12. Making Amends

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I've been working as a detective for six months now and recently I'd started thinking that maybe I should try and patch things up with my family. I woke up early and I'm now sitting on the sofa staring at my phone. I'd rewrote a text to my mum so many times. Maybe I should call instead? I hadn't spoke to her for months, would she even want to hear from me?

Suddenly I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Jake waves his hand in front of my face. "Y/N?"
"Huh?" I look up at him. "Sorry, did you say something?"
He laughs. "Yeah, what's up?" He plops down next to me and peers at my phone screen.
"I've been thinking about making peace with my family, starting with my mum." I sigh and put my phone down. "I don't know what to say. I don't know if a phonecall is the right option anyway, what do you think?"
He looks thoughtful for a moment. "Why don't you ask her to come here?"
I nod. "Yeah okay."
"Want me to go out?"
"No, please stay." I text my mum, asking her to come over. She agrees straight away and promises to come alone.

A little while later, we're all sat in the living room together. My mum speaks first. "I think I know why you've asked me to come here."
"You do?" I frown.
"Yes. I spoke to your father and he regrets what he did. You can move back in!"
I shake my head and laugh a little. "I don't want to move back in."
"You don't? But you can't be comfortable here." She looks around before continuing.  "Theres only one bedroom for a start."
"That's not an issue, Jake and I are together."
She doesn't look too shocked, which surprises me. Instead she just nods. "I see... Wait, you're not pregnant are you? Do you need money?"
"No! Why do you think I want money or something from you?"
"Why else would you want to see me? I'm glad you do but you haven't spoken to us in months!"
I sigh. "I know, and I'm sorry... I was angry."
She nods. "I can understand that... You shouldn't have been thrown out, and I'm sorry we wasn't more supportive of you."
I smile. "Thank you for listening, I appreciate it."
"Maybe you could both come for a meal tonight so we can make it up to you and get to know Jake better?"
"I'd like that."

Once she leaves I turn to look at Jake. "You don't mind going there tonight do you?"
"Of course not, I want you to be happy." He smiles.
"I am happy."

A little while later, I've done my make up and tried on about 10 dresses. I just couldn't decide which one to wear. "Jake!" I shout.
He comes running. "What? Oh you're almost naked."
I frown. "I can't decide which dress to wear."
He looks around the room at the dresses that are scattered all over. He picks up a navy blue one and passes it to me. "This one, but you'd look good in any."
I smile. "Thank you!" I put the dress on and we leave the apartment.

When we arrive, we sit in the car for a moment while I calm down a little. "What if it's a disaster?! Was this a bad idea?"
Jake laughs. "It'll be fine, don't worry."
"You're right."
"As always!" I laugh as we get out of the car.

Once were inside I can tell my dad has already been drinking. Shawn and Ella are awkwardly sat on the sofa opposite Jake and I. My parents are sitting on chairs to the right of us.
Again, my mum starts the conversation. "So, how's work, Y/N?"
"Works been good, thanks, very busy."
Ella looks at me smugly. "I became Sargent this week."
I try my best to smile. "Congratulations, I'm sure you'll do a great job!"
"Oh I will." She sounded bitter. I was confused, she wasn't like this last time we met. I glance at Jake, he looks confused. I watch as my dad pours himself more whiskey. This wasn't going to end well.

We eat in silence. It's the most awkward I've felt since the restaurant incident. After the meal, Jake helps my mum clear up, my dad pulls me into a different room and says he wants to talk to me. I can tell he's quite drunk but I go along with it.
"Y/N, I wanted to apologize for how j treat you last time you was here. I shouldn't have thrown you out. Please come home."
"Your apology means a lot but I'm happy where I am now."
He nods. "You do seem happier."
"I am."
"If you ever change your mind, we can ask Ella to move out."
"What's Ella got to do with anything?" I frown.
"Oh... You don't know?"
"Don't know what?"
"She got pregnant so we let her move into your room."
My jaw practically hits the floor. "I guarantee if I was pregnant, you'd disown me!"
"That's different, you're younger..."
I sigh. "Don't worry. I don't plan on having kids any time soon. Anyway, you don't need to ask Ella to move out, I'd never move back here."
He nods. "Please think about it, your mum and I miss you very much."
I notice Ella is listening in. "Alright, I'll think about it." I definitely won't. He nods and leaves the room and I'm left on my own.

Suddenly the light goes out and the window behind me shatters. I yelp as something hits me on the head. I turn to look but all I can see is a silhouette. I back towards the door. I can hear Jake shouting from the kitchen. Someone grabs me and hauls me to my feet, I try to make a break for it but I hear the click from a gun as it's placed next to my head. I stop moving. A cloth is pressed over my nose and mouth. I try not to breathe but darkness starts to take over me as I'm dragged out through the window. The last thing I see is Jake running after us and shouting at my kidnapper before I'm shoved into a van and go speeding off. Then everything goes completely black.

Falling For My Mentor Jake Peralta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now