chapter 6

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  Alex's pov
    I feel so good , yesterday was a blast m this is the first Monday in a while where am so happy , hopefully my day goes well .

Samantha's pov
"Rachael leave me the fuck alone,  am not in the mood to do this with you and I swear if you disturb my peace I would make your life hell" I say to Racheal as we argue in the cafeteria,  she had been disturbing me about why I was talking to Alex

  "Hugh you are so pathetic " Racheal says

I hum in response as she walks out of the cafeteria,  what a fake bitch , I say out loud .

  I leave my table to go sit with Alex and his friend,  I see Catherine walking in and I motion for her to walk in .

  Hey Alex how are you
Am good Sam why did you come over here
I decided I need a change of scenery,  some basic ass was disturbing me so I decide to come sit with my friends

    All he does is hum in response , he and Kelsey continue talking , as I eat my lunch , I stare at him in wonder his glasses makes him look so handsome , I think I like him a bit , I smile to myself .

    Catherine nudges my elbow and raises an eye, I just shrug and continue with my lunch .

    After school , I head home with Catherine , she is staying with me for the week , I want to get ready for the gala my mum says we are attending the weekend , I invited cat to the ball .

   "Sweetie , would you do me a favour And start preparing for the ball , my momma says
"Okay mum am on it , me and cat are going to search my closet today " I say
  My mum smiles at me and rents on and on about how the men in the family are

"Samuel promised to come home to prepare for the gala , heaven knows what has gotten into that boy lately , he acts like his 40 , instead of 24 " my mum exclaim
I give my mum an apologetic smile and head to my room with cat

Inside my room,  cat immediately locks the door and say
"What's up with you and Alex,  I saw the way you were looking at him during lunch like he was the lunch  what is happening sammy , are you interested in him , did he offend you , what happened on Saturday or at the party , answer girl , am going crazy over here."
"  it's not like that cat , I think I like him but I don't think he likes me plus we were once friends and I left him and he probably just sees me as a friend , he makes friend s with females , so , how about we start searching for a dress" I say trying to change the topic .

  I sign in relieve as she heads into my closet we start throwing clothes around , different dresses , high waist skirts , spags , trunks , things  were just flying around , as we almost throw half of my clothes out the closet I spot a dress, it was nude coloured at the top shirt well the shirt , the outfit was made to look like a skirt and shirt , it looked so cute with the skirt being white .

  I sign in relieve as she heads into my closet we start throwing clothes around , different dresses , high waist skirts , spags , trunks , things  were just flying around , as we almost throw half of my clothes out the closet I spot a dress, it w...

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I picked a pink platform heel to match my put it,  am so rocking the gala in this

We pick a sparkly dress that cat likes and that would definitely be her size It looked really cute on her though

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We pick a sparkly dress that cat likes and that would definitely be her size
It looked really cute on her though .
Since I was done with my outfit , it only remained my makeup which I would do hours to the gala .
  Finally , my mum will stop breathing down my neck

I do my happy dance and pick up my school bag to do my assignments , cat does the same , after we are sure we are done we decide to head to bed , she stays in the room next to mine since we had been friends for a long time .

  I decide to check my phone when I see a text message from Alex saying
"When should we continue our project , I got a gala this weekend" my heart speeds up at the gala , oh my goodness,  I have to look perfect .

I text him back telling him we would continue during the week or on Thursday,  I had a free day , I only had cheer practice in the early morning and it was so frustrating.

He texts back saying  okay

I put my phone on my bed desk and drift off to bed thinking of dancing with Alex at a gala , I don't know whether to wear the cloth I pick earlier,  it seems Boring for a gala .

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