Chapter Two|Fun and Games

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"George, c'mon." Dream pestered, a blush filling his face, not that George could see anyways. He picked a poppy from the Minecraft world, offering it to George.

"You're already my Minecraft boyfriend, all you gotta do is say it back!" Dream said, his voice tapering off into a high pitched whine near the end of the sentence. His character shifted, as if to say 'come oooon' without him saying it aloud.

George was crouched and faced away from dream, so he ran around into his line of sight again, only for George to turn away again. It went down like this until George spoke.

"You know what, fine. Give me the poppy." Dream jumped up and down in celebration, dropping the poppy for George to pick up. George pulled out a flint and steel, and too late Dream realized his mistake.

"NO!" Dream yelled as George lit the flower aflame, and Dream was pretty sure he heard the fiend chuckle at his distress.

Dream crouched and looked down at his feet, walking away slowly and sadly. George made fun of him in the chat a little bit before he realized he might have actually hurt Dream's feelings. Let's just say after that, he was quick to apologise.

"Aww, Dream, I'm sorry.." George walked next to his sad character for a little while, but then he stopped.

"Hey, look at me." George advised. Dream lifted his head slowly to look at the shorter male's avatar, who was crouched next to him.

"Stay right here for a second. I'll be right back, okay?" He said, and dream slowly nodded before looking back at his feet again.

Dream waited a good five minutes for George to get back before he decided he might as well mine some wood while he waited for his Minecraft boyfriend to return. He'd keep silent while he waited.

After about ten more minutes, George finally returned.

"Okay Dream, look up." This was basically the Minecraft equivalent of 'close your eyes', and so he did.

"Okay, look back down." Dream looked back down, only to see a pretty blue flower in his hand.

"Oh, George.. You really didn't have to go all that way.." Dream knew that George could almost definitely hear his smile.

"I know, but I figured you deserved an apology. Plus, they're really pretty. Blue is way better than red." You could hear George's smirk as he gave dream the blue orchid.

"You only think that because you only see green and red as piss yellow." Dream shot back, already starting to run, and just as he had guessed, George followed along, punching air in a frantic attempt to get dream.

"Rude!" George huffed.

"Well, I mean, while you were gone I got a crap ton of wood and blocks. Were good on Iron so now we just gotta look for- WOAH." Dream suddenly stopped, almost jumping right into a lava pool. George was laughing hysterically while Dream was telling him how close he was to dying.

"Well now we have a lava pool, and I have a water bucket and empty one." He tossed em to Dream, who thanked him.

"Do your magic, Magic man." And so dream did, placing blocks perfectly and finishing the portal in under thirty seconds.

"Hell yeah Dream!" George seemed genuinely proud and happy, he even clapped for Dream. Dream felt the heat rising to his face as he and George took the time to read some donations they missed before going into the nether.

"Hey George, just wanted to say I really appreciate your drama and humor, also could you ask Dream how much he really loves you?" George read out.

"PixieStix wants to ask you how much you love me dream. So how much do you really love me?" You could hear the smirk in George's voice.

"To the sun and back, George." And while George was busy laughing, Dream had really meant it. It was actually an understatement.

"Whatever, Dream. Let's head in." Dream had to take deep breaths to let some of the blood flow away from his face as his character jumped into the nether portal, being teleported to a pretty decent, open area. It would be easy for them to find their portal again. He snagged a screenshot of the cords as he heard George speak up.

"DUDE. We are literally so lucky!" And just then he got the achievement 'A Terrible Fortress'.

"DUUDE!" Dream exclaimed, exited and filled with confidence because of their luck. He got the achievement as he followed George into the fortress, immediately going in search of a spawner.

When they eventually found it, a particularly good donation came in for George. "...I made an edit of you two on insta called I Love Dream."  as he read it, Dream froze, his face going up in flames. No way. No fuckin way.

In denial, Dream quickly pulled up George's stream donations, scrolling up a bit. Dissapoint bit him in the ass as he understood, but humor bit harder, and he burst out laughing. It took him a good five seconds to even explain why he was laughing.

"Isle of Dream! I love Dream!" And then George just sat there, looking like he had just given up on life as dream laughed his ass off for at least thirty seconds.


It had been three hours since the stream ended. Three hours. It was three in the morning, Dream should definitely be sleeping.

But he couldn't. All he could think about was what happened earlier. It was like a broken record in his head playing over and over.

Dream had no idea how paralysing those words would be once he heard them from George's mouth for the first time.

Three simple words that had him tossing and turning. He had even screamed into his pillow a couple of times.

He didn't go as far as to record it, but his brain was so shocked by it that it would forever be seared into his brain.

"I Love Dream."

And now, with all his heart, all Dream wants to do is say he loves him too.

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