chapter 7

11 4 1

Samantha's pov

It's finally Thursday, since the last time Alex texted me I couldn't talk to him again , I have been so busy , I have prom to think about , you only get prom once , and I had to deal with Racheal and Ema trying to get me to sign up for homecoming queen , those two are seriously getting on my nerves , I don't know how much patience I have left before I burst and show them Who is boss.

I have cheer practice now , the last game of the year is coming up , 2hich means the last cheering in high school , I am so happy , everyone is so happy minus the parents who think their kids are growing old too fast . My mum won't keep pestering me and trying to bribe me to stay home or be going to college from home , not happening mama, if not for the fact I wanted Oxford from the beginning I would have run away to other universities far away from my mother , I would miss her but seriously I would soon get my own jib , make my own money and be like her baby Samuel who grew up too fast .

I turned eighteen march so I am covered .

I text Alex to let him know I am coming over to his house , I can't help but remember how I was breathing his cologne in , I fee so embarrassed, this is probably the first guy I have ever admired , sure I admired some super heroes or actors on tv but not like this .

On reaching Alex's house I meet him sitting on the porch with a faraway look , I immediately have a plan , so I park my car and hurry across the lawn , he doesn't even notice me , I hide behind a flower and make so e noise , his head doesn't still turn , as I am thinking of what to do next , I notice a hand grabbing me , I shriek like a banshee
"Samantha , seriously , you really this k I don't see you "Alex says
"Whatever , am here for the project so may we "I say in a dramatic tone .

We get to his room and I try as much as possible to keep my distance from him , we start the project and soon we are done with the project we are supposed to use the rest of the term for ,I am so happy and sad , I am free to plan prom but I don't have an excuse to be close to Alex anymore .

"Alex"I say
He hums and gestures for me to continue
"Should we get lunch ,I want to get out but am exhausted what do you think "I say
"Should I order pizza"he says
"Yeah thank you that sounds great " I say

He leads me to the sitting room where we start watch g a cartoon , I don't even know the name but I drift off to sleep .

"Samantha Samantha, wake up , the fuck , Samantha the pizza is here " I wake up to hear a voice .
I quickly wipe at my mouth , hope fully I didn't drool because that's like a buzz killer
Alex chuckles and I sigh , definitely I drooled , I almost felt like crying but I just stand and walk towards the bar.

"The pizza alex"my tone comes out harsher than it's meant to be
He looks taken aback but quickly gets the pizza , what Is wrong with me .

We eat the pizza in awkward silence , I feel like a goddamn fool .in order to clear the tension .
"Thank you for the pizza" i say
"it's okay , I guess that's what project partners do for their partners " he says with a shrug
I mumble an oh and decide to pack my belongings , my mood was so off and I felt like crying and guess what .

Motherfucking Racheal was calling me , she is so irritable , she will probably do anything just for clout , fake bitch , I ignore hear call nd put my phone on silence , I change it back in case my parents or brother call me or Alex or Catherine .

As I am about to go out of Alex house he walks beside me saying something about escorting the ambushed to the car , I smile at him , at least my day turned out better at the end.

I hug him without thinking , he tenses but hugs me back
I go home feeling so happy

I arrive at my house to see my brothers maserati parked in the front of the house , I immediately park my car and rush inside the house , I see my father and brother discussing , I am so happy I squeal .

"Sam Sam , my Sammy "I shout
I rush and fall on his laps , I smother him all over and kiss him when I notice the presence of a lady giving me a killer glare, I flush, not recognising the scowling woman.
"Em Sammy who is that, I notice my father giving the woman a glare and my mum coming out to scowl at the woman , I immediately recognise her as veronica shillings , the famous scandal queen who is as nasty as sour milk , I snicker in my head at the line .
"What is she doing here Sammy, Hugh, is he your date , the fuck , what happened to me ,you cheat " I say walking out of the room , on my way up the stairs I call out saying
"You know I was so happy today , you then came back home and this is what I see you with "

I enter my room and slam the door forcefully thereby giving myself head ache , cat arrives some hours later and I tell her about my day , I sleep thinking of hugging Alexander and how good his body felt , so big and warm ,soft but also hard .

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