Chapter Fourteen|Fashion

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Dream grunted as he pushed the couch, Sapnap, the stubborn fuck, refusing to get off for him. Dream was moving all the furniture in the living room around to make it look like.. Well, a living room.

He listened with half an ear to Sapnap and Bad's conversation in the background of his suffering.

"Soo.. What do you want to do today?" Sapnap asked, hanging on the couch with his legs hooked on the backrest, and his head hanging down off of the couch. His arms shook with the strain of holding his phone out in front of his face for ten minutes like that, but he was too stubborn to move.

"Well, I was thinking we could go to Houston, or San Antonio. Since, you know, they're nearby, and me and dream have never been." Bad tapped his chin in thought.

Actually, Dream had been to San Antonio, but he was way too small back then to remember it. Dream didn't bother correcting the muffin-loving boy.

"Nooo, that would be boorinng." Sapnap groaned, stretching his words and finally letting his arms succumb to gravity. He unhooked his legs, and Dream watched him slowly slip off of the couch.

"I literally went to Houston, like, a month ago. Let's do something else." Sapnap rubbed his eyes as his back was completely on the floor, before looking to dream with puppy dog eyes, and Dream almost immediately caught on.

"No." He said, and Sapnap, scrambled to sit at his feet, crouching down and making little whimpering along with his eyes.

Dream groaned, kicking the boy lightly as he went over to a picture, hanging it up on the wall. It was a fan made poster of the four of them.

"... Fine." Sapnap jumped up and grinned. Bad just seemed confused, watching the other boy's excitement.

"We're going for a shopping trip!" Sapnap exclaimed, and Bad just sighed, smiling, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Both of you need to take a shower first though. You both smell nasty." Dream pinched his nose for effect.

"I'm gonna go change clothes while you're at it." Dream smiled, going up the stairs while Bad and Sapnap talked a little, complaining about how they both had showered not long ago, and Dream was being Dramatic.

Dream had a lot of clothes, the main colors of his wardrobe being green, black, and grey. He had more colors, but he had to be honest with himself when he said most of his clothes revolved around those three.

Dream grabbed a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, slipping those on and grabbing a black tee with a neon green Chinese dragon on it, tucking in half of it and putting on a neon green belt, some decorative straps, and small green hanging earrings with the toxic waste symbol on them.

Dream had been the cool guy in middle school. From being a jock to having a soccer coach dad, he had screamed screamed 'popular kid'.

But when he got into high school, that started to change. He started wearing stupid-funny graphic tees, and leaning more towards 'geek' or 'weirdo'. It was around that time he decided to get his ears pierced, even if he was teased constantly for it.

He looked at himself in the mirror, adjusting small things about his outfit before he grabbed his boots. They were high top boots with neon green laces. He pulled them on and smiled at himself in the mirror, contemplating some green eyeshadow before he decided his green eyes were enough to make it match.

He fixed his hair to be messy, not that it needed much help to achieve that,  before taking a photo without his face in it in his full length mirror. Once he approved of it, he walked out of his room and went downstairs.

Dream had an alt Instagram that never really blew up, since no one knew that 'DragonIndecencies' and 'Dream' were one in the same. He still posted photos of his outfits, though.

He had worried at first that people would link the photos to him, but he eventually realized that no one would know, and it gave him some security.

Dream carefully cropped his eyes out of the photo so his earrings were still showing, posting it on his alt Instagram with a toxic waste symbol as the caption, adding eight tags revolving around the outfit.

He turned off his phone and slipped it in his pocket, going to the fridge for any sort of snack. He saw the black olives he had grabbed yesterday, taking them out to snack on as he waited for the others to come down, grabbing his phone and lazily scrolling through social media.

Dream knew it was weird that he liked olives in general, let alone Black olives. But there was just something about them that he enjoyed, and so he was not afraid to say they were his favorite snack.

He closes the jar, putting it back in the fridge with a sigh as he heard two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs. Sapnap was the first one down.

"Daaaaaaamn." He raised an eyebrow at Dreams outfit, looking him up and down. Dream laughed, punching him in the shoulder.

"Like you're one to judge, SnapMap-" Dream doged the fist coming for his own shoulder, laughing at Sapnap's frustrated expression.

"I'm not judging. I just didn't expect you to be such an e-boy-" Dream glared at him, crossing his arms.

"I dressed this way before it was cool." Sapnap mimicked his words with his hand, chuckling.

"Yeah, whatever, Dream." Dream sighed, shaking his head. Bad had been watching the exchange in amusement.

"Looking good Dream. Are we underdressed or are you overdressed?" Bad asked honestly, and Dream chuckled.

"Nah, you're good. I just like to look nice in public-"

"Said no Minecraft YouTuber ever-"

"Shut up Nick." Dream said, a grin plastered on his face. He could tell they both secretly liked his outfit, even if they didn't show it.

"Let's get this show on the road." Dream said, walking to the front door with a smile.

Today was going to be great. He could just tell.

Second chapter of the day.

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