VII || Stay Alive

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Stay alive. That would be enough.

ᴾʳᵉᵛⁱᵒᵘˢˡʸ ᵒⁿ; ᶜⁱʳᶜᵘˢ ᴼᶠ ᴾˢʸᶜʰᵒˢ:  

"You two are gonna be the death of me.." She mumbled. 

"We chased after you....for fucking chocolate?"  Touya asked. 

Just, in his case, everyone was [Y/n] and Keigo. They looked like two 5-year-olds that were surrounded by chocolate. 

[Y/n] was the first one to disappear within the crowd of people. Next was Keigo, leaving a very confused Touya alone. 

"The performance started an hour and a half ago." 

"You two will be supervised." 


      Keigo opened his eyes, blinking multiple times. He could barely feel his wings. Hell, he could barely even feel his body. All he felt was the pressure on his wrists, and the pain echoing through his head. 

       It took the winged male a few moments to take in where he was, and what had happened. The room seemed a little dark, but he could make out different shapes around the room. A bed. A bedside table. A tv. He was in a darkened bedroom. Most likely a hotel room. Then it occurred to him what previously happened. 

      The winged male landed on the balcony of his hotel room, glancing down for a moment, like he wanted to see the two circus performers again, which, he did, before sighing softly and figuring out a way to sneak into his room and act like he had always been there. 

       He wouldn't get away that easily, unfortunately for him. There came a knock at his room door approximately 10 minutes after he had entered. He looked around, quickly hiding everything he had gotten when he was on his date with Touya and [Y/n]. 

      "Come in!" The winged male exclaimed, quickly flying back to his bed as his room door opened, revealing a very angered Angelo York, a few men, whom the winged male guessed were bodyguards, behind him. 

       "Keigo Takami, correct?" Angelo asked, stepping into the room. Keigo merely nodded, staying silent. He wanted to turn his attention to the tv, wanted Angelo to leave, but, he couldn't just say that. Keigo secretly deployed four feathers, making sure they went unnoticed outside the room and into the halls. Hearing voices, he almost zoned out from the talking Angelo York in front of him, making sure his feathers went into the right rooms. The ones that belonged to [Y/n] [L/n] and Touya Todoroki. 

        "Takami!" Angelo exclaimed, snapping his fingers in front of the said male. Keigo zoned back in, only to see one of the bodyguards about to punch his face. Of course he put up a fight, occasionally deploying more feathers to make sure the same thing wasn't happening to [Y/n] and Touya. Which, it wasn't. His feathers found ways to get past the guards that were guarding their hotel room doors. 

        Keigo had passed out when he was punched too hard, given that he had somehow lost his guard at one point. There was 4 bodyguards, 1 of him. Even if he had a bunch of feathers, he somehow wasn't able to hold them all off. 

        Keigo almost growled at the thought of Angelo, now. What was that son of a bitch planning to do with him? 

        "So you're awake." A voice said from the darkness. The lights turned on, and Keigo had to look down for a moment before he could look at Angelo. 

        "Guess so.." Keigo grumbled. The anger in his voice was clear. 

        "Do you know why you're here?" 

        "Do you know why I'm here?" 

        "I'm the one asking the questions, Birdbrain." 

        "At least you didn't call me a cannibal.." 

        "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" 

        "Why do you care?" 

        "The last thing I need is for [Y/n] and Blue to get out of line and go back to villainy again. Hell, that's the last thing anyone needs. So, stay away." Angelo said, changing the subject. 

        "Then why tie me up? Did you want to interrogate me over something?" Keigo asked. 

        "Guess you could say." 

       "Then get on with it.." Keigo muttered. 

With [Y/n]

         [Y/n] sat on the bed of her hotel room, eating her ice cream. Sure, she wasn't supposed to eat in her room, but, she couldn't resist. And it's not like she was able to go out of her room without a bodyguard on her trail, whether he was trying not to be seen or not, he was always spotted. 

Chicken Cannibal 







Kei, you there?


         There was never a response, but, she wasn't left on read. Maybe his phone just died...yeah. That's it. His phone just died and it's charging.. the [h/c]-haired female told herself. Of course she had no idea if Keigo was alright. She just hoped he was. 

With Touya 

         The male was literally panicking, Jin trying to help him calm down. 

         "He could be being tortured! Or-or worse!" Touya exclaimed, pacing his room. Keigo hadn't answered him at all. His calls. Texts. FaceTimes. Nothing. He contacted [Y/n] about it. Same thing about her. He tried everyone he knew that he could trust with Keigo. Nothing. No response. No seen. What was going on? 

         "Your husband— sorry, boyfriend is NOT being tortured! Maybe his phone just died and he can't find a charger, I. Don't. Know. So, listen up because I will not repeat this again. Calm. The fuck. Down. Continue panicking! It's fun to watch!" Twice said. Touya groaned as he flopped onto his bed. He hoped Keigo was okay. 



I wish I could say yes. 

I just hope he's okay..

Me too, TT. Me, too. 

Don't call me TT, you fucking bitch. 

I'm not a bitch, I'm your girlfriend. 





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