IV || America, America!

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Angelo sighed softly. "Daisuke.." He spoke. The pink-haired, soft boy that was named Daisuke sighed softly, walking over to Keigo, who was just on his phone, trying to make it seem like he wasn't paying attention, and placed two finger on the blonde's forehead, causing him to look up, her eyes turning more golden than they already had been for a moment, before going back to normal.

Failed dates between Touya Todoroki and Keigo Takami, now had a score of one.


      Keigo Takami had ended up staying in [Y/n]'s trailer that night. And the next morning, he had woken up to the sight of [Y/n] slipping on a new shirt.

      "Uhm-" Keigo started. What was he supposed to say when he was a bisexual mess that had just witnessed a girl change her shirt-? Who could blame him?

      "Oh-! You're awake! That's good. If you're head hurt we have aspirin and water ready for you on the table right there." [Y/n] said, pointing to the bedside table. "You're welcome to join us for breakfast, if you wish." The female added, slipping on some shoes. "See you around."

      "Wait-!" Keigo said, quickly sitting up. The female turned around and hummed.

       "Um.. wanna go on a date-?" Keigo asked, giving an innocent smile.

       "Prove that I want to go on a date with you. Maybe I will. " [Y/n] replied, soon stepping out of her trailer as she gave a wave to Keigo.

       Keigo looked at the aspirin and the water, swallowing the pill with water a minute later as he thought to himself. I'd have to choose between them soon... The winged male shook his head, as of to get rid of the thought, which partially worked. He groaned, soon getting up and finding his shoes before looking around, finding [Y/n]'s phone, which, for some reason didn't have a password, before adding his number to his contacts. He did the same to his phone after putting [Y/n]'s phone back, and before flying off.

        [Y/n] didn't even bother to mention to Keigo that they'd be going to America. Why would she? Even though they had only spent one day, they had to leave due to Touya's fight with the homphobes, and America was the location for their next performance. How woudk they get there? Probably boat. Or airplane...or...something.

        The female sighed softly, soon climbing into a limousine with the other circus performers to the location for where they would hop onto [method of transportation].

        The next few days were blurry for [Y/n]. Every time the female woke up, she would fall back asleep. She couldn't remember where she was, why she was there, until they were in America.

         "...-[n]....[Y/n]....[Y/N]!" The female woke up when her name had been yelled.

         "Nani-?!" The girl exclaimed, quickly sitting up.
         "Good, you're up! Now.." Another acrobat, Mistuba Minamoto, said, sighing softly. "Do you know where we are? Or how we got here-?!" The pink-haired male exclaimed, shaking [Y/n].

         "Ameri.....caa..." The female said, still being shaked, before she was let go of.

         "Okay-! Mitsuba, stop before I grab Kou-!" Toga exclaimed, coming into [Y/n]'s view.
         Mitsuba quickly ran off to his husband as Toga sighed softly, pulling up [Y/n].

         "Welcome, to Las Vegas.." Toga said softly, looking out the window of the hotel that everyone was in.

         [Y/n] sighed softly, looking out the window, at the night. Fountains lit up. Signs, too. Everything was lit up. There was almost not a single dark spot from what [Y/n] could see.

         "We get about....3 days off until we start performing." Toga said, looking at her fingers to count down the days halfway through her sentence before continuing to speak.

          The [h/c]-haired girl stayed silent, before looking over at the blonde female. "Where's my phone-?!"

          Toga tossed [Y/n] her phone, which landed on [Y/n]'s lap, who quickly picked it up. She had left her phone in her trailer, picking it up right before they had left to their current location.

          Very nice, Keigo... the female thought sarcastically, looking at her newest contact, which Keigo had put under "Keigo💦👅" The female sighed softly before pressing call.

          "Hello-? Hawks here~" The voice of Keigo Takami spoke once he had answered.

          "Yeah, we both know who I am. Look-"

          "Where are you-?" Keigo asked, cutting off [Y/n].

          "Um, Las Vegas..? That's what I was going to talk to you...about...are those fangirls yelling-?" [Y/n] asked, hearing the voices of young girls yelling.

         "Hawks is on the phone-!" "Who's he talking to?" "Maybe it's his girlfriend~" "It's a secret ~!" Keigo had called out after [Y/n] heard some faint voices.

        "Also, noooooooo- psh-" Keigo said, now speaking into the phone.

       "You suck at lying." The female said, loking at Toga, before making a 'shoo!' movement. The blonde sighed softly before walking out of the room.

       "All due respect, miss, I'm not the one in Vegas, probably in a casino." Keigo said.

       "Did you seriously just try to pull off a Jack Dawson-?" The female asked.


       "You're a dork."

       "I could be your dork~"

       "After a few dates, maybe."

       "Dates with who, [Y/n]?" Touya Todoroki had just stepped into the room.

       "O-oh, hey Blue!"

       Touya raised an eyebrow at the female, crossing his arms. The female sighed softly, hanging up on Keigo, before loking at Touya.
        "When Keigo stayed in my trailer that day, I-well, he may have asked me if he wnated to go on a date. I said that he needed to prove himself....I was being sarcastic, of course, and here we are now.." [Y/n] said. She was almost in tears.

        Touya..had no words. He was speechless. He had planned on dating Keigo. What was he supposed to do-? He didn't want to go against [Y/n] in a game of Who Will Date Keigo.

         What were the two supposed to do?

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