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Third person's P.O.V

In order to avoid the birds coming at his head, Clouse ducked to the deck.

The birds and the seagull flew around and headed back, going under Clouse's legs this time. Alice stood in her place, unmoving.

The people on the ship - Kai, Nya, and Jay included - all panicked as more birds flew around. Seals and dolphins also flopped on the deck.

Some of the birds dumped water on Clouse, a few of them with seaweed and fish.

A lobster pinched Clouse's nose.

He yelped as starfish covered the front of his body.

"By the power..." the priest continued reading from the book on the pedestal, not knowing what was happening right in front of him.

"Get off of me, you slimy little-!" Clouse narrowed his eyes, taking a few of the starfish off of him.

A seal bounced him on its nose, to other seals, and finally....Clouse crashed on top of the wedding cake.

Jay had to cover his mouth to stop his laughing.

Melody was climbing over the rail, seeing what was being done.

Clouse growled as he stepped out of the cake.

Three dolphins spit sea water at his face, and then the seagull sqwuaked as loud as she could in Clouse's face.

Clouse wrapped both of his hands around the seagull's throat.

"Why you little-!" he glared the seagull down.

Then, the seagull grabbed the shell necklace that was worn around his neck and pulled her neck as far as she could, while also kicking Clouse's neck and face.

Clouse yelled out in pain as a sharp object made contact with his leg.

The seagull took that opportunity to both destroy the shell and to free herself.

The necklace shattered at Melody's feet, freeing her voice.

As Melody's voice lifted towards its owner, Alice held her head.

Everyone on the ship stared at what was happening with Melody and what was floating, glowing, and singing from the deck.

The yellow streaks circled Melody and settled at her throat, fully returning her voice.

"Melody?" Alice asked.

"Alice," Melody smiled.

" can talk!" Alice realized.

Alice leaped from the ship's alter and to Melody.

"You're the one!" Alice smiled.

"The one I've been looking for!" she added, getting more excited in her realization.

"Alice, get away from her!" Clouse yelled, but no one paid him any mind.

"It was you all along!" Alice said.

"Oh, Alice. I wanted to tell you!" Melody said.

They were about to kiss, as the sun was setting.

"Alice! No!" Clouse shouted, though he had a slight smile on his face at the sun.

The sun set under the horizon, marking the third day complete.

Melody gasped, falling to the deck.

Alice stared at Melody in ultimate concern, and stared at her wide eyed as she looked at Melody's blue mermaid tail.

Clouse, meanwhile, was laughing maniacally.

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