Chapter Nineteen|Tea

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Bad was always someone who easily forgave, and this horrifying scare was no exception. The muffin helped ease him along the already short path to forgiving the green menace.

Bad un-muted his mic, telling the chat that it was just a prank and that he had screamed to scare them. Some people didn't believe him, because the scream sounded (and was) genuine.

Dream made a note that there were some intellectuals in Bad's fanbase, even if the number was small.

(He'd use that to roast the boy if it ever came to that.)

Dream realized he was hungry as he went downstairs, grabbing the coffee he had left on the counter next to the muffins and chugging it before grabbing a muffin of his own, chowing down on his 'breakfast', even though it was tiny.

He poured himself a small glass of milk to go with it, drinking it when his teeth felt a bit stuck.

The feeling of his teeth getting stuck reminded him of the last time he had boba tea, which was more than a month ago. He had bitten into the boba with his top and bottom teeth, and any time he had opened his mouth, it had made a little suction popping noise.

Absentmindedly, he scrolled through his Google maps, searching for any tea places near him. There was one, it was called 'Tea House', and Dream decided to check the reviews, seeing they were pretty good.

He pulled up his messaging app as he leaned against the counter, opening the 'Dream House' group chat, which they would add George to eventually.

What do you guys want from a boba tea place?

Hmmm... just check if they have any caramel flavored things please!!

Ur leaving the house? Count me out. Uhhhh... Matcha green tea with boba ig

Mkay. Peace out.

Dream turned off his phone, sticking it in the pocket of his shorts before grabbing his keys and going out the front door, locking it behind him. He got into his car, starting it, and setting up a playlist for the ten-minute drive as he buckled up and put it in reverse.

He hummed along to his music, which was relatively calm, similar to the drive. The only moment worth noting is when someone cut him off before he could turn, making him groan and take a u-turn to get into the right entrance.

He pulled into the parking lot, pulling on his mask and parking his car, climbing out. He pulled his sleeves up to his elbows, but also put his hood up. His hair was a mess today.

He got into the place, surprised to see some pretty modern furniture, and a bit of a line. Just two people in front of him.

He sat at one of the tables, and as he was scrolling through Twitter, he didn't expect to get interrupted, but fate decided differently.

"Hey, is that Dream's merch?" A boy who seemed to be in his early teens asked, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Huh?" Dream said, before coughing and making his voice sound a bit higher-pitched than it was to avoid being recognized, even if he was probably just being paranoid.

"Yeah, it is. Why? You a fan?" The boy's eyes widened a bit, and Dream felt his heart drop.

"Dream...?" He asked, and Dream averted his eyes, at a loss for how to get out of this situation. Then their father noticed that their teenage son was talking to a grown man, grabbing their arm and pulling him away from Dream, to his relief.

"Come on, Sarah." Dream blinked. Who the hell names a boy Sarah- oh. Oh shit. Dreams face twisted in distaste.

"Sorry sir, your son just recognized me from YouTube." Dream said, any last bit of mystery surrounding his identity completely erased.

"So it is you!" The boy said, and Dream smiled a bit, putting on his YouTube persona, a more confident version of himself.

"Yup, but don't tell anyone. What's your name?" Dream asked, crouching a little bit to talk to the boy. Their father was fuming, but at least they knew when their son was too happy to be interrupted.

The obvious boy, or some other gender, but definitely not a 'Sarah', hesitated a bit with their name.

"Uh, I'm Colin, but call me Sarah." He said, and Dream smiled.

"Sure, Sarah. It was really awesome to meet you, but I'm sure you and your Dad should be going." Dream said, standing back up and nodding to their father, a passive-aggressive smile on his face, even if the guy couldn't see it.

"Mkay. I'll DM you on Twitter, check for me!" Colin yelled back as they left, and if Dream was being honest with himself, he probably would check his ocean of DMs later for the boy.

Dream went up to the counter, smiling a bit as he asked about the other two streamers' orders, happy to hear they could both get what they wanted. Then he ordered his own drink; A Rosehip Milk Tea with Boba and Strawberry jelly cubes.

He paid and tipped, sipping his own tea as he put the cardboard carrying case in his passenger seat, sitting in the driver's seat, and scrolling through Twitter for a little while.

George had tweeted about Dream's absence, trying to clear people's minds a bit by offering a bit of an explanation, even if it was only half of the truth.

G - Dream is just in a tough mental spot right now, so we should all support him when he needs time off like this break he's taking. Appreciate all of your support 💖

Dream read through the replies, and there were a whole lot of people coming up with theories, though as you can expect, none of them were remotely near accurate.

Dream sighed, turning off his phone and just leaning his head against the head rest of his seat for a moment.

Some people were selfish and crude, and used everything he posted or said to start drama or try to start drama.

But others... Others seemed to actually care about him. Like, really truly care about him. And for that? He was glad.

A smile was on his face as he pulled out of the parking lot and hinally started to head to his home.

First chapter of the day.

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