Chapter Eleven|Dinner

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By the time Dream and Bad got back, it was around eight thirty. Unloading the groceries from the car took half an hour, because Bad kept making him smile and laugh to keep his mind off the work.

"I'm hungryyy." Sapnap exclaimed loudly while Dream and Bad were putting away the groceries. Bad sighed, and Dream noticed he had kept some ground beef and tortillas on the counter.

"No. No way, Bad, you need to get some sleep." Dream scolded, even though he himself hadn't slept much. But with bad it was different.

Bad's used to a time zone two hours faster than this one, and it was obvious from the bags under his eyes that he was really pushing his sleep.

"Dream, you guys need to eat something other than peanut butter and jelly-!" Bad grabbed the other side, but didn't pull. He knew all hell would break loose if the meat got all over the place.

"I'll tell you what, I'll buy your favorite take out. Just name it." Dream offered, letting go of the meat to put away the tortillas, despite Bad's loud 'Hey!' of protest.

"Uh.. I might have already ordered pizza." Sapnap looked up from his phone, a slightly apologetic look on his face.

Dream and Bad slowly turned towards him, glaring daggers. Then they turned to each other and smiled, Bad putting the meat away and Dream cracking his knuckles.

"Aww shit." Sapnap said, dropping his phone and slowly standing up, not breaking eye contact with Dream and Bad.

And suddenly, he bolted towards the stairs, and Dream and Bad ran after him. The adrenaline in the air was like static electricity.

Sapnap screamed as Dream almost managed to grab his ankle, but he just barely slipped out of his grasp.

"Bad!" Bad nodded, continuing the Chase until they got to the gaming room, in which Sapnap ran around the couch in circles, Bad following him.

Until suddenly, Dream was added to the mix, and Dream caught Sapnap's sleeve, laughing in triumph.

But it was a decoy! Sapnap slipped his arms out of the jacket and laughed at his own victory as dream threw it on the ground, growling.

Dream and Bad started chasing him again, but Sapnap had a headstart, and he somehow managed to hide somewhere.

"Ooooh Niiick~" Dream called, ripping open every door he saw. Sapnap didn't have many places to hide; Most things weren't unpacked.

"Come out you muffin!" Bad called, looking in a different room. And then Dream had an idea.

He held his finger over his mouth, signifying for Bad to be quiet. Bad listened, mimicking the gesture while dream opened the door to his room, cupping his hands around his mouth.

"Red Robin." He waited for a moment.

"Yuum." It was coming from his closet, since Sapnap knew it would be full. Dream and Bad inched towards it, Dream counting down from three.

They tore open the closet and Sapnap screamed. He was completely cornered. There was no escaping it.

Bad tackled him to the ground while dream held him down, tickling him while he thrashed, mixtures of screeching and laughter spilling out of him.

Eventually Bad decided to take pity on Sapnap, stopping in his assault while Dream followed suit. Sapnap was gasping for air, taking deep, labouring breaths.

And then the doorbell rang.

Dream and Bad made eye contact before they bolted, Sapnap struggling to his feet to follow after them.


It didn't take long for the three of them to absolutely devour the pizza, but Dream still felt hungry. They had ordered two pizzas, Bad and Sapnap each ate about half of one, but Dream ended up eating an entire pizza and still feeling hungry.

"Dream, oh my god.. If you keep eating you're gonna get sick and throw it all up again." Bad said as he put a hand on Dream's shoulder to stop him from looking through the fridge.

"Are you sure you aren't sick or somthing?" Bad said, examining him. He seemed more skinny than when they had last video called.

"Wha? Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Dream closed the fridge, looking down at himself. He was checking for any blood, but he didn't show his concern.

"Nevermind.. It's nothing." Bad sighed, smiling. He started grabbing everyone's plates and putting them in the sink.

"No, no. Bad, let me do dishes." Dream offered, gently placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"You should go get some rest. You look like the walking dead." Bad smiled tiredly at Dream, and it was then he knew he had made the right decision by offering to do the dishes.

"Yeah, okay.. Thank you, Dream." Bad said, hugging him with one arm before he went to say goodnight to Sapnap, and Dream turned the water on hot.

Dream felt himself zoning out as he did the dishes, steam rising from the hot water into his face.

His hands were turning red but dream couldn't feel the pain, his thoughts on other things. That was, until his hands got so numb from the heat that a plate slipped out of them and shattered into the metal sink.

Sapnap looked up from his place on the couch, eyes wide. Dream was a bit shocked himself.

"Sorry, I'll just. Don't worry about it." Dream said, turning off the water and reaching into the soapy sink blindly for the porcelain. He didn't realize how stupid this was until his ring finger slid across a particularly sharp piece of porcelain.

Dream pulled his hand back with a hiss, his finger bleeding heavily. Sapnap scrambled up to help, and Dream could tell he was saying something, but he couldn't tell what.

TW, Panic Attack

Dreams ears were ringing, and the only thing he could see, smell, and feel was the warm, wet, tangy blood.

His hands started shaking and his breathing sped up, and then all he could hear were memories of his own coughing and the steady drip of the blood in the water.

The tips of his fingers and toes tingled, and he couldn't breathe-

TW over

And suddenly he was snapped back to reality, watching as Sapnap scoured the boxes for medical glue and bandages, and he realized somthing.

Dream himself was way more trouble than he was worth.

First chapter of the day.


From now on I'll be adding a little note at the end of every chapter, saying if it's the first or second chapter of the day, so you know to expect any more.

Generally I post two chapters a day, but when I feel like writing more, you can get a chapter labeled 'bonus chapter'!

Also, just a reminder that I love all of you guys 💞💕💞💕

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