chapter 3

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Please comment on how you feel about the book , adhere to copyright and all those writing stuffs😁😁😁 Samantha above

Alex's pov
  What the ? Why am I paired with some one else apart from Kelsey. I knew I shouldn't have offended Mrs Lohan
"Hi Alex you are my partner for the science project " some one says
I turn my head to see it's Samantha smilling brightly at me her grayish blue eyes look so adorable she has these light brown hair that could almost pass as blonde .her hair is a mixture of blonde and brown she looks really beautiful and her lips they look so beautiful almost medium sized and pink she was indeed fine.
"Hi oh Samantha you are my partner "
"Yeah Mrs Lohan paired us mind if we start working on the project "Samantha says still smilling widely at me
I nod and start giving her ideas of what we could do , she tells  me we could build something but I just nod the class continues and we are at least talking to each other but after  the project Samantha would just go back to being bee queen bee while I would be the fit nerd. But she is really beautiful
  "Alex am wondering if I could come over to your house this weekend for the project we should probably start early so we could finish early , we would be getting a lot of projects that would be due the same time"Sam says
"Okay do you want my address or something " I ask her
" I know where you live am just telling you in case you see me there , bye see you later" Sam says with a shrug
   This term is going to be so hectic arghhhh

Sam's pov
Oh my gosh he look so hot in glasses . I never thought nerds were so fine looking he had Gray eyes with brown hair and a fine jaw ,beneath the shirt he wore was his abs the outline was visible through his shirt I wonder why his not on the foot ball team  I wouldn't mind cheering him.
   Ugh get a hold of yourself Sam his just my project partner , I sigh, but he used to be my best friend we drifted apart when nearing end of grade school . He was always there for me but never mind again .
I pick my phone which is ringing up
Hugh it is goddamn Racheal bitch
"Hi Racheal"
"Hi Sammy babe "Racheal says in a sickly sweet voice Hugh so disgusting
"I called to tell you Rowan stray is hosting a party and you are invited"Racheal says
"Oh thanks is Catherine invited too" I say
   "Why must you always talk about that  ugly girl you got me and Ema "Racheal says in a disgusting tone
"Who I talk to is not your business Racheal if cat can't come I am not coming so bye I gotta do my assignments" I say
"She can come babe "Racheal scoffs into the phone
"Okay bye" I smirk
"Bye babe" Racheal says and I switch of the phone
Such an exhausting day I can't stop thinking of certain Gray eyes and brown hair maybe I do miss hanging out with him . I remember when I had a fight with cat I couldn't stop thinking of her so maybe I should start being friends with Alexy back .

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