The adventures of Melody and Delphi

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Third person's P.O.V

In the ocean, where a broken off mast of a ship stuck in the sea ground, a mermaid swam up.

Her light brown hands gripping the wet board, she stared in front of her with her blue eyes, slightly smiling.

"Melody, wait up!" A voice shouted behind the mermaid.

"For a dolphin, you sure can't keep up, can you, Delphi?" Melody giggled, glancing back as the bottlenose dolphin swam up beside her.

"Hey, I saw a cool shell that I wanted to look at," Delphi defended.

"Yeah, okay," Melody rolled her eyes playfully.

"Why are we here anyway, Mel? It's creepy," Delphi glanced around frantically with her gray eyes.

Melody just pointed to the sunken ship in front of them.

"It's fantastic, isn't it?" she breathed as she stared at the ship.

"Yeah, great. Okay, let's go," Delphi said.

"Are you getting cold fins on me?" Melody questioned.

"What? No," Delphi protested.

Melody snickered and swam away towards the ship with her shimmering, sleek aquamarine tail. Delphi followed right behind her.

"I just have this cough," the dolphin fake coughed.

"I might be coming down with something," Delphi added, floating next to the long blue haired mermaid.

"All right. I'm going inside," Melody said, looking through the broken hole in the ship.

"You can stay out here and watch for sharks," she added, glancing to the dolphin, before swimming inside.

"Great. You go. I'll stay and-whoa hey wait!" Delphi exclaimed, zooming in after Melody.

She laughed when Delphi bumped into her.

"Come on," Melody whispered, still giggling a bit.

Delphi only followed, frantically searching for anything potentially dangerous.

Swimming up and into a higher cabin, Melody immediately saw something. She flipped her tail to get to the object faster.

"Have you ever seen something so wonderful?" Melody asked, gazing at the fork in her hands.

"You don't even know what it is," Delphi pointed out.

", but my point remains," Melody put the fork in her bag and swam to the other side of the room.

"Great, you found something. Come on, let's go," Delphi begged.

"Don't worry, Delphi. Everything's-" Melody assured, putting in another object.

"SHARK!" Delphi screamed.

The giant great white shark smashed into the room and followed as Delphi zoomed around the room. The shark ate everything that was in its way.

Melody's eyes widened, her and Delphi swimming back the way they came.

The shark suddenly popped up in front of them, blocking the two from going any farther forward.

They dropped down to avoid the shark's sharp teeth, a hallway awaiting them.

They started across the hallway right as the shark followed them into the hallway.

Melody and Delphi swam, gaining distance from the shark's mouth.

Melody's blue bag filled with her human finds slipped from her arm and stuck itself to a splintered board, right in the way of the shark.

Melody stopped dead, turning around and staring at the bag as Delphi continued forward.

Making a split second risky decision, she dove for the bag.

She grabbed the blue bag and zipped away right before the shark was going to snap her head off.

She followed Delphi's trail, leading her to the room that they entered.

Spotting a small circular window, she swam right through it, hoping it to stun the shark. She swam towards where her dolphin friend was anxiously waiting.

The shark shattered the window and boards, continuing the chase.

Delphi yelped and hid behind a nearby rock.

Melody zig zagged away, shark right on her tail. If it wasn't for Melody's turning, her tail would have been chewed off by now.

Glancing to her right, she spotted Delphi through an anchor ring.

Melody turned a sharp right, slapping the shark across its face with her tail.

That just angered the shark more. It turned and swam after Melody even faster than before, Melody fearing for her life.

She passed the ring in the knick of time, still swimming away in case it failed.

The shark tried to swim through too, but got stuck after going an inch or two.

Melody floated next to Delphi, panting for breath.

"Bully," Delphi hissed, then blew a raspberry.

The shark tried one last time to rip them to shreds. They took that as their cue to leave.

"You okay?" Delphi asked when they were far enough away.

"Yeah, I think so," Melody replied.

"..." Delphi rose an eyebrow in suspicion, staring at Melody out of her peripheral vision.

Until next time!

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