Chapter Thirty Three|What Was Real?

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Dream wasn't there as he walked back to the boys, and he couldn't even pretend he was. His face was blank and he smelled like vomit, and I could barely nod when they asked him if he wanted to head back.

Darryl was more worried than he had a right to be, considering Dream was constantly insisting he was fine. But with how Dream was leaning on him, looking like a ghost of himself, how could he not worry?

He looked just a bit thinner, paler, clammier than he did a couple of days ago. He didn't look healthy. He looked malnourished and sick.

Darryl really wanted to take him to a doctor at least, a hospital if he needed to. He couldn't just... Watch his friend rot away, in denial about his own health.

Dream suddenly swayed, and for a second Darryl thought he would pass out, but then Dream walked over to George, leaning on him instead, and even he looked worried.

And even though Nick was trying to hide his emotions under a happy mask like he usually does, Darryl could tell he was concerned too by the way he constantly cracked jokes in Dream's general direction, trying to get even a smile out of him, to no avail.

George knew that something was seriously wrong when Clay went over to him instead of staying with Bad. He knew this as he wrapped his arm around the other boy's waist, comforting him as they walked to the car.

George helped Clay in before going to the other side, grateful that Nick could drive a stick shift as he felt Clay lean into his shoulder with a sigh.

Dream's body was ridged as he tried to relax enough to be comfortable in his own skin for long enough to get a pinch of rest, to come back a bit.

And then he felt it. He melted into the fingers of the one he loved as he traced his fingers through his hair.

George was at awe at how soft Clay's hair was. It was like silk, and he was entrapped by it as he continued to run his fingers through it.

Every time his fingers got to the tips of his locks, he ran them through again. Forty percent of the reason was that he wanted to make Clay feel better, and the other sixty was because of how soft his hair was, and how much he just wanted to pet him again and again.

Eventually, he heard Clay humming a song in the silent car. He hummed along to the beat the tires made on the highway, and Darryl must have recognized the song because he hummed along to it in harmony.

A ghost of a smile passed over Dream's lips, and he continued to hum until he fell asleep, comforted by his friend's combined presence.

George felt himself fall deeper as he gazed at the sleeping face of his best friend, handsome, pretty, and serene all at once.


When they got home, George somehow managed to get Clay on him, piggyback style. It was a tough three minutes, but he still managed to put Clay gently on the bed.

Clay was drowsy as he reached blindly for George as he went into the bathroom to take off his binder, grabbing the clean sweatshirt that Dream had changed out of this morning.

Clay was drowsy as he asked George to lay in bed with him. They were both drowsy as George slipped his hands under Dream's jacket, feeling the taller boy shiver.

They were both sleep-deprived and exhausted as they pulled each other close, Clay humming pleasantly as the shorter boy kisses his neck lightly.

They were exhausted when Clay whispered 'I love you', and made George's face light up as he buried his face in the other boy's chest.


He woke up, and Dream felt amazing. His dream last night made him grin, even if he woke up without George in the bed.

He turned on his Bluetooth speaker to listen to music in the shower, and he wasn't ashamed to sing out the lyrics and dance as the water pelted his back.

Dream was in a very, very good mood today. Almost like yesterday didn't even happen. And he really, really wanted it to stay this way.

He got dressed in his own merch, and since he was feeling reminiscent as he wore his limited edition two hundred thousand subscriber merch.

He nearly danced down the stairs, from how good his mood was. When things hit rock bottom, the only way out is up. This is what he told himself as he smiled at Nick and Darryl, oh, George was here too-!

Wait. Why were they looking at him like that?

"Guys, is something wrong?" Dream asked, and they all looked a bit sad, averting their eyes.

"Well, I mean, Dream.. We know." Dream froze in place for a second, but played it off.

"Know what?" Dream asked, stretching his arms above his head, and they popped loudly.

"You're sick. And it's not normal sick." Dreams bones suddenly creaked, and he dropped to one knee, feeling suddenly drained.

"Guys, I'm seriously confused-" Dream stated, looking at them with a wild look in his eyes, and he didn't know what to think anymore.

"You have Hanahaki, Dream," Sapnap said. Dream felt his throat getting gravely.

"The flowers are eating away at you," Darryl spoke this time.

"From the inside out." They said in sync, standing up to face him as blood dribbled down his lip, and his arms became boney.

"One..." Dream coughed loudly, falling to his hands and knees.

"Day..." Dreams arms shook from the strain of holding himself up.

"At..." Dreams hair started to fall out in clumps.

"A..." Dreams teeth started to rot away.

"Time." George finished, clicking his tongue as he went over to Dream.

"And all because you didn't tell me before. I'll never say yes, now that you look like this." And he shoved a mirror in his face.

He was a walking, decomposing corpse.


I'm not gonna do a second chapter today my guys. Promise I'm not burning out, I was just busy and I really kinda want to sleep.

Guess which parts were real?

Love you guys.

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