chapter 5

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Samantha's pov
  I had the most fun in forever today , Hugh but i was embarrassed when I tried to kiss him , I can't wait to see him another time . I call cat to tell her to come over so we can get to the party early , I wish I had invited Alex but I don't know how he feels about parties.

     Catherine arrives and I lead her to my room , we search through my closet and pick out dresses , she picks a cream dress with a green belt while I pick a Gray dress with brownish snickers . I do a minor makeup and cat styles my hair to a ponytail I also help her with hers we kinda look alike but her hair is dark brown while mine is almost blonde .
     We take my car and soon arrive at rownas house , the music is blarring so loud am sure they might have the police knocking at their door if the house wasn't in a secluded area , as we walk into the house I am met with people who reek of alcohol they stink so badly , ewww , I don't know why I bother coming to parties , inside the house the music is playing a good tune , I lead cat to the dance floor where we both start shaking our bodies to the tune , we dance so well to the box played by the dj I always liked that song , when the song is changed to uproar , I find me and cat in the middle of the dance floor shaking our body .

     When the song finishes , we head to the kitchen , I ask for just water , I have never had alcohol but I know by tolerance is 0 so I avoid it , as cat and I start a conversation , I notice Kelsey at the party and omg , Alex is with her , he doesn't attend parties .

   Alexs pov
   There is attention on the dance floor , I turn my head so I can see what is happening , what I am met with gives me a huge boner,  I have never seen someones dance look so sensual , after the song is turned off , I see her follow her friend to the kitchen . I turn my head back to Kelsey as she says " hmm I see that something's caught your attention " I hum in reply at what she says , I continue taking the soda I took from the kitchen , this party is so frustrating .

   I go to take another soda when someone bumps into me , it's Racheal one of the popular girls , I don't have her time today , honestly .
"Nerd you better watch were you are going "she shrieks
I just walk out of the kitchen , no need to talk to that who're of a bitch arrhg she is so disgusting , I feel like puking right now . I bump into Samantha on my way out.
    What is it with me and bumping into people at this party "sorry , I apologise to Samantha
She also says sorry and greets me "I didn't know you attend parties or at least you attend school parties " she says
"Kelsey forced me to come to these party , she said I don't have fun regularly"I say with a smile .
We talk back and forth about schools and life she tells me about being the most popular girl and her life being crazy , I just smile at her .

Am sorry this chapter is short but I had to do something
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