chapter 10

11 2 19

Hey people
I won't be updating frequently
I would try to update so much but please bear with me
Ily people

Alex's pov

I and Nancy had gone to the doctor for tests and meetings but Nancy remained positive .

I was so devastated , I did like Nancy a lot , she was charming , smooth and all but she would always remain a spoilt brat but that doesn't mean she was rude . She was one of the best Person I know.

Nancy was diagnosed with blood cancer , I told her to go for chemo but she said she wouldn't,  it's hard for people to survive or overcome cancer but she had hope , she found out early .

"I think we should break up , I want to have an orgy , a threesome , of am gonna die , I should have a taste of life " Nancy had said

I had agreed with her but I still called her weekly , she was still my friend nonetheless.

I even took her on one of her loved trips , she bought clothes ,lot of them , I was surprised she bought so much ,more than normal , we went to distribute the clothes to orphanages , beneath the spoilt daddy's girl was a kind heart .

I took time from work to hang out with her and help her find men and currently we are in a club .

I am thinking of what I agreed to come to the club when I see Nancy talking to a girl .

"Hmmmm am Nancy " Nancy says

"A pretty name for a pretty girl "the girl purrs at Nancy

"Wow I never thought you were bi"I say

"I am now " Nancy says before sipping her water

She and the girl continued talking before they went to the dance floor and started rubbing against each other .

I just smiled , only if Nancy could start the chemo early enough , she would be okay . I hope .

Nancy brings the girl home with us , they have a man with them whose name was Jordan ,  hell  , the night is going to be long .

The next morning , I get pain killers from my cabinet and head over to Nancy's room to give her and her friends the drugs , even if she didn't take any alcohol , those two need it .

As I get closer to the room , I hear sniffling

"I don't want to die so young , am only 26 "Nancy says

"I know dear , all my life I wanted to die , better live your moments right "Teresa says

"I hate ladies crying , I don't know what to do , I should head downstairs "Jordan says

I immediately entered the room with the drugs

"Y'all need drugs "I say

No one answers

I walk over to Nancy who was Still crying

"Start chemo sweetie , you can overcome it , plus you three make a cute couple ,so try for them if not yourself "I say even though what I said made no sense .

"Is it even allowed to marry two other people "Nancy says while smiling while Teresa let's out a laugh

" I don't know , it came out " I say

"Thank you for everything Alex, and thanks for letting me stay over, I always knew you were better at being my brother " Nancy says

" huh , am hurt and it's alright Nancy darling , I made you eggs with some strip bacon " I say while looking hurt

"You cook" Teresa says

I just look at her with a bored tone .

" whatever , Nancy let's go , and Alex we are just friends , even Jordan didn't do anything , he just broke up with his ex " Teresa says

I just awww at them and start for the door when Nancy says thank you , I turn back and smile at her .

"Kelsey , tell Kelly to stop running around my office , am throwing her into the dumpster" I shout at Kelsey as her little daughter ran around my office .

"Stop shouting in front of my kid , Kelly baby , come sit " she immediately sits in her chair beside Kelsey.

"You should have just stated for her to come and sit quietly "Kelsey says to me as if she was scolding me , I huff at her .

"Spill the juice on Nancy already " Kelsey says

"We broke up and all but we are still friends anyway "I say to Kelsey

"Did she break your poor heart " Kelsey says

I scoff again and dial Scott's number , they met in college and hit it off from  then , marriage at first sight , that's what people called it .

"Hello Scott,  can you come get your family from my office , they want to murder me "I say in a voice that would make you thing I was at gun point .

"Quit being a baby and entertain my loves "Scott says before switching the phone off,
Kelsey laughs at me while I glare at them

"I hate you all , now get out my office ,a m as busy as .... a bee" I say because am pretty sure kelly would get another ten dollars from me .

" I came to give you news today but , you are being a goat , so am going to leave unless of course you beg me to stay and tell you "Kelsey says

I sigh heavily and ask her,  key word ask , I didn't even finish talking

"Am pregnant "Kelsey yells

"Wow "that is all I say

"So great right I wanted another baby since , am so happy "she says

"Shhhhhhh. ....em that means another Kelly " I say while looking at my computer , I focus on work and ignore the mother and daughter,  I zone off after a while thinking about my own life

There is going to be a lot of spelling errors
Am sorry I tried to edit
But am busy lately
I have exams soon
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