Chapter Eight|Decorating

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Dream flopped onto his bed, having just finished making it. It was midnight, and Dream felt like he could just about pass out right then and there. But now Dream and Sapnap were messaging George and BadBoyHalo in a group chat called "The Dream Team +1".

Sometimes, when Bad is feeling a bit mischievous, he changes it to "The Muffinteers +1" and waits for Dream to notice. Today was one of those days. Instead of getting a rise out of him, it just made Dream smile.

Hey guys. Did I miss anything?

Nope!! I'm still packing to fly in tommorow. Honestly can't believe this is happening. I'm finally moving in with my favorite Muffins!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

And I'm still waiting for my airport to open :,(

Can't wait to see you all together. Also, sorry George, you'll just have to wait it out to see my hot face ;)

Dream laughed a little at his own antics, and turned off his notifications, plugging his phone in. Dream stretched for a moment before getting up to open up some of his boxes, namely the ones with clothes.

After about an hour, he had all his clothes hung up in his closet, organized by hoodies, jackets, long sleeve, t-shirt, tank top, shorts, and jeans. Yes, overkill, he knew, but it just made things easier for him in the morning.

He took apart the two boxes until they were flat, laying them on the ground near the door. And then he moved his bedside table, pushing it, well, next to his bed.

He pulled out the box with his disassembled shelves, using an electric drill to start putting it together. He heard thudding up the stairs before Sapnap knocked on his door, and Dream told him to come in.

"Oh, so that's why you aren't messaging in the group chat. George wants to know if you're up for a group call or not." He said, leaning on the doorframe and picking at his teeth a bit.

"He said he'd prefer you call and I chill with you in your room while we chat, because your phone has a better mic. Me and Darryl agreed."

Dream sighed, grabbing his phone from the charger and unlocking it, giving it to Sapnap and letting him start the call while he continued on the shelves.

"Hey Claaaaaay-" George started, before he was interrupted by a loud electric drill, causing the shorter boy to laugh and Dream to smile, some blood betraying him and flowing to his cheeks.

"Sup George." Sapnap said, grinning. He  got up from his position on the floor, jumping into dreams bed and laying down.

"Dreams bed is really comfy. You jealous?" George barked out a laugh, replying with an 'As if', and then he and Sapnap just chatted together.

Dream continued putting together the shelf, interupting them every once and a while to drill, but they didn't seem to mind that much.

Once he was done, dream put it in its spot on the wall to the right of the door, which was parallel to the wall his bed was against.

Dream kicked Sapnap off his bed to put up some hanging shelves, two of them right above the headboard.

Next to his bed, to the left, was a pair of glass doors. He had a balcony that, or so he was told, would give him a really nice veiw of the sunrise.

To the left of those doors Dream put up a mirror. It was a mirror with shelves on it, and it was decently big, big enough to show the upper half of his body with how he positioned it. Dream put his hands on his hips and smirked into it.

Next, he hung up a painting his sister made for him of his YouTube Icon, and his golden play button right next to it. They were next to the shelves above his bed. Sapnap yawned, stretching his arms above his head.

"Dream, can't you do the rest of your unpacking tommorow and help me put my bed together? Pleaaase?" Dream chuckled a little bit, before he shook his head.

"C'mon Nick, let's get this over with." And Nick was happy to be able to slack off while Dream did most of the work.


It was at three thirty in the morning that dream finally settled down and got ready to sleep. And yet, he couldn't. It was small things that bothered him.

The house smelled unfamiliar; it smelled new. It almost made him want to buy candles just to flush out the overpowering new house smell.

For a moment, Dream thought about putting up the string lights that his mom had given him as a house warming gift. He had to admit that the peachy-colored lights looked nice, but he just wasn't sure if it would fit the room.

After laying in bed just thinking for a good half an hour, Dream gave up. He knew what he had to do to feel at ease.

He pulled out his phone, and called George.

"Dream? What's up? Isn't it really late for you?" We're the first things George said. Dream could hear Sapnap snoring down the hall.

"Yeah, it is. But I can't sleep." Dream sighed, looking up at the unfamiliar ceiling of his new home.

"Oh. Is there any reason why?" Dream smiled. George was always the type to worry about his friends, even if he didn't always show it.

"It's just.. Everything feels so.. Nevermind, it's kinda stupid now that I think abou-"

"Everything feels so new? Different?"

Dream smiled sadly. Of course he would know what he meant, George knew Dream like the back of his hand.


Dream took a second to listen to the cicadas. The sound of them wasn't annoying per se, but it was more like a white noise in the background, somthing to distract him from the silence.

"I understand how you feel. And I think, or at least how it was with me, the only way to get rid of that feeling is to make it look and feel more like home."

Dream just continued looking at his ceiling, because he was only telling half the truth. The truth is, he always had trouble sleeping, because his house never felt like home. It felt like there was something missing. And he always knew exactly what.

Home is where the heart is, after all.

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