chapter 1

40 10 1

Alex above Alicia is in the first page
Alexander's pov

"Hugh" the stupid alarm clock is so annoying.
Wait a minute it's Monday again , I better get my eighteen year old ass out of the house before my mum kills me ,thankfully am in my last year of high school
I can't wait to leave this house and nagging parents .
  I rush to prepare my bath knowing I have thirty minutes to get to school ,I shouldn't have done all those assignments but at least am free for the rest of the year , just a month to go and I will finally be out of here . I can't wait
  "Alex ,Alex" a voice yells
   Oh my gosh it's my mother I better hurry up

Alicia's pov

That boy probably slept late again ,he should get out more have only seen him with one person since high school started and his a boy
he overworks himself and that is not healthy at all
"Alex why did you stay up yesternight "
"I had to finish some assignments mum"
Alex says and shrugs
"Son you have to stop overworking , you know I would always be proud of you it's not healthy for you to not sleep adequate hours Alex "
"I know mum but thanks " Alex says
"Now come and give your mama a hug and get your ass out of this house"I say
"Bye mum I love you " Alex says as he steps out of the kitchen
"I love you too bunny stay safe " I whisper

Alex's pov

  I enter my Toyota Camry , it is one of the less expensive cars in the garage or at least my cheapest car .
I couldn't go around driving a Cadillac or Ferrari that would scream styles too much. Not only because of paparazzi but of course am not too keen on dying yet .
I had my mum buy me the Camry 2007 so as to be able to fit in at the high school , I don't go to a private school like other celebrity kids or royalties do I want a simple life. I arrive in school having five minutes before the bell for first period is rung .
I am Alex styles , am eighteen I would be nineteen next year January 10 I love with my parents .
My mum is a famous designer ,she is the owner of styles company while my dad is an actor I want to be a business man when I grow up .
     As I am opening my locker to take out my books my bestfriend Kelsey barrow flicks my fore head.
"The fuck Kelsey, have a little more respect ,I have two minutes to get to calculus "I exclaim
"Oh shut the hell lover boy the teacher won't talk you know the perks of being a straight a student and a teachers pet" Kelsey says
"Okay barrow okay " I mutter sarcastically
"I can't even believe how I met you Kelsey honestly I can't "
Kelsey shrugs and we head to the class
We arrive just in time I take my seat next yo Kelsey in class ,just one month and I would finally be out of high school but that one month would be like hell.  I can't wait though I'd finally be able to follow my dreams and be on my own .
I am half listening to the teacher when I notice the queen bee leader looking at me , the fuck do they want now , at least they know not to bully me am not some weak nerd but I don't have friends either I would say Kelsey is my only friend .
I Used to be friends with Sam in grade school but as soon as we were nearing high school she started being distant and rising to popularity ,she was always popular even in grade school but then she became really popular in high school , she became a cheerleader , had new friends and me I was forgotten it is still sad to think about those things I don't even know what happened . I shouldn't be sad but I am she was my first crush and best friend .

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