19. Anniversary

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It's mine and Jake's first anniversary today. I suggested that we should keep it low key so we hadn't booked the day off work. This was probably a mistake since Charles kept bothering us, telling us to take the day off and do something romantic, such as, and I quote  "shampooing each others hair". The third time Charles comes over, Jake practically drags him back to his desk where they talk quietly for a bit. I can't help but notice Charles looking very excited for some reason. Jake hits him when he notices me watching them. He grins and waves, very suspicious. I frown slightly as I wave back. They're looking at something on the computer now so I go back to my paperwork.

I'd spent the last few months working on a murder case. None of the suspects would talk and it had taken ages to find any hard evidence. Turns out his wife killed him and had hidden the evidence miles away in their holiday home.

About an hour before my shift ends I go to file my paperwork. There's a note in the box.
Go home when you've read this. - J
I knew he'd been acting suspiciously, what was he plotting? How had he even had time to come down here to hide the note? He'd been out most of the afternoon working a case with Charles but had come back just as I was coming down here.

I file the paperwork and then go back to my desk and grab my stuff. Jake must have left while I was filing paperwork because he was nowhere to be seen. I go over to Charles before I leave. "What's going on?" I show him the note.
He just shrugs. "Maybe you should go home and find out."
"Have you really been working on a case all afternoon?"
"Of course I have."
He was managing to keep a secret, must be important.

When I get home there's another note on the table.
Check the bedroom. - J

I put my stuff down and go into the bedroom. There's a red dress laid out on the bed with shoes to match. Another note on the dress.
Put this on and go to the place we had our first date. - J
I smile as I put the outfit on. I appreciate the fact he'd chosen for me, he probably knew I'd be ages otherwise. I open my makeup drawer but find another note.
Nope, you look beautiful as you are! -J
How did he even know what I was going to do?!

When I get to the restaurant, Jake is waiting at the entrance. It's empty inside. He takes me to the same table we sat at. I smile at him. "Thank you, for putting in all this effort."
"I wanted to surprise you."
"I can't believe you rented the whole place out." I laugh.
"Well, we got interrupted last time."
"That was unbelievable, in a bad way."

A waitress comes over to fill our wine glasses and put a pizza on the table. We chat while we eat.
"Did you suspect anything, I tried my best to keep all of this from you but it was difficult!"
"Well you and Charles were acting very suspicious earlier and then you disappeared for the whole afternoon. But I asked him about the note and he managed to keep the secret." I laugh. 
"Good, I told him not to tell you anything, he knew it was important to me."

A little while later a few men enter the restaurant and start playing music on violins. Jake smiles at me. "Wanna dance?"
"Oh come on, you know I can't dance!"
"I'll teach you." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of my seat. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean my head on his shoulder as we sway gently to the music.
"How did you manage to step on both my feet at the same time?"
"I told you I'm awful at this!"
We sway for a little longer.

He suddenly stops and looks at me. I lift my head to look up at him and smile. "I love you Jake, tonight has been perfect!"
"I love you too. You're beautiful, smart, kind and one of the best detectives I know. And I know you'll make captain one day. I know it's only been a year but I already can't imagine life without you. So..."
I tear up as he gets down on one knee and holds out a ring. "Y/N, will you marry me?"
I nod vigorously. "Of course I'll marry you!" He puts the ring on my finger and kisses me. "I even asked your dad first, well told him, but he agreed!"
I laugh. "I knew he liked you really."
"I told everyone to be at Shaw's so we should get going."
"You told everyone?"
"No just Charles, they think we're just having a few drinks."
I nod. "Let's go."

When we get to Shaw's we get drinks and go to sit with the squad. Charles is staring at us intensely. "Well?!"
Jake grins and holds my hand up. "She said yes!"
Charles grabs my hand to look at the ring. "Oh it's gorgeous!"
The rest of the squad all congratulate us and then go back to their own conversions. Charles wants to know every detail of our night and is so excited by the time we tell him everything. "I'm so happy I got chance to help."
"Did you struggle when Y/N questioned you?"
"Yes! You know I'm awful at keeping secrets!"
I laugh. "I'm sorry I questioned you. But I was a little suspicious when I found the note."
Jake frowns. "I didn't think about that... Probably should have written them myself instead of getting Charles to do them in fancy writing."
"I do appreciate all the effort you put into pulling this off though."
He grins. "I knew you'd love it!"

(A/N: Sorry if you got a notification earlier that I updated, I accidently pressed publish XD. Anyway, thank you if you've gotten this far, I really appreciate it! <3)

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