Chapter One|The Unavoidable

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How do you know if you caught feelings for your best friend?

This is the question dream types into his incognito search bar. The rain pitter-patters on the window of his Orlando flat, a background to his undecipherable feelings. He stifles a yawn, scrolling through the search results methodically, and finally seeing a quiz that piqued his interest.

Am I in love with my best friend?

He clicked on it hesitantly, reading the first question and almost immediately losing hope that this was a decent quiz.

Do you ever catch yourself staring at your BFF?

Dream rolled his eyes before deciding he should at least try to take it seriously. Begrudgingly, he chose the All the time! Option.

Are they the first person you call when something happens?

Dream thought about it for a moment, remembering back to the time Patches ate chocolate, or when he himself got a headache so bad he couldn't move. The first person he called was George, no doubt. But was that because he trusted him, or because he was the best person to ask?

The dirty-blonde haired boy groaned, running a hand down his face as he chose the Always. Option.

He continued answering questions that seemed kind of irrelevant to him. Do you get jealous when someone else is with them? Do you ever think about your future together? Things like that.

And, in the end...

You are...
Totally in love with your best friend.

Dream felt embarrassment burn through his veins, groaning as he covered his face and shook his head.

He was about to take off his headphones and get something to eat when a discord notification popped up on his monitors.

hey, wanna call for a bit? I'm bored :P

Georgie changed Dream's nickname to Clay

Dream chuckled a little bit at this, almost immediately changing it back.

What did I tell you about calling me clay??

well, I successfully summoned you, so it's worth it.

Dream chuckled lightly, grabbing his phone to open discord there and voice call George.

"Claaaaaay-" George said, only to be cut off by Dream going "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU." Which made the shorter boy laugh out loud, and Dream's heart skip at least two beats.

"So, how's your day been?" Dream asked, taking his phone with him to his kitchen to grab a banana, and for a moment he felt proud of himself for proving his parents wrong about his grocery habits.

"I've been pretty decent, actually. I mean, my job sucks, but I was able to snag some extra hours so I can save up for when my airport opens in a couple of weeks."

Oh, right. Dream threw the peel of his banana away as he recalled their plans for the summer.

Last summer, when everything was still fine and dandy, the Dream Team made some big decisions. A, they were going to add BadBoyHalo into the team. B, they were all going to move to one house and split the rent evenly. This way, when dream finally wanted to do a face reveal, they could all record themselves doing things other than playing Minecraft. Plus, it would just make things more fun for the four of them to live together.

"Well, you don't have to push yourself you know. I can send you some money if you're short anything when the time comes." Dream offered nonchalantly. Everyone knew that out of the four, Dream's channel wracked up the most income. He wasn't afraid to gift money to his friends, especially if they need it.

"You know I can't say yes to that." Dream could practically hear the adorable pout on the other boy's face, making him smile.

"Just know that it wouldn't be a problem." Dream opened his fridge, rummaging through things before he found some leftover pizza from the day before.

Out of which state to stay in, the Dream Team originally wanted to be in Orlando, Florida. That is.. Before they realized the prices. Sapnap was happy to announce that there was a four room four bath house for cheap in Harris County, Texas. And so, that's why most of Dream's things are packed in boxes for whenever the moving trucks get here in a week.

He, Sapnap and Bad were gonna clean up the place about two weeks before George was supposed to come. The veiwers still didn't know, and they wouldn't know until dream was ready to record with them, cameras on.

If he was being honest, Dream wasn't sure if he ever would be.

"I know I'll have enough money for the travel prices." George spoke with a bit of pride, making Dream think about how cute he was for a moment before he wanted to slap himself.

"What about the first month of rent?" Dream said, no malicious intent, just trying to make sure they checked all the boxes.

"..Fuck." George said, causing Dream to wheeze out a laugh.

"No, I'm serious Dream. There's no way I'll be able to get enough to pay more than half of my first months rent with the travel expenses." The shorter boy sounded suddenly stressed, like a huge burden had been put on his shoulders. Which, Dream guessed, one had been.

"I'm telling you, George. I can handle it." Dream insisted, only to get cut off by George spitting out ideas to get the money himself.

"I could get another job, but would I be able to get one on such short notice? Should I sell some stuff-"

"George, seriously. I'm gonna pay for it."

"No, Dream."

"George," dream pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "you can give me whatever ammount you have and I can pay the rest. You can pay be back later if it bothers you that much."

For a second, George seemed struck dumb, or speechless.

"Promise you'll let me pay you back...?" George said quietly, cutely, even.

"Yeah, George. Promise." And Dream meant it, because there was no way he could say no when George used that tone of voice.

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