chapter 4

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Samantha's pov

   Oh fudge cookies , it is Saturday Hugh , the party is today and I have to go to Alex house to start the project and my mission . Operation be Alexander's friend it is going to be hard . He is  a guarded kind of person so it would be hard but I am Samantha west I could always try.  I pick out my outfit and start preparing for the day I call Catherine on the phone to tell her to come over at five.,after all we have a party to burst . We are both party people . Cat dances so well and I think that's why those whores are jealous she takes all the attention at parties .
       I wear my dress and pick a bag I put a book and pen and head to the kitchen
"Hey momma morning "I greet my mother
"Morning sweeties where you heading "
"I am going to Alex house"
"Wow you haven't mentioned him in a long time . You too are friends again"
"I wouldn't really say friends but we are partners for a science project "
"Okay baby be careful"
"Cat is coming over,  momma , we are both going to Rowan party "
"Okay but remember you should go shopping soon the gala is so near I have almost everything booked but your stubborn father won't pick a haircut , if he tests my patience I will shave him bald my self"
I laugh so hard , my dad is a fun man but literally always pisses my mum off my big brother is almost done with college . I miss him sometimes but am a big girl , I snicker at my own words
Alex's house
Sam's pov
    "Hey Mrs styles"
"How have you been Samantha, oh my gosh Adam I think ....."Alicia is saying as Alex cuts her off
    "Mum , dad need you I can take care of my guest "Alex tells his mum
" morning Sam you are early, please follow me upstairs "Alex says
   "Hi , okay "I say as I follow him up the stairs , ish he got a nice ass view gosh am looking at a guys ass specifically ex bestfriend ass ,Hugh
  " hii"some one says
I recognise the voice as Kelsey s Alex bestfriend voice
  "Hey "I wave at her
Alex pulls out a chair by his desk for me to sit
I bring out my paper and pen and start jotting down what he says , I glance back at Kelsey to see her pressing her phone , after a while when we are getting so where on the facts and project , Kelsey stands up from where she is and leaves saying something about her mum calling and she has to prepare for a party , she tells Alex she would come back later.
   As Alex and I continued the project we had to move a bit closer to each other his perfume probably Yves saint Laurent made him smell like soothing lavender and arm cedar it was seducing my senses before I knew what was happening I see Alex leaning towards me , I also lean forward , our lips are just a few metres apart when his door bursts open and Kelsey walks back in saying something about her keys . I felt so embarrassed and I was blushing I probably looked like a tomato right now or even redder.

Alex's pov
She smelled like vanilla and warm chocolates with a hint of mint , she smelled so exotic , if she was a feast I would probably feast on her , when Kelsey walked back into the room we both scrambled away from each other she looked so red I even wondered how her skin could turn that red . I can't believe I almost kissed Sam what was I thinking , she came for a project and this is how I mess up Hugh Alex get a hold of yourself .
"Em should we em... continue the project today"Sam says awkwardly
"No , we have made quite a lot of progress so I guess we should be fine we are probably almost done just need some materials "I say
     "Okay should we get lunch we have been at it for almost five hours should we go to a cafe"Sam says
"Okay let's head to chicken and chips "I say
She packs her bag and I inform my mum before we both head to her car . I enter and she drove to the restaurant. As we stepped down from the car the smell of baked chicken with sauce hits me , I moan at the smell , hmm it would probably taste so God maybe as good as Sam's lips , my head snaps up at my thought , what is wrong with my hormones  , this is not me oh my gosh Alex get a grip on yourself .
We get a table for two and the waitress comes to take our order I order smoked chicken with large jumbo fries and a coke while Sam orders baked chicken with baked potatoes and a lemon juice . We both eat our food and as soon as we finish eating me and Sam start to argue on who pays after about ten minutes of non stop argument we split the money into half half and both pay as we are leaving Sam says "the next time we go out am paying" I just nod but mentally scoff then I remember the next time , will there be a next time?

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