I || How It All Began

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    ❝ This is me! This is us! This is who we are!

   There's circuses now. Yes. Circuses. Circus of villains. They've all been in service for a few months. Though, there was one specific hero who didn't want to have time to spare. He had wanted it for so long, and now that he had it, he didn't want it anymore.

    What had happened to him? Nobody knew. He aimed and aimed for spare time, and now that he had it, he always kept busy. He would do whatever he could to keep busy. Only free time was the night. Sometimes he would be able to get evenings free, but he was too busy to really even notice that.

     Villains, for example, [Y/n] [L/n] and Dabi, worked at the Freakies Show. The circus included them, Toga, Twice, and then other people that they didn't know. Probably people who had been with the circus for a while.

     There was soon no need for quirks, but people used them from time to time anyways. Either for laziness, or for entertainment. Circuses used the villains' quirks for entertainment. Depending on what their quirk was. If the quirk was dangerous, or useless, the user was banned from ever using their quirk again. Which exactly what happened to [Y/n] but she used her quirk, vision, from time to time when she was alone. But, we aren't here to just talk about how the planet worked. No, we're here, because of the three that fell in love.

      [Y/n] [L/n] had just finished yet another huge performance as an acrobat. She and the rest of the actors/actresses bowed before walking off. When they were no longer in sight of the audience, [Y/n] ran towards her male best friend, Dabi.

     "Dabs! You did great, tonight!" She exclaimed. "I mean, I don't even understand-"

     "How I'm immune to fire-?" The male interrupted. The girl nodded. The male chuckled. "I can't just reveal my secrets. I believe you know that, already, Vis." He replied.

    The female sighed. "I'm bored." She said after a few moments of silence. They were in front of Dabi's trailer. The male looked around, seeing no one other than other circus members around, and pulled [Y/n] into his trailer. To have fun. No- not that kinky shit fun. Like, best friends fun. Hang out fun.

    The two hung out until they were it was time for the two friends to sleep. The female waved goodbye, sneaking out of the male's trailer and into her own.

The Next Night

   It seemed like another not busy night for Hawks. Given that he hadn't seen any of the circuses that took in villains, he decided he'd check on out. He searched up the nearest one, that ended up being Freakies Show. At least, that was the name of the group. There were separate parts of the circus, but that was the one he was interested in most.

    He changed into a set of clothes that seemed right for someone in the audience of a circus, and was soon off to the circus, unaware that this would be the night that he would fall in love.

    The circus members were changed into their outfits, ready to perform. [Y/n] and Dabi looked at each other, each mouthing a small "good luck" to the other. A few minutes later, they were performing, doing their acts, entertaining the crowd.

    The crowd was smiling, occasionally cheering, occasionally clapping. The entertainers were too, that is, until one locked eyes with Hawks. Dabi had always seen the winged hero on tv. Interviews on why he kept busy. But, Dabi couldn't help but stare for a few seconds at Hawks, before focusing on his act again before he messed up and got injured. Possibly even punished.

     When the performance was over, it was the same ending. Clapps and cheers. Sometimes roses, which the audience carried for some reason, being thrown. Coins being thrown. The performers bowed and then waved as they walked off backstage.

     [Y/n] chased after Dabi, who was near damn running towards his trailer. "Blue!" The female called out. "Blue!" The female ran after him, but by the time she reached the male's trailer, the door was slammed shut and locked.

     The acrobat sighed softly as she walked to her own trailer. She couldn't tall to the male about why he paused for a moment during his act. Did something distract him? Did a memory come back to him? A memory of him as a child seeing a circus? The female would never really know, would she?

    Dabi looked out the window of his trailer, soon jumping back when the winged hero popped up.

    "What are you doing here?" The dark-haired male asked as he got up.

    "Am I not allowed to secretly visit you? You were very amazing with your performance. And you had your charm, I just couldn't resist." Hawks replied, flying a few feet above the ground.

    Dabi sighed softly. "Okay. You can visit me.. as long as you don't get me in trouble.." He said, sitting on his bed, blushing a bit. Someone he now had a crush on wanted to privately visit him every now and then. Did Hawks like him back-? No. No no no. The dark-haired male shut out those thoughts.

    "See you at your next performance, Blue." Hawks said, flying off, leaving the performer to start blushing 50 shades of red. The male soon shook his head, before laying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling of his trailer.

The Next Morning

     "i...bi...abi....Dabi.....DABI-!" Was what the male woke up to. Toga had woken him up. "Get up! We get to explore for once!" The blonde said cheerfully. The male groaned.
     "I'll be up in a sec..now get out.." The male replied, still half asleep. The blonde cheerfully skipped out of the male's trailer, closing the door shut as she skipped out.

      The male sighed softly, seeing a note at the edge of his bed.

Tomorrow. 3PM. Meet me behind your trailer. ;)
                   -Keigo Takami(Hawks)

     The male wailed internally of both joy and annoyance. What would Hawks want with him? He sighed softly, changing into a set of one of his most casual pairs of clothes and put the note in one of the pockets of his jeans.

    "Blue! Blue! Bluey!" The male heard once he stepped out of his trailer and was off the steps. He faced where the voice was coming from only to be tackled by his best friend, who could have been mistaken for his girlfriend many times. "You missed breakfast! And a visitor! It was Hawks!" The girl exclaimed energetically.

     "Really?" The male asked, starting to get suspicious of Hawks. The female nodded as she got off of Dabi. "Let's go explore the carnival. I heard we can explore." The girl nodded her head as she grabbed the male's hand and ran towards the carnival. Really, they were just being given some free time as the circus packed up so they could leave for their next location.

    Given that the Freakies Show was famous for it's new acts, the circus performers were almost celebrities. In the circus world, they were. If they included models and actresses and actors, they really weren't as famous.

    Though, they were recognized, so sometimes they took pictures with fans, gave quick autographs, before continuing to explore, occasionally texting the other performers about where they were, what they thought of the carnival, yadda yadda yadda.

   They weren't allowed to buy things. They were only allowed to look around, take pictures. They couldn't go on rides, nothing. So, it was literally, exploring, looking around the carnival.

   Time passed quickly, and sooner or later it was 3PM. Dabi had forgotten about Hawks wanting to meet him, until, he checked his pockets for his phone, soon finding the note, before finding his phone in the same pocket.

   "Shit." The male mumbled. [Y/n] and Toga looked up at their friend.

   "What is it?" They said in sync.

   "I've gotta meet up with Hawks. He- argh- I'm not gonna explain it right now, I gotta go. See you two later. Call me when we leave." The male said before running off.

   The two females looked at each other, then at Dabi before saying, "Definitely a date with Hawks."

[Edited: 6/26/2020]

Circus Of Psychos || Dabi × Reader × HawksWhere stories live. Discover now