Chapter Seven|Moving In

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When Dream pulled up to the house, the first thing he noticed was how much more huge it was in person. The second thing? His back really fuckin hurts, and his legs are jelly.

He slowly got out of his car after he parked it on the side of the road. The place was practically a mansion!

As he leaned back to see the house in its full glory, his back popped almost comically loudly, making him wince and lean back more to finish popping it.

He yawned, stretching his arms over his head and hearing a couple more small pops.

"Hey Dream, how was the fourteen hour drive?!"

And then there he was. Sapnap, in all of his short glory. Dream couldn't stop himself from smiling as Sapnap opened his arms wide with an eyebrow raised.

"This place is great, am I right?" Dream chuckled, which eventually turned into wheezing laughter. Sapnap could only hold back his laughter for so long before he gave up, laughing with Dream.

"It's so good to see you man." Sapnap said, offering a hand so they could shake. Dream grinned as he ignored his hand, wrapping his arms around him and squeezing until he heard Sapnap's shoulders pop, and then he let go.

"Nice to meet you, Sapnap." Dream said, mimicking the way he had said 'Dream' while they were on the phone earlier. Sapnap punched him on the shoulder, laughing with him.

Maybe this whole moving in together thing wouldn't be so bad.


Moving in was going terribly.

Dream had a good twenty minutes to cool off and chill out before Sapnap loudly announced that his moving truck was here, and it was time to bring his stuff in.

Dream was currently lugging a box up the stairs with Sapnap.

"My fingers are slipping mY FINGERS ARE SLIPPING PLEASE HURRY-" And so they did, just barely getting to the second floor before they almost completely dropped it on the floor. It was filled to the brim with clothes, so it wasn't fragile, but it was very, very heavy.

Dreams arms hurt to move. It's kinda alarming how quickly his body can go from 'You haven't moved all day get the fuck up and walk.' to 'For the love of God sit down take a break hhhh-'

Dream flopped onto the carpeted floors, Sapnap sitting next to him soon after, both of them breathing heavily.

And then Dream felt a tickle at the back of his throat. Dream held his breath as he got up, barely muttering out an 'I need to use the bathroom' before he started coughing into his hand, the washcloth downstairs in his backpack.

He made sure to catch any drips that got through his tightly cupped fingers before he got into the bathroom connected to his room, turning on the fan to help drown out his violent coughing as he leaned over the toilet, his throat burning.

TW, Panic Attack and Vomiting

Dreams breathing picked up as his lungs kept forcefully heaving, more and more petals and leaves finding their way out of his throat. This was more than usual, he was choking, he couldn't breath.

The tips of his fingers started to tingle and his stomach was doing backflips. He suddenly felt like the room was boiling, sweat beading on his brow as he continued to cough.

Soon the nauseousness was too much to handle, and he felt his stomach heave as he tried to throw up, his breakfast spoiled as it came up his throat.

Along with his sick came a blossom, almost a whole flower, albeit a small one. It must have been stuck in his throat, that's why it took longer for him to get over this.. session.

He took in gasping breaths, but he still struggled to get in air, and then he started sobbing.

He would give himself ten seconds. Ten seconds to cry and let everything out.

And so he gave himself ten seconds to fall apart before he would stitch himself back together again.

TW over


George must have refreshed the page five times. He just had to check that the information was real. His airport had opened early, and it gave him a new option for transport.

Flight to Texas - one seat available for a flight in three days.

George laughed in amazement at his luck as he canceled his previous flight, booking this one.

"Huh." He said, his bewildered face widening into a huge smile. This was going to be one hell of a surprise.


When dream had dubbed himself ready to deal with the heavy lifting ahead of him without anyone knowing what happened less than five minutes ago, he left the bathroom and went downstairs.

What he didn't expect to find was Sapnap, who had brought one of the two couches Dream had brought from his apartment into the living room, just so that he'd have a place to wait for Dream.

Dream chuckled when he walked downstairs, his lips pulled into a smile. Sapnap turned to him, an exasperated look on his face as he spoke.

"Dude, finally. It's been like, ten minutes. What were you even doing in there?" Dream chuckled, before looking out the window.

"I just needed to take a second and take it all in," Dream sighed happily, "I mean, I'm actually here, and we're all moving in together. We have this huge, amazing house, and we finally get to meet each other and just. Be happy together."

Sapnap made a barfing noise, and Dream moved quickly to punch him in the shoulder, making Sapnap complain through his laughing.

"Don't get all sappy on me, okay Dream? Let's wait until we make this house look more like a home before we reminisce." Sapnap slapped him on the back before he started to walk to the front door.

And Dream still needed to take a break to appreciate his past decisions. Even if he wished he had experienced more things before he got 'sick', he was glad.

Because now that they were all going to be together in the same place, he would finally be able to get to know his best friends as people rather than faces behind the screen.

And he'd be able to say goodbye before he passed.

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