20. Wedding Planning

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Jake and I have a month to get everything planned for our wedding. I had a huge binder of things we needed to do and potential businesses and venues we could use. We are currently trying to choose flowers but it's taking ages. I wanted roses but they were too expensive so we'd settled on lilies instead. Our colour theme is pink and white so at least the lilies could fit that.

We go around the local shops choosing things to fit our theme. White tablecloths with pink place mats. Our wedding invites were also pink and white with black writing.

The cake shop was one of the best parts. We spent about an hour tasting different cakes and looking at pictures. We went with three tier red velvet cake with white icing.

Next we found a suitable caterer. This was easy because the restaurant we had our first date had agreed to cater for us. They agreed to do a buffet and bring it to the venue once we decide on one.

When we leave the shop I turn to Jake. "Now we just need to find a venue."
He nods. "Don't be too fussy about it, we aren't moving in!" He laughs.
"I know, I just want the wedding to be perfect."
"It will be, I could marry you anywhere and it would still be perfect."
I smile. "Same, but I still hope we find a nice venue."

The first venue we look at is perfect. It's elegant and spacious. The place would barely even need any decorating, the furniture was perfect. All it would need is flowers and the tablecloths and place settings. There was a lush gardens outside with a gorgeous fountain that would be perfect for wedding photos too. Luckily the place was reasonably priced so we book the date in.

That was the last thing we needed to book so we grab a pizza and go home. We just needed to find outfits now but we'd be doing that separately. I sit on the sofa as I contact the caterers and decorators to let them know our venue and the time.

After we've eaten the pizza, I start writing the invites while Jake clears up. He comes to sit next to me once he's finished and  helps me write a few.

"Have you asked Charles to be your best man yet?"
Jake grins. "No, I'm waiting and keeping him in suspense. Every time I talk to him it's like he's just waiting for me to ask, it's hilarious!"
I laugh and shake my head. "That's so cruel!"
He laughs. "Just watch tomorrow and you'll be laughing too!"

The next day when we get to work Charles immediately rushes over to talk to Jake about how our planning went yesterday. I go over to my desk and start looking at wedding dresses on my computer as I had no open cases. I look over at Charles as Jake sits at his desk across from me. He looks disappointed. I shake my head at Jake. "How could you?" I press my lips together to stop myself from laughing.
He grins. "Oh come on, I know you want to laugh!"
"Me? Nuh uh!"
"You're doing that thing where you press your lips together so you don't laugh."
I frown. "Okay fine, it is a little funny but it's still mean!" He grins as he gets up to go talk to Holt about one of his cases.

I go back to scrolling through dresses on my computer. The shop wasn't too far away so if I saw one I liked I could go during my break.
"That one looks nice." Rosa suddenly appears behind me.
"Ah! Rosa? Where'd you come from?" I close the tab quickly. "I don't know why they were there, I wasn't looking at dresses!"
"Cut the crap, Y/N. If you wanna look at dresses just do it, you have no open cases."
I sigh and open the tab again. "Alright fine I was looking."
"Hey, that shop isn't too far away. We'll go on our break."
"You wanna come?"
"Sure. Anything to help."

"Time to go." Rosa taps me on the shoulder at 12pm.
I get up and put my jacket on then we leave to walk to the shop.

The dresses in the shop were all beautiful. I put on a sleeveless mermaid cut dress with a lace train.
Rosa nods in approval. "Now spin."
"Spin. I want to see the back."
"Oh, okay." I spin in a circle.
"Do you like it?"
I nod and smile. "I love it."
"Great! Let's get it and go then."
I nod and go back to the changing room. Once I've changed, I buy the dress although I'd have to go back to get one fitted. I book the appointment for my day off then Rosa and I go back to the precinct.

Jake looks up as I sit at my desk. "Did you find one you liked?"
I grin. "Yeah, I have to go back to get it fitted though. Did you go anywhere to get a suit yet?"
He shakes his head. "No, I'll wait until I've asked Charles to be my best man and then we can go together. He'd kill me otherwise."
I laugh. "When are you going to tell him?"
"Soon, I want to prank him into thinking he's working a shift for me and then have a big reveal! I've told Terry my plan, he said he'd make a banner because he has a lot of craft stuff at home. I'm going to get some party poppers later too.
I nod. "Charles will love it!"

The next morning I can see the excitement on Charles face when Jake says he needs to talk to him and goes into the store cupboard. The rest of us get ready outside the room with the banner and some party poppers.

Charles looks disappointed at first when he exits but squeals with excitement as we pull the party poppers and he sees the banner reading "best man?"
Jake laughs. "Is that a yes then Charles?"
"Of course it's a yes!"

Falling For My Mentor Jake Peralta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now