chapter 9

14 3 15

Alex from the future
Time skip
Okay Alex in the future

Alex's pov

"Book my meeting for noon marina"I call to my secretary

She answers with a yes sir and scurries out my office

My phone rings and I answer
"Baby boy , you have to come for my annual gala , if you miss it , I will cut off your dick and castrate you " my mother says

"Mum it's only nine am and you call me for this , I would try mum , and am really busy " I say

"You better make time for me "my mum says and stopped the call

My mum doesn't want to change.

I grab my suitcase and head to the roof where my company's helicopter will, take me to an enterprise where I have a meeting today .

The helicopter stops on another roof,  where me and Marina are welcomed by the CEO s secretary , we answer with our own greetings and head inside the office .

The meeting was a blast , I got them to partner with me in my project , i build things and I do it pretty well , am pretty much still a nerd anyway .

"Hey Nancy, wanna have dinner tonight , I need to discus some things with you " I say into my phone .

"Sweetheart , I am not feeling too good but yes I would be around for dinner , I was supposed to surprise you , ugh , now I have to think of something else" Nancy says

"Ok baby,see the doctor or something "I reply while cutting the line off.
(I don't know what the call it)

I continue to work , I have so many projects I have to complete before the year ends and Nancy wants to go shopping with me , she even said I don't have time for her anymore . I met Nancy after college , she was nice and very good with kids, so I decided to kick it off with her . We have been together since then , am 28 now though and am not ready for kids , maybe when am thirty or next year , I could clear my schedule to make babies with her .

"Marina , can you see what I have for next year "

"Not much sir,  we are supposed to open most of the projects , it involves going to balls , galas or cutting ribbons with partners"

"Make sure I have nothing hectic" I say

It's already September and I have to build so many pools for next year .

"Stanley please get the car ready , I would be ready to leave in 5 minutes" I tell my body guard while packing up my suitcase .

I walk to the elevator while holding my suitcase in hand .

"Thank you Stanley "I say while seating in the front with me , I was always odd.

We arrive in my mansion outside of town , it wasn't exactly the big big mansion, it was a medium sized , my own design , it was just perfect , I want at most three kids and at least one .

I had a tv room and a small pool . The sound of the car stopping jolts me away from my thoughts . I walk to the door to see Nancy already on the porch waiting for me , she looked so sad.

"Sweetheart what's wrong "I say

"Am sorry Alex,  am really sorry "she said while sobbing

"What happened , talk to me "I say

"I , I,  I am ..." she says

"I what talk to me , breathe Nancy breathe "I say

She hands me a test sheet

"Oh my gosh Nancy "I exclaim while holding her and setting her on the couch

"You are going to be fine,  it's alright , don't dry baby "I whisper into her ears

"We should eat sweetheart "I say to Nancy

I had my chef prepare some muffins and smoked chicken

I and Nancy ate quietly that night and I went to bed thinking of how I would probably die a virgin.

This chapter is like short
But what is in the test sheet
What is there
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