Chapter Twenty Three|Together

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It took about an hour to completely dispel the tension between Dream and George.

Dream took a glance at George's expression, no longer flushed, not even sad. He was smiling softly, that smile widening as he laughed at one of the jokes on TV. George started to turn towards Dream, and he quickly snapped to look at the television, a blush rising to his face.

George didn't seem to notice, or at least Dream didn't think he did.

Eventually, George rested his head on Dreams shoulder, and Dream nearly flinched in surprise, but he was able to suppress it into a twitch of his leg.

Dream was stiff as he looked down at the smaller boy, who was just focused on the TV. He wanted to run his fingers through his short hair and play with it while the other boy fell asleep.

He blushed more, looking away and just trying to focus on the show.


When George felt himself stir a little in his sleep, he realized how comfortable he was. He was somewhere warm, and he moved to bury his cheek further into comfort.

He felt something shift for a moment, but he was too happy to care as he felt a rhythmic bobbing.

His bliss turned to upset when the warmth was gently pulled away from him, and he made a sound of protest, reaching out.

A couple of seconds later, something that was warm and smelled good was placed into his hands, and George was quick to curl up with it, shivering as something soft was pulled over him. Soon, he fell into a deeper sleep.


Dream blushed as he watched George in his bed, cuddling the familiar 'big brain' merch that Dream had released a while back.

He huffed. The world was out to kill him, with his crush being so adorable. First, George leans on his shoulder, then he falls asleep and literally cuddles up to him. Dream had picked him up gently to bring him upstairs and give him an actual bed to sleep in, and then the boy had literally reached out to him when he was about to leave, looking like he was gonna cry.

And so Dream had taken off his sweatshirt and given it to him, not knowing if he could handle sleeping in the same room as the boy, let alone sleeping in the same bed.

He started to reach out to caress the boy's face, before he pulled his hand away, ashamed of himself.

He went back into the hallway, going to the cabinet with all the extra blankets and pillows. His floor was carpeted, but he still wanted to grab two puffy blankets to lay on, three pillows, and a normal blanket. Good thing he had brought a lot of extra sheets and things for any guests who might come, even though he didn't expect to be using them so soon.

He set everything up next to his bed, face still very red as he did so, trying not to think about how George was literally right there, less than three feet away from him.

He hummed, looking at the nest before he finally decided it looked good, looking back at George for a moment.

The boy was cute, curled up with his jacket and snoring adorably, and Dream smiled.

He puffed up his chest, going over to the boy and planting a light kiss on his forehead before settling down so he could sleep.


When the sun came up, the first thing Dream noticed was that he was very, very itchy. He sat up, trying to reach around to his back to scratch the mosque bites there.

The second was that he wasn't alone.

"Good morning!" A voice said from his left, and Dream's head whipped around so fast it cracked. Dream hissed a little at the pain, and George absolutely cackled.

"Rude... And after I carried you up those stairs like you were my kid or something.." Dream grumbled, and George hit him with a pillow, which brought the grin back to Dream's expression.

"That's on you. You could've left me on the couch you kn-" Before he held back a laugh. Dream was confused.

"What? Is there something on my face?" George burst out laughing, and Dream stood up, going to his hanging mirror, and then he shook his head and smiled.

His bed head was absolutely terrible this morning.

"You should've seen two days ago, I had chlorine in my hair and it was literally everywhere at once." George laughed harder for a solid minute before he was gasping for breath.

"Your hair.. looks amazing," George said between huffs, his face flushed. He was clutching his chest, and Dream was surprised to see him wearing his sweatshirt. His face went red, and George looked confused before he looked down at himself and turned pink, looking away.

"It's big, soft, and comfy, okay?" And Dream managed to scoop up enough of his broken pride to say...

"Whatever you say, sweetheart." Before smirking as George hit him hard with a pillow, which Dream caught.

"C'mon, let's get breakfast. I was thinking of going to Ihop today with the boys." Dream said as he went into his closet to change clothes.

George seemed a bit flushed when he came out, and Dream was confused, but George didn't offer any explanation why.

"Well, Bad and Sapnap are streaming together, so we can't really take them with us." Dream shrugged, sending a message and asking what they wanted.

His outfit today was normal black skinny jeans and a grey and blue sweater, simple and easy. The sweater was a bit big on him, threatening to hang off of one of his shoulders. In that way, he and George sort of matched.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Dream asked, and George shrugged, a smile plastered on his face.

"Let's get going on our date." Dream walked to the door, winking at George before dodging a pillow that was hurtling at him, laughter in the air.

Today was going to be nice.


Sorry if it's an inconvenience, but this is the only chapter going up today, which is Friday. I'm gonna take a break on updating for a little while; I have a phycologist appointment, a birthday to celebrate, plans with my Dad and the fourth of July all in one weekend. I might drop one or two more chapters this weekend, but overall, I'mma try and take a break from writing until Monday, when my normal schedule will start up again.

Thanks for your feedback and understanding, I love and appreciate all of you guys!


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