exhausting, especially when I have to manage their conversations."

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