chapter 13

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Samantha's pov

"The club is so packed " I say over the noise to cat .

She had Russel by her waist to warn off unwanted visitors , as Russel likes to call them.
We left raine with cats mum who visited her for a couple of days, am sure the pretty girl would love her momma.

Russel and cat were getting married . So I better get laid because we are moving go Los Angeles soon , the wedding is taking place there . They both have their jobs in Los Angeles and my new branch is almost done .

I would make it a major brand .

"What will u like madam " A polite waiter says and this snaps me out of my thoughts, I wave him off

"Wow , when did clubs start having nice waiters or curt ones " I say to Catherine who was on Russels lap

"Maybe his not from around here " she says before sucking her fiancee face .

Hugh why did I invite them again .

A song comes on and I tap Catherine to let her know my jam is on .

I go to the dance floor and sway my hips to the song it has money by card I b , anytime I listen to the song , it ,ales me feel like I dance like a stripper .

I continue to dance to the song before it comes off.

I head to the bar to clear my head and have a drink . I need a break from the constant pda happening between Russel and cat . Being third wheel is so frustrati g , I need to have more friends I can hang out with.

"Hello baby " A man slurs as he moves closer to me

I ignore him as I take my coke , yes a coke , the club is very strange. I had asked for coke and the bar man gave me one .

"Hmm baby "the man moves closer and proceeds to grope me

" the hell" I practically scream at the man .

" the lady is obviously not interested " A man with a deep baritone says , I turn to the gropers right to see a talk man with a swimmers build .

The groper raises his hands in surrender and leaves

"Thank you very much " I say to deep dude and turn to continue with my coke , I could have handled the man myself .

"Strange drink to take in a club my lady "deep dude says

I nod at him and continue with my coke

Operation get laid is fucked up , am tired and ready to go home .

"May I get your name pretty lady "deep dude says

I walk fast to where I was before and meet only Russel

"Where did she go " I say

"She wants to have some fun " Russel says while pointing at Catherine who was dancing with a girl .

" if you guys don't suck on each other's faces , I would pronounce her a lesbian" I say

"Do you need me to give you details or we should show you she sis so I to me and she's probably Russel sexual even if she was gay "he says

I cringe at him " that's nasty " We continue to chat before someone interuppts us

"You people are having a night out without me am heart broken "cat signs dramatically

"You done being gay "I say

" Yes, I want to be Russel sexual again " cat says while literally eye raping Russel

"Ehm , Catherine am alive , we go home together remember " i say

" I know " she says while looking at me like a pest

I shake my head disbelivingly .

The drive home consisted of us having different planners on the table . We gossiped about all kinds of weddings we had attended .

The club hunting didn't go well , I ended back home without getting laid and having to witness horrible amount of pda .

"Catherine , shut up ,I like this colour better , that one makes me look like a saint , I want to get laid at the wedding not be your mother Mary priestess "I shout at Catherine who showed me a dress that was free , it looked cinderelly without the ball gown bulge .

"You wear whatever I say , it's my wedding "she says

"Its my reputation , why do the other brides maid get a fitted mermaid burugdy gown and I get a baggy one it sounds fucked up " I say

"Well take this dress then " she says while showing me a dress, it looked beautiful and almost close to the burgundy mixture type dress for the brides maid .

"Am not inviting you for my wedding, you want me to look like a virgin " I say

"I want u in these " cat says

"Am gonna cry , what of this one , let me wear it "I say while showing her a  gown with a slit , it was a straight gown with a look alike design of the wedding dress she purchased .

"Omg , look at the design , yes oh my gosh yes , you must wear this and it's final. " she says while looking at me expectantly

I release a breath as I grab the cloth and go into the closet to fit it on .

"Marry me , fuck , you look hot , you should wear the baggy dress , I don't want you stealing my shine on my wedding day "cat shrieks

" Hugh please you picked a tight boobs hugging dress , you have the curves of a pornstar and your wedding dress is telling all those men to back off , am scrawny , you should see your own ass" I say

" I know Russel tells me all the time and am joking , plus you ain't bad yourself , if not that am turning Russel sexual officially , I might have given you a quickie "cat says with a wink .

I shake my head as I go into the closet to remove the dress , we are going to rock this wedding .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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