Chapter Sixteen|Bonding

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Honestly, Dream didn't know what to expect when he saw Bad and Sapnap again.

But he definitely wasn't expecting Sapnap to come up with a frappacino in one hand and a new, glittery phone case.

Dream's eyebrows perked up, and his friends eyebrows perked up just as much at his two bags.

"Dream, I didn't know you liked shopping so much." Bad said, and Dream felt a little relived that he didn't use his real name.

Because facemasks were normal now, the chances of someone seeing Bad and Sapnap and realizing Dream's identity were pretty low. Dream was glad they didn't have to use his real name instead of his other one.

"Nick, how long have you been here, just to go to Starbucks?" Sapnap chuckled at him. "It's Frapnap now." And he did a small pose with his Frappacino.

Bad stared at him blankly while Dream just shook his head, smiling widely. They all decided to look for a table, which wasn't too hard to find, and Dream set down his bags to pull down his mask and start eating his ice cream.

"Ooo, what's that?" Bad asked, reaching twoards his ice cream. Dream pulled it away from him, glaring.

"Mine, that's what it is." He said. No one was gonna take his Banana ice cream rolls. Not without a fight.

And then suddenly, it wasn't in his hand anymore. He looked at his hands in shock, before he heard Sapnap chuckle, before watching what happened in slow motion.

Sapnap lifted the spoon, a sizable ammount of the frozen treat on it. He pulled down his mask and he licked his lips as he took the bite.

"You... Did not... Just do that..." Dream had a shadow over his expression, just his frown showing. His fists were clenched.

"Oh shi- listen Dream, I'll get you another one, on me-" He said, handing the cup back to him, which Dream snatched back.

"You better." He said, giving him a look that could kill as he took another bite, glaring holes in the back of Sapnap's head as he went up to the stand and presumably got another one.

He was satisfied to see the second cup of it placed next to him, and it made him smile to see that he had bought Bad and himself one too.

"Oh, you really didn't have to do that-" Bad, who was watching the exchange, voiced, only for Sapnap to cut him off.

"It's blueberry muffin flavored, and I made sure it didn't have gluten." And then Bad didn't hesitate to tuck into the frozen treat.

Dream was grinning and tapping his foot to the semi-familiar song playing over the loudspeakers, eating his ice cream.

Dream was tempted to sing along to it, but while he was good at a lot of things, singing wasn't really one of them unless he put his whole heart into it.

"So, Dream, you've been busy?" Bad said, motioning to his bags. Dream smiled sheepishly, biting his lip a bit.

"Yeah, I got some new shirts and leggings and stuff. I can show you when we get home if you want, I think they'll look cool." Dream licked some ice cream off his lip.

"Sure, as long as you let me take pictures." Sapnap said, and Dream smirked.

"As long as they don't have my eyes in them, I'm fine with that." He agreed, taking another bite. Sapnap smiled, nodding, and Bad just seemed excited to see Dream's new clothes.

"Why did we choose an outdoor mall again?? It's so hot outside, I'm glad the food court is indoors." Bad said, fanning his face a bit.

"What are you, a wuss?" Dream said, narrowing his eyes. He used to live in Florida, after all.

"Yeah, this is literally one of the cooler days. Eighty degrees is cooler than usual." Sapnap said, checking the time.

"Whatever you two, you're just used to it!" Bad complained, puffing out his cheeks as Dream chuckled.

"Well, I was thinking we could stick together from now on? Maybe go to a shoe store?" Bad asked tentatively, and Dream nodded, even though he had more than enough shoes.


Dream sighed as Sapnap tried to decide between three nearly identical pairs of Converse. He wandered over to Bad, who was trying on a pair of black Converse with red accents.

"Those look really good on you, bad." Dream spoke honestly. They really complimented the red shirt he had on.

"I'm sure you're just saying that, you sweet muffin." Bad smiled at him, and Dream chuckled.

"No, seriously, you should get them. They look awesome." Dream nodded, as if agreeing with himself. Dream had a pair pretty similar to them, with red treading and shoelaces.

"Okay, okay. I'll get them. Now go find somthing for yourself, dummy." Bad said, pushing him lightly away, in Sapnap's direction.

And so Dream played pinball between Sap and Bad, before he finally went over to the pride section of the converse store. Maybe.. Maybe he could buy something, just to drop the hint.

He picked up a black crop top with a rainbow hood and rainbow sleeves, the converse logo on the back of it. It was his size, and on clearance, for twenty five dollars. He also grabbed some rainbow socks, buying them and quickly putting them in the less heavy of the two bags he already had.

Bad and Sapnap just started to go up to the counter, and Dream grinned, offering to cover some of the price of Bad's shoes, but not Sapnap's, despite his complaints.


The sun was starting to set when they all decided it was time to go, putting their bags in the trunk of Dreams car. It was a pretty tight fit.

Dream sighed as he looked at the sky, the colors slowly changing.

"Thank you guys." He said, and Dream and Bad looked confusedly at him.

"What do you mean? We should be thanking you, you helped pay for so much!" And this made Dream laugh, wrapping his arms around the both of them, right in the middle of the parking lot.

They had no idea how much he cared about them, and it brought tears to Dream's eyes, which he willed away.

He was so happy to be here with them.

Second chapter of the day.

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