chapter 2

26 8 3

Kelsey above

Alex's pov

The classes went by in a blur and the day is over again .
         I am not your average nerd and maybe I am but I am not the one who gets bullied , I have been bullied or they tried to bully me but I have the strength of a jock myself
Luckily we don't even have much bullies in the school , I am Kelsey protector so she doesn't get bullied , Kelsey is not even a nerd but she is best friends with a nerd
Kelsey always wondered why I am not on any of  the sport teams
          I just don't like to be apart of the games but I do know how to play basket ball and a little bit of football . I only play to have fun .
     I have a sleepover at mine with Kelsey,  I don't know maybe it's normal buy yeah I have tons and lots of sleepovers with a girl. Kelsey and I don't have romantic feelings for each other , she is kind and beautiful but have never seen her that way . She is even in love with a football player in school the jock is a who're,  I am not biased am just saying.

       I am not the typical guy . I want to keep my virginity for that special someone , the person I fall in love with , not just some random girl . I hope to keep it honestly , I won't say am innocent or have not kissed other girls or the likes .
    I just haven't had sex with them 😏, I may be a nerd but I attend parties and social gatherings .
     I park my 2007 in its parking spot and head inside the house . I am so surprised to see my daddy , his my daddy ,I may be eighteen but I would always be his baby ,I sound gay Hugh
     I jump at my dad and we both fall to the sofa I hear my mum snickering by the door
"Oh my goodness Alex you are like eighteen stop trying to break my bones I think my spine needs some massage" dad says
My mum is trying so hard to hide her laughter but due fails miserably .
      "Dad I missed you and if I were thirty I would still jump you if I missed you" I say
    "I missed you too son , how are you ? Dad says
         " am fine " I reply
               " He was only gone for a week , the wife ain't even complaining " mum says
    "You should have seen how she jumped me and I mean she did jump me " Dad says with a wink
"Ew old people gross my ears are bleeding " I scream
"Me and your father are going out sweetie you and Kelsey be careful and stay out of trouble " my mum says
     "Okay mum have lots of fun " I say
   " We would son I would make sure of it "my dad says and winks at mum
   " shut up Adam stop poisoning his ears you are embarrassing my baby boy " mum says while holding back her laughter
"I don't even want to listen to you guys talking anymore " I say while jogging up the stairs to my room . As I sit on my bed I hear my phone ringing.
"Hugh" who is calling I pick the phone
Me : hel....
Kelsey: am in the compound lover boy come pick up my bags my petty servant your      mistress awaits you
Me: you are so dumb sometimes Kelsey.
     I switch off the phone and head downstairs thank heavens the parents are gone .
I help Kelsey to carry her bag because am such a sweet gentle man  and we head upstairs to start our sleepover
The next day

                 I have a free class right now so let me head to the library, I might as well start reading for college after all I know what I want to do . I round a corner in the library . I am startled to see Samantha in the business section , oh fuck don't tell me she also wants to study the same thing I want .
     I search for a book and sit down in the farthest end of the library . As I open the book to read I am soon immersed in the book.

  Sam's pov

     His also in this library with me , Hugh.  Why does he always have to be around me , we live in the same estate, go to the same school , have almost all classes together , in fact after curricular activities might have been together if not because I choose cheerleading .Hugh he annoys me am out of here .
   I go to submit the book I picked , I see Catherine my bestie , she is not one of the popular girls but she is my truest friend and I trust her very much . I also treat her with respect unlike how I treat Ema and Racheal , those two are the whores of all centuries .
    Whenever I get a boyfriend they make sure to sleep with him or make out with him behind my back but I don't even care . I don't like any of the boys I usually date , once they pester me too much I accept and we break up within weeks . None of the jocks have really caught my attention so I am unbothered .
      Life as queen bee is hectic and annoying , I would have loved to not be the queen be but I love cheerleading plus if I dropped from the popular table ema and reaches would make my life hell , I am not even bothered about me because I can handle them but what if they do something to cat I care too much about her . I have science now I better hurry to class.
       Mrs Lohan,  the science teacher informs us that we would be having a project we would present at the end of the year and we would need partners . I am already thinking of ways and what me and Catherine would do when Mrs Lohan says she picked out our partners for us . I hear hear call Catherine I keep my fingers crossed until I hear Kelsey name Hugh.  She calls the next name " Samantha west and Alex styles"  oh my goodness I almost blackout on the spot . Why does the universe do this to me ?

there might be grammatical errors and so
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