17. Hostage Situation

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Holt makes some calls and arrangements are made for us to go to the store. We quickly put our bulletproof vests on and grab out guns. Holt stops me just before we leave. "Are you up to this?"
I nod. "Absolutely, sir."

The NYPD quickly have the store surrounded. Our squad is sat in the back of a van outside the store waiting for a command. Jake is sending me texts every few minutes so we know he's okay. He thinks he can handle it alone but I'm still worried, anything could happen. Amy slides over so she's sat next to me. "You look worried..."
I sigh. "I am worried."
"He'll be fine, he should still have his gun if he needs it." She smiles slightly.
I nod. "Yeah you're right, he knows what he's doing. Thanks."

I look down as my phone beeps. "Jake says he's taken most of the men down and he's found the hostages. He's untying them now." A few seconds later a gun fires. I try to call Jake but he doesn't answer. "He's not picking up." My heart is pounding so fast I can hear it, I wouldn't be surprised if the others could too. I look over at Holt waiting for him to say something.
"We need to go in there." He orders.
We all nod and get out of the van. As we get out and start preparing to go inside the door opens. Thank God it's Jake.

I run over to him and kiss him. "You're not hurt are you?"
"No I'm fine, don't worry."
"Thank God." He hugs me and we stay like that for a few minutes while the others go inside to help the hostages and arrest the robbers. I was so relieved that he was okay. Then I notice that he's shaking slightly. I look up at him. "Are you cold or something?"
"No, why?"
"You're shaking... What's wrong?"
He sighs. "Can we go home first?"

I nod and go off to find Holt. "Captain, are Jake and I good to go?"
He turns to look at me. "I didn't think either of you would want to rush off."
"I think he's in shock."
He nods. "Alright, go home and make sure he gets some rest, he must be exhausted."
I nod. "I will. Thank you, sir."

I go back to Jake. "We can go." Jake nods but he stays quiet during the walk home. He looked like he was deep in thought and I didn't want to disturb him. Once we get home we sit on the sofa. "What's wrong?" I'm really concerned by now.
"You heard the gunshot right?"
"I was untying some of the hostages when one of the robbers saw me. He immediately knew I was a cop and he tried to shoot me. I ducked out of the way and he shot one of the hostages in the arm. I just feel guilty."
"You shouldn't feel guilty Jake, you were just doing your job and trying to help people."
He sighs. "I know but if I hadn't have moved..."
"It's only natural to move if someone tries to shoot you, and I'm sure that they'll recover."
He nods. "Yeah you're right. I think I'm gonna go to bed."

I put the TV on and turn the volume down so I don't disturb Jake. I must have fallen asleep pretty quick because I wake up when Jake comes into the living room at 10pm. He doesn't look too good. "What's wrong?" I sit up from my slumped position to look at him.
He sits down next to me and sighs. "Nothing really, I just can't sleep. I didn't mean to wake you."
"It's fine, do you wanna watch something else?"
"No, a boring documentary will send me right to sleep! Worked for you!"
I laugh and shake my head. He rests his head on my shoulder and I play with his hair until he falls asleep. I fall asleep a little while later.

The next morning I wake up before Jake so I make breakfast for both of us. He wakes up just as I've finished. "You've cooked!"
"I have!" I laugh.
"And it looks good too!"
I smile. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, must have been the documentary that did it!"
I shake my head and start eating.

Jake eats very quickly and seems eager to get to work. "Why are you rushing?"
"I want to see if Holt heard anything about the hostage that got shot."
I nod as I finish washing up. "Let's go then."

When we get to work Holt wants to see Jake straight away. I sit at my desk and start working on my new case when Rosa comes over to my desk. "How's Jake taking what happened last night? I heard a hostage got shot but Holt won't tell us anything yet."
"He didn't take it too well at first but we discussed it and I think he's feeling a little better now, he just wants to know how they're doing."
Rosa nods. "I need your help with that drug case, I've got some names of dealers we need to find." She puts the list on my desk.
I nod. "I'll start looking on the system for leads."

Rosa goes back to her desk as Jake comes over, he's looking happier than he was earlier. "The hostage is fine, she's in hospital recovering but she'll definitely make a full recovery."
I smile. "See, I said it'd be alright."

After we've finished work for the day, Jake and I go mattress shopping. We look around for a while before finally finding one that was affordable and extremely comfortable. We change our mattress when we get home and I flop onto the bed. "Think we should test it?"

Falling For My Mentor Jake Peralta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now